Health Alert! Chinese Killer Coronavirus and Colloidal Silver

SilverEdge Colloidal Silver Maker

Killer Chinese Coronavirus and Colloidal Silver

Killer Chinese Coronavirus and Colloidal Silver


Please Note: SomaVeda® Thai Yoga and Ayurveda Practitioners, Therapist and Ayuveda Physicians need to have and to offer Infection reducing strategies and systems. These systems need to be as natural, non-invasive and functional for a wide variety of conditions. We believe and teach that our creator spirit has given us a mandate to bring healing to our community as a sacredotal duty or religious, spiritual obligation! Using the silver in sacred waters derived from mother earth meets this criteria. Remember to always verify that your clients are NAIC Members and sign their informed consent form before recommending or administering Colloidal Silver as part of a health maintenance program.

(Repost of an original article by Steve Barwick)

Are you worried about the so-called “killer Chinese coronavirus” that the news media suddenly has everyone all hyped up about? And are you wondering whether or not colloidal silver will help stop it?

Let’s take a look, first, at the supposed Chinese coronavirus “pandemic,” to see if we really have anything to worry about. Then we’ll take a look at the growing body of evidence for using colloidal silver should such a “pandemic” ever actually develop.

If you’ll stick with me to the end, I’ll even give you my thoughts on how I’d personally use colloidal silver should the new “killer Chinese coronavirus” begin spreading throughout the U.S.

A Quick Trip Down Memory Lane

Remember back in the 2005 when the famous “Bird Flu” from Asia was going to race across the globe and kill millions of innocent people?

The news media claimed that a bird virus somehow “jumped species” and began infecting humans. And they dubbed it to be a “looming pandemic,” meaning it would eventually wreak havoc on people worldwide, killing millions upon millions.

Here’s the part you might not know about: The big drug companies then used the “Bird Flu” scare to convince western governments throughout Europe, America and Canada into stockpiling billions of dollars worth of the worthless antiviral drug, Tamiflu.

Indeed, taxpayer money was used to buy up just about every available bottle of the antiviral drug, worldwide, as a means of helping “prevent a coming pandemic.”

In the U.S., alone, a staggering $1.3 billion in taxpayer money was used to buy up a “strategic reserve” of Tamiflu. And throughout the world, governments spent nearly $9 billion of taxpayer money on this same drug.

Then, just as suddenly as it appeared, the “Bird Flu” disappeared.

And governments got stuck holding the bag, with warehouses full of a virtually worthless “antiviral drug” that studies had later determined only cut one-half day off the course of a typical viral infection. And even then, the drug had to be taken before the infection started in order to be effective.

And that’s how the big multi-national drug companies make sure they never lose a penny on drugs they’ve developed, even when those drugs are rife with side effects and virtually useless for their intended purpose.

The powers-that-be simply scare the living bejabbers out of the public, first. Then they sell them something to “protect them.” A Mafia protection racket works no differently.

Indeed, as Dr. Peter Gotzsche of the famous Cochrane Collaboration states in his book, Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Health Care: “Organized crime is the business model of big pharma.”

3 More Quick Examples

Here’s another quick example: What about the Swine Flu “epidemic” of 2009? That one, the news media told us, was caused by a bird virus that mysteriously combined with a pig virus, and then mutated to infect humans.

At the time, the news media assured us that “tens of thousands of people” were already being infected throughout the U.S., and that “millions would die.” Everyone was urged to run out and get their flu shots as quickly as possible. Flu shots sold out in days. So did face masks.

But as TV investigative reporter Sheryl Attkinson later reported, it turned out that health authorities hadn’t even been checking sick people for the “swine flu” virus in the U.S.

Indeed, the CDC, FDA and other health authorities were simply attributing every single upper respiratory illness in the U.S. that year to the “Swine Flu,” so they could claim that it “killed 22,000 Americans” when, in reality, they couldn’t point to even a single death from the actual “Swine Flu” virus. Not one.

In reality, most all of the deaths that year were from the normal flu, which the CDC admits kills some 36,000 Americans per year, virtually every year. But millions of Americans were stampeded to get their flu shots, and the big vaccine manufacturers reaped hundreds of millions more dollars in profits.

Another example: Perhaps you’ll remember just six short years ago, in 2014, when the powers-that-be and their news media lackeys drummed up the Ebola panic, telling us it was “inevitable” that the dreaded Ebola virus would flood into the U.S. from the Congo “any day now” and “infect millions.”

Yet it never happened, even though we were repeatedly assured by the news media – for weeks on end – that Ebola-infected individuals were “on their way to the U.S.” and that the resulting death toll from the coming epidemic would be “unstoppable.”

What happened? Nothing.

The entire nation was panicked so drug-makers could get the governments of the world to fund development of a new Ebola vaccine with taxpayer money – a vaccine which, I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out, was actually developed, and didn’t do a thing to stop the new 2019 Ebola outbreak in the Congo, in spite of some 130,000 doses being administered to the “most at risk” population in the Congo.

And who can forget about the most recent foreign virus scare, from 2017, i.e., the dreaded Zika virus scare?

We were told the virus was invading the U.S. from Brazil…that mosquitoes were carrying it throughout the southern U.S…and that it would cause genetic mutations in the babies of all pregnant mothers that got infected.

But what actually happened?

Err…nothing. It all quietly went away in a matter of weeks. The only thing keeping the scare going was the news media propaganda, replete with photos of pregnant women and dead or deformed babies. When the propaganda finally stopped, amazingly, the disease disappeared, along with all of the fear that had been drummed up.

Bats and Snakes and Mice, Oh, My!

Now, this year, 2020, we’re being treated to the so-called “killer Chinese coronavirus” scare.

The news media tells us this particular coronavirus is somehow passed to humans who have eaten bats, snakes and mice. Oh, my!

Then, the humans supposedly pass the virus they got from eating bats, snakes and mice along to other humans. Through coughing. Just like the flu.

Hmm. Has anybody checked to see if it actually is the flu? It’s flu season, after all. Right?

Even if this killer Chinese coronavirus is real, there’s one big problem with the scenario they’re painting for us here in the west: In Asia, people have been eating bats, snakes and mice for centuries. It’s nothing new. And it’s never caused a global viral pandemic in the past. So once again, I find myself saying, “Hmm.”

Today’s news media is extremely sophisticated, in terms of propaganda. They’re actually tagging this supposedly “looming new threat” with every emotional element they know causes a deep and abiding sense of fear in people. Think about it. The mystery virus, we’re told by the media, is:

  • From the darkest reaches of China, with the implication being that it’s “foreign”…it’s out to get us…and therefore it’s a far more serious threat than anything domestic.
  • It originates from bats, snakes and mice – yes, three creatures everyone in the west cringes at the very sight of. If you want to make a westerner squeamish with fear, just yell, “Look, snake!” or “Look, mice!” or “Look, bats!”
  • It’s “mutating rapidly out-of-control – in other words, it’s like a Frankenstein monster turned loose on the streets; you’d better lock yourself and the children inside, because the killer Chinese coronavirus is coming for you!
  • It’s killing people, for goodness sakes! (But you have to read the fine print to find out that so far, as of this writing, only 17 people have died from this virus in China, out of a population of 1.3 billion .)

These are just some of the emotional “triggers” the news media are using to make the “killer Chinese coronavirus” appear to be a looming global threat.

Repeat these emotional triggers often enough, day after day after day, on national TV, and couple them with dramatic photos of people in China wearing face masks for protection, and voila’, you get a panicked population here in the U.S..

Yes, even if not one word of the hype is true.

Why Do They Want to Promote Panic Now?

But why would the news media want to promote such a crazy state of global panic?

coronavirus propaganda - can colloidal silver help?Well, who could possibly benefit the most from drumming up fear of a foreign killer virus?

Do I really need to tell you? Yes? Okay then. The answer is this:

Vaccine makers.

And sure enough, a drug manufacturing company called Novavax announced this past week that their stock had soared some 68% virtually overnight due to the fact they’ve been working on a vaccine for the “deadly coronavirus from China.”

So there’s a brand new vaccine in the making for this so-called killer Chinese coronavirus. No big surprise, right?

Any salesman or marketer will tell you that the #1 tool for promoting sales is…drum roll, please…fear. If you make people believe their lives are in imminent danger, they’ll pretty much buy whatever you’re selling. And they’ll do so immediately.

And that’s what’s coming down the pike, folks: A long and sensationalistic news media campaign to scare people like you and me into submitting to an annual coronavirus vaccine, along with the usual annual flu shots. It’s coming. They’ll probably even start giving it to babies. You can bank on it. Novavax certainly is.

A Genetically Engineered Vaccine?

There’s one crucial piece of information you need to know about this new vaccine being developed for the Chinese coronavirus: According to Novavax, the vaccine uses a “recombinant nanoparticle.”

Yes, that means it’s a genetically engineered vaccine. Indeed, Novavax openly admits on their website for this vaccine that they developed it from the genetically engineered cells of…bugs. Yes, bugs. In this case, a crop-damaging worm called an Armyworm that, in nature, eventually turns into a moth.

But genetically modified worm cells won’t be the only thing you’ll get in your upcoming coronavirus vaccine. Nosiree. You’ll get genetically modified worm cells that have been infected with another virus! And it’s an insect virus. As Novavax states on their website:

“We produce our vaccine nanoparticles in cells originally isolated in the 1970s from the ovaries of the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda).

The Sf9 insect cell line can grow in apparent perpetuity when infected with a baculovirus (BV), a virus that infects only insects.

Because a baculovirus can be engineered to carry one or more foreign genes of interest, it can be used to “program” (infect) the Sf9 cells to efficiently produce the desired protein or proteins that are correctly folded and biologically active.

Novavax uses the Sf9 system to construct recombinant protein nanoparticles that have the potential to provide increase protection.”

So they want to inject you and your children or grandchildren with the genetically modified cells of dead worms that have been infected with a supposedly “benign” insect virus, in order to protect you from a virus that originated from Chinese people eating snakes, bats and mice!

What could possibly go wrong?

As one of my favorite journalists, Jon Rappoport, has stated on his popular blog site,

“…that means the vaccine will permanently alter the genetic makeup of anyone who takes the shot.”

Oh, joy. That’s one more vaccine I simply won’t be taking. How about you?

Can you imagine what it would take to convince people in the western world to take this new vaccine made of genetically modified worm genes combined with an insect virus? Well, if you thought “loads of fear” you’re right. That’s exactly what it would take. And that’s exactly what they’re giving us.

Author Jon Rappoport goes on to say,

“You automatically believe this Chinese coronavirus is a killer?

You automatically believe the press when they ratchet up the fear?

You automatically believe medical experts have found a virus and proved it’s causing human illness?

You’re now on the Gong Show on roller skates.


As you can probably tell, Jon Rappoport – who’s been writing about viruses and vaccines since 1987, including a best-selling book on the subject – isn’t too keen on the scare tactics being used by the news media to promote fear over non-existent “viral pandemics.”

He’s not even sure if this new Chinese coronavirus actually exists, or causes any disease at all in humans. Or is it all just media-driven hype to help promote the coming vaccine?

Don’t Let Them Get You Too Worked Up Over It

We’ve seen all of this far too many times in the past. There’s nothing new under the sun, and that includes deception from our government and corporate overlords, so they can make more money off of us and gain more control over us.

So don’t let the news media get you too worked up over this so-called killer Chinese coronavirus issue.

The powers-that-be always try to make these things sound like a “global pandemic,” when, in reality, to date, only about five hundred people have been infected in China.

And as of this writing, only 17 of those people have died, compared to 36,000 people

who die from the common flu each and every year right here in the U.S.

coronavirus propaganda from Drudge Report

Look, even a single death is one death too many. But 17 deaths out of 1.3 billion people is hardly the stuff “epidemics” are made of.

Clearly, you’re far better off preparing to fend off the good ole USA flu (which kills 36,000 Americans per year) than worrying about some obscure virus from China that mostly infects people who eat bats, snakes and mice.

The news media is really trying to hype this “killer Chinese coronavirus” out of all proportion to reality. They’re going overboard with it.

But like all of the other strange viral epidemics and pandemics we’ve been promised over the last ten years, this one, too, will most likely drift away with a whimper rather than go out with a bang.

Is Colloidal Silver Effective Against
The Chinese Killer Coronavirus?

Since the killer Chinese coronavirus is said to be relatively new, having only recently mutated from snakes, bats and mice to the point it could infect humans, there’s quite literally zero scientific info as to whether colloidal silver (or anything else, for that matter) would work against it.

But…colloidal silver has been known to work against a number of other coronaviruses. So let’s take a look at what the existing literature says:

According to Herbert Slavin, M.D., founder and director of the Institute of Advanced Medicine, Lauderhill, Florida:

“…A study at the University of Arizona recently showed ionic silver to be effective against the coronavirus that researchers use as the surrogate for SARS.”

SARS stands for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. The coronavirus behind SARS produces the same kind of respiratory syndrome as caused by the new Chinese coronavirus. According to a Business Wire article about the study:

“The study tested various ionic silver and copper levels to determine if they were effective against the human coronavirus strain 229E, a strain commonly used as a surrogate for the SARS virus in laboratory research.

The research demonstrated significant reductions of the virus within 1 hour (90 percent) and reduced virus levels to below the detection limit following 24 hours of exposure (99.99 percent).”

Wow. In this study, the researchers saw a 90% reduction in coronavirus levels within the first hour, and a 99.99% reduction within 24 hours.

“This research demonstrates that ionic silver has the potential to deactivate viruses in a relatively short period of time,” said Jeff Trogolo, Ph.D., chief technology officer, AgION Technologies, Inc.

That’s actually quite amazing. So now we know for sure that the ionic form of colloidal silver – aka electrically generated colloidal silver – works against at least one extremely serious form of coronavirus.

That’s heartening, right? But it’s certainly not all we have to go on. Let’s keep digging:

At the above link you’ll find a retrospective study of silver-based therapeutics and their effects on viruses, published in the Journal of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine (June 2003).

The authors concluded that even with the SARS coronavirus, “swift reduction of viral loads” could be achieved using “oligodynamic Ag1” (i.e., electrically generated colloidal silver). Here’s what they stated:

“State-of-the-art, electrolytically produced ‘oligodynamic’ Ag1…offers distinct advantages and versatility of use over older and cruder formulations.

Possessing much smaller, subnanometer-sized particles, greater electrical potential and lower concentrations, it is more bio-available than other formulations.

Efficacy against the SARS-related coronavirus, for example, may be enhanced when nebulized Ag1 is inhaled. This should achieve swift reduction of viral loads, especially in the early stages.”

As you can see, the study authors recommend using the ionic form of colloidal silver, with a nebulizer, so it can be atomized into a mist and easily inhaled into the lungs. After all, the coronavirus is a respiratory virus.

So if you’d like to learn more about using colloidal silver in a nebulizer in order to get silver particles into your respiratory system during times of cold or flu (or coronavirus threat), see the following article and short video:

The study authors conclude by stating that electrically-generated colloidal silver appears to be effective against coronavirus even in its mutated forms. They wrote:

“The only known mechanism of resistance also appears to play no role notwithstanding the mutability of the coronavirus. Therefore no functional barrier to the virotoxic effects of oligodynamic Ag1 may be expected regardless of the rapidity or variety of mutations.”

So it’s unlikely the coronavirus can mutate to the point that silver is not effective against it. But that’s still not all I’ve found. Let’s keep digging:

The European Patent

Did you know there’s actually an international patent, from a Japanese chemical manufacturing company, for using silver ions to inactivate the coronavirus on walls, floors, countertops, clothing and other “touch surfaces”?

Well, there is, and you can read it, here:

According to the patent, silver ions can be used to completely inactivate the coronavirus on surfaces. They write:

“The present invention relates to an anti-coronaviral agent that is effective in treating coronaviruses and can be mixed with plastics, paints and the like. It also relates to an anti-coronaviral product made from fibers, resins and others that contain the anti-coronaviral agent.”

The researchers go on to say:

“…the problem can be solved by using a silver ion as an active ingredient and having the silver ion stably held by a carrier…which is useful for inactivating a coronavirus, and also relates to a method for inactivating a coronavirus using the silver ion carrier according to the present invention.”

Pretty exciting stuff, right?

Silver ions – the form of silver you can make for just pennies with any good colloidal silver generator – inactivates coronavirus on surfaces such as doorknobs and countertops. So it would likely do so inside the human body, as well, don’t you think?

At the very least, if the new killer Chinese coronavirus becomes a true threat here in the U.S., you can spray colloidal silver on your home’s touch surfaces each day (i.e., doorknobs, countertops, cutting boards, toilet seats, kitchen and bathroom sinks, etc.) in order to help stop the virus from being picked up and spread by others.

You could even run some colloidal silver in a cool mist vaporizer so silver ions would be spread as a mist throughout your home!

There’s a lot of peace of mind in that, don’t you think?

The Chinese Study

There’s also a very interesting clinical study out of China, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, in which researchers mixed silver nanoparticles with graphene (i.e., carbon atoms, known as fullerenes) and tested them against a coronavirus known to infect cats.

The researchers found that while graphene alone did not inhibit growth of the coronavirus very much, the graphene mixed with silver nanoparticles did.

This study, having been conducted on the feline coronavirus, reminds me of the time a reader wrote in about using colloidal silver to heal his cat that was afflicted with Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), which, according to Cornell University, is actually caused by a coronavirus.

The reader wrote me to say that while their veterinarian had pronounced a death sentence on the sick cat, the colloidal silver saved its life. Here’s what he wrote:

“Using the “standard” colloidal silver concentration produced during a three-hour generation from our Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator, we have successfully cured two different infections that conventional medicine has not consistently addressed.

In particular, Bruiser, our Japanese Bobtail, was sentenced to certain death by a local vet who declared that the kitty’s illness indicated by lab tests was FIP (feline infectious peritonitis) and was incurable.

Three other vets confirmed the FIP and the death sentence, including an area alternative medicine vet who refused my suggestion to try colloidal silver, and abused the kitty with vitamin shots to no avail.

For the first few months after Bruiser’s veterinarians failed to successfully address the FIP, my wife and I gave him an eyedropper full (approximately 1 teaspoon) several times daily. His appetite improved quickly and he started playing with his sister again, so we reduced the dosage to several times a week.

Bruiser is now another five years older (total six+ years) and is well and healthy. We occasionally fill an eye dropper and give him a drink if he seems to be feeling lethargic.

We feel that colloidal silver performed miraculously, where conventional ‘cat medicine’ and veterinarians failed the test!”

– Dale T., CO

Remember, this cat had an “incurable” coronavirus infection, very similar to what’s infecting people in China right now. And we have a number of similar accounts in the hopper. Here’s one more quick one:

“Hi Steve! I wanted to give you an update on ‘Ditto,’ my kitten with FIP.

He’s been on the Silver since last year. He should be a year old around May, they aren’t sure when he was born. He was pulled from his mom at a young age.

I’m just glad we ended up with him. Having FIP, most people just put them to sleep because it’s 100% fatal.

Well, the Colloidal Silver is keeping him alive. I’m so glad I came across your site. I will keep you posted as time goes on. THANK YOU!

BTW, at first, we just gave Ditto straight colloidal silver in place of her regular water, for a couple of days.

Then, we decreased the dosage to about a 1/2 cup of colloidal silver added to her water for the next couple of weeks.

When she was so sick she wasn’t drinking our eating, we had to give the colloidal silver to her through a medicine dropper. We gave her as much as she would take, and she actually loved it.”

– Shelly PB

Once again, don’t forget: FIP is caused by an “incurable” coronavirus that afflicts cats. Yet colloidal silver seems to be able to cure it quite handily. Which is good news for those of us who might be concerned about this new coronavirus coming out of China.

The Final Solution?

Finally, two highly respected researchers, Dr. Eric Gordon, MD and Dr. Kent Holtorf, MD, writing in the prestigious Townsend Letter for Doctors, believe colloidal silver is the answer to many forms of viral infections, including serious upper respiratory viral infections and viral pandemics such as those caused by coronaviruses.

They wrote:

“During the past 300 years, humanity has suffered 10 pandemics and several epidemic scares. Could the solution to pandemics have a simple answer? Has Nature always held the key to defeating pathogens in a simple Ag+ [i.e., ionic silver] molecule?”

They then point out in their scientific white paper titled “A Promising Cure for Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Pandemics, Including the Avian Flu: Has the Final Solution to the Coming Plagues Been Discovered?” that “the collective authoritative medical literature has documented efficacy of silver’s virotoxicity against over 24 viruses.”

What’s more, the authors state that the 200-plus viral strains known to cause upper respiratory tract infections, including most flu viruses, will also most likely succumb to the powerful antiviral qualities of very small particles of “oligodynamic silver” (i.e., a medical reference to electrically-generated colloidal silver being extremely powerful even in small quantities).

In fact, the authors point out that silver is likely going to be the answer to any future global viral pandemic, stating:

“A broad-spectrum anti-viral agent that really works is needed to combat over 200 viruses that cause Upper Respiratory Tract Infections. Undoubtedly oligodynamic silver fits this bill…Emerging medical studies confirm the stellar, broad-spectrum virotoxic efficacy of oligodynamic silver both in vitro and in vivo.”

What’s more, the authors state that not only has silver been demonstrated to decimate many of the viruses associated with deadly viral infections, but it has also been proven to decimate most of the well-known bacterial pathogens that cause serious secondary infections during a viral infection, including the following:

  • Streptococcus pneumonia
  • Corynebacterium diphtheriae
  • Neisseria gonorrhoeae
  • Klebsiella pneumoniae
  • Haemophilus influenzae
  • Bordetella pertussis
  • Mycobacterium (Tuberculosis)
  • Inflammatory conditions of the eyes, ears, nose, and throat
  • Spring Catarrh
  • Pneumococci
  • Pneumonia

It’s these secondary bacterial infections that often kill the infected individual, once the flu virus has sufficiently weakened the body.

But colloidal silver’s powerful, broad-spectrum anti-viral qualities covers such a wide range of viral pathogens you can easily see why the report’s authors – both respected medical doctors – refer to silver as “the Final Solution to the Coming Plagues.”

Summing It All Up…

We’ve now got wall-to-wall 24/7 news media coverage of the so-called killer Chinese coronavirus, even though, as of this writing, only about 17 people have died and about 500 have been infected, out of a population of 1.3 billion Chinese.

That works out to one infected person per every 76 million people in China.

In other words, even at its epicenter, in China, the disease is barely causing a ripple. Yet the western news media assures us the world is about to end, and that a Chinese coronavirus that normally infects snakes, mice and bats is going to be the culprit.

We can also conclude with a great deal of confidence that the news media’s fearful drumbeats are most likely designed to ramp up public acceptance – yes, even stimulate public demand – for the coming new coronavirus vaccine, which, according to the vaccine maker, contains genetically modified worm genes infected with an insect virus.

Yummy. Fine dining at its best, right? Hey, they only have our best interests at heart. How could you possibly believe otherwise?

And finally, we’ve learned that while colloidal silver has not yet been tested against the so-called killer Chinese coronavirus, it has indeed been demonstrated in medical studies to be effective against other coronaviruses, such as the SARS coronavirus.

This has led natural health experts to proclaim that silver should be equally effective against newly developing coronaviruses, as well.

We’ve also seen that a Japanese chemical conglomerate operating out of Europe has patented a technique for using silver ions to stop the spread of coronaviruses on touch surfaces, such as doorknobs, toilets, kitchen and bathroom sinks, etc.

And we’ve seen that a medical retrospective of studies on the subject of silver’s effectiveness against viruses has led researchers to believe that colloidal silver would indeed be effective against modern-day plague viruses such as the coronaviruses.

So I’ll be sticking with my colloidal silver, should this viral outbreak in China actually become a worldwide pandemic.

What I’d Do if the Chinese Coronavirus Arrives

If I was concerned about catching this virus – which, at this point in time, I’m definitely not – I’d probably take an ounce of colloidal silver per day as a prophylactic measure, meaning, as a means of helping prevent the virus from taking hold inside my body should I ever be exposed to it.

If I thought I’d already been infected with the Chinese coronavirus, I’d certainly consider taking the following four simple steps:

1.) I’d drink an ounce of colloidal silver up to four times per day.

2.) I’d nebulizer colloidal silver into my lungs up to three or four times per day, for maybe five minutes at a time.

3.) I’d use a pump spray bottle with a fine mist nozzle to spray the various touch surfaces in my home with colloidal silver, i.e., kitchen countertops, sinks, toilets, doorknobs, etc. – anything people in my home commonly touch throughout the course of a day.

4.) I’d get plenty of bed rest, and drink plenty of fluids, as per any other upper respiratory viral infection.

Now, those are just my thoughts. They’re not a “prescription” from me, so please don’t take it as being so. I’m not a doctor. I’m just a journalist with a peculiar interest in natural health.

My main point is this: Don’t let the news media panic you with their fear-mongering tactics. They’ve had a nearly 20-year Reign of Error on predicting epidemics and pandemics. All of their predictions, for the most part, have been abysmal failures.

They say even a broken clock is right twice a day. And that’s true. So sooner or later the medical authorities are going to get one right. Maybe this one. But even then, we’ve got colloidal silver in our corner. So why worry? And why allow ourselves to be driven by fear?

Important Addendum: Where to Find Colloidal Silver

Where to find colloidal silver?If you’re brand new to colloidal silver usage and are wondering where to buy it, it’s important to know that you can find it in just about any well-stocked health food store in America.

It’s also available on Amazon and numerous other websites.

But it can be extremely expensive. In fact, because colloidal silver works so well against numerous forms of infection and disease, it has the highest price mark-up of any nutritional supplement in existence.

The amount of actual silver in a four-ounce bottle of colloidal silver is about five to 12 cents worth. (Yes, I said five to twelve cents.)

Yet because that small amount of silver is all it takes to decimate so many different kinds of infections, the manufacturers mark it up about 63,000%, charging a whopping $20 or $30 per bottle.

What’s more, manufacturers promoting the latest faddish colloidal silver product often charge far more per bottle – sometimes $35 to $50 for a tiny four-ounce bottle.

And people are more than willing to pay through the nose for these commercial colloidal silver products at health food stores because colloidal silver does indeed heal infections and prevent the spread of germs and disease faster and better than any other natural supplement on the planet!

So, commercially speaking, the retail price of colloidal silver at health food stores reflects its value to the consumer far more so than its true cost to produce. But here’s the good news:

Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver EdgeMake Your Own High-Quality Colloidal Silver for Pennies!

As I mentioned, typical health food store prices for colloidal silver can range from $20 to $30 for a tiny, four-ounce bottle.

But with a brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge, you can make your own safe, pure, high-quality micro-particle colloidal silver for about36 cents a quart! In other words, you can make it at actual cost, just like the big colloidal silver bottlers do.

Compared to health food store prices, your first two one-quart batches literally pay for the entire cost of your new generator! Do you know of any other health product that literally pays for itself the very first few times you use it? The savings are absolutely astonishing!

In fact, by making your own high-quality colloidal silver with a brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge, you’ll be as close to having FREE colloidal silver as you can get, and for the rest of your life!

You’ll never have to pay those exorbitant health food store prices again!

The new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator is now the world’s #1 best-selling colloidal silver generator. Here are just a few reasons why you should own one…

  • It pays for itself after your very first batch or two – your total cost to make your first one-quart batch is about 36 cents, compared to the $240 you’d pay at a health food store if you bought an equivalent amount (i.e., eight of those little 4-ounce bottles they normally sell for $30 apiece)!
  • Safe, simple to operate…No special skills needed…You just set the handy timer, plug it in, walk away, and three hours later you have a perfect batch of therapeutic quality micro-particle colloidal silver…every time! Here’s a short pictorial demonstrating how astonishingly easy it is to use a new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge:

How To Use the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge – Step 1
How To Use the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge – Step 2
How To Use the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge – Step 3
How To Use the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge – Step 4

  • Produces uncommonly small silver micro-particles as low as .8 nm. That’s a fraction of a single nanometer. Compare that to health food store colloidal silver which can contain silver particles as large as 200 nm to 1,000 nm (or even larger), and you’ll see why micro-particle colloidal silver is the very best there is! Smaller particles mean your body can absorb and utilize up to 99% of the colloidal silver you take, compared to maybe 30% or 40% with many health food store brands!
  • Runs on standard household electricity, but uses less power than a tiny Christmas tree bulb – you won’t even see a blip on your electric bill!
  • Produces uniform, crystal clear batches every single time that store for months, or even years, without losing potency!
  • Cannot produce silver chloride or unsafe substances – you get pure, therapeutic-quality micro-particle colloidal silver every time, with nothing added and nothing to limit its effectiveness!

Just read through some of the nearly 1,000 customer reviews and testimonials here to see for yourself how you’ll save literally thousands of dollars per year by making your own colloidal silver with your brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge!

The Bottom Line…

With a high-quality Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge, you’ll never again have to pay exorbitant health food store or internet vendor prices for high-quality colloidal silver!

Indeed, your first batch or two will indeed completely pay for the entire cost of your generator, compared to health food store prices!

What’s more, you’ll be able to give colloidal silver away FREE to family members, friends and neighbors, because you’ll be making it – literally – for only a few pennies per batch!

  • To learn more about this phenomenal new breakthrough in colloidal silver-making technology, click this link.
  • And to save a whopping $100 on your order of a brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator, click this link!

Meanwhile, I’ll be back next week with another great article on colloidal silver…

Yours for the safe, sane and responsible use of colloidal silver,

Steve Barwick Signature

Steve Barwick, author

The Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual

Helpful Links:

Make Your Own Colloidal Silver for Pennies


Important Note and Disclaimer: The contents of this Ezine- Article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Information conveyed herein is from sources deemed to be accurate and reliable, but no guarantee can be made in regards to the accuracy and reliability thereof. The author, Steve Barwick, is a natural health journalist with over 30 years of experience writing professionally about natural health topics. He is not a doctor. Therefore, nothing stated in this Ezine should be construed as prescriptive in nature, nor is any part of this Ezine meant to be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Nothing reported herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The author is simply reporting in journalistic fashion what he has learned during the past 17 years of journalistic research into colloidal silver and its usage. Therefore, the information and data presented should be considered for informational purposes only and approached with caution. Readers should verify for themselves, and to their own satisfaction, from other knowledgeable sources such as their doctor, the accuracy and reliability of all reports, ideas, conclusions, comments, and opinions stated herein. All important health care decisions should be made under the guidance and direction of a legitimate, knowledgeable and experienced health care professional. Readers are solely responsible for their choices. The author and publisher disclaim responsibility and/or liability for any loss or hardship that may be incurred as a result of the use or application of any information included in this Ezine.

Copyright 2020 | Life & Health Research Group, LLC | PO Box 1239 | Peoria AZ 85380-1239 | All rights reserved.

Click the image above to learn more about the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator that allows you to make high-quality colloidal silver for less than 36 cents a quart, and is so easy to use, even my 88 year old mom uses one!

(Repost of an original article by Steve Barwick with permission) Copyright 2020. No reproduction without the expressed written permission of The Silver Edge.

Please Note! SomaVeda® Thai Yoga and Ayurveda Practitioners, Therapist and Ayuveda Physicians need to have and to offer Infection reducing strategies and systems. These systems need to be as natural, non-invasive and functional for a wide variety of conditions. We believe and teach that our creator spirit has given us a mandate to bring healing to our community as a sacredotal duty or religious, spiritual obligation! Using the silver in sacred waters derived from mother earth meets this criteria. Remember to always verify that your clients are NAIC Members and sign their informed consent form before recommending or administering Colloidal Silver as part of a health maintenance program.

[IMPORTANT NOTE AND DISCLAIMER: We are not doctors. We are distributors of electronic appliances and nutritional supplements. Therefore we cannot and do not offer medical advice. Please do not call with medical questions. If you have a medical problem, please see your licensed physician. Self-treatment is not recommended. The FDA has not evaluated the information contained on this web site. Products distributed by The Silver Edge are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Testimonials are the subjective experiences of our customers and are not intended to be construed as being prescriptive in nature, nor a guarantee that the usage methods described are safe, effective or reliable, nor a guarantee that your results will be the same; individual results may vary. Additionally, the contents of this web site are strictly for information purposes only, and should not in any way be construed as providing or attempting to provide medical advice. Information on this web site is derived from sources deemed to be accurate and reliable, but no guarantee, express or implied, can be made regarding the accuracy or reliability of same. Therefore readers are encouraged to verify for themselves and to their own satisfaction the accuracy and reliability of all reports, recommendations, conclusions, comments, and opinions. The Silver Edge does not make any claims or promises as to health benefits accruing from the use of any product. There is plenty of publicly available independent documentation — both pro and con — regarding the uses and efficacy of colloidal silver and its long history in health and medicine. For a comprehensive overview, you may want to obtain a copy of The Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual (547 pages, from Life & Health Research Group, LLC, 1-888-846-9029). Or see the link above to “Some Interesting Sources of Information on Colloidal Silver.” Colloidal silver generators are electronic appliances designed to produce high-quality silver colloid. They are not medical devices. The Silver Edge specifically disclaims responsibility or liability for any loss or hardship that may be incurred by the reader as a result of the application of any information included on this web site, or as a result of the use or misuse of any electronic product or nutritional supplement. You are solely responsible for your health and nutrition choices. Anyone with additional information on colloidal silver is encouraged to write to The Silver Edge at the address directly below, so that it can be shared with others who may be interested.]

November 2019 SomaVeda Thai Yoga Practitioner Certification Program

Thai Yoga Center

July 2019 SomaVeda Thai Yoga Practitioner Certificate class

November 164hr Thai Yoga Practitioner Certification 2019:

SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Certified Practitioner Program:CTP (164 hour residential intensive). This 17 day, ( November 8th. to November 24th. 2019) program covered all four levels of the Basic Professional Thai Yoga Certificate Program plus 20 additional breakout and/or supplemental courses. The CTP1 course is an intensive training based on Traditional Thai Massage, Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, Indigenous, Traditional, Natural and Native American Medicine.

1) November 2019 SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Cert. Program Photo Gallery



The November 2019: 164hr. Thai Yoga Practitioner Certificate Course qualifies towards all advanced certificate (Accredited, State of Florida Compliant, AAPNA, NCBTMB) and SCNM College Degree programs in Indigenous, Traditional, Natural Medicine, Ayurveda, Ayurveda Life Style Consultant, Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist and SomaVeda® Thai yoga Therapy practitioner. Graduates are qualified to practice and to provide health and wellness services for Spirit, Mind and Body for a variety of health related concerns and issues in all 50 states and Canada!

Yoga Teacher already? Bring a comprehensive Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy practice to your school or program in only 17 days! This amazing Ayurveda, Yoga and Yoga Therapy retreat at the beautiful 5 acre Native American Indigenous Church Sanctuary offers a healing atmosphere unique to central Florida. Learn, Restore and Grow!

Unique to our program! Daily Reishi Yoga also known as “Reusi Dot Ton”. Bring a new and exciting Yoga practice to your home life and Shala/ Studio!

Massage Therapist? Bring the exciting therapies of Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy to your practice. Save your Hands! Our unique “Hands Free! Thai Yoga” variations have not only enlivened careers but have saved many Massage Therapist from debilitating occupational disabilities such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome!  NCBTMB and FSMTB CE hrs. Approved. Learn how to double your existing practice and income!

Allied or Medical Health Practitioner: Doctor, Nurse, Chiropractor, Acupuncture, Nutrition, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist? Looking to expand your practice offering with CAM procedures and practices proven effective? It is well known that Indigenous Traditional Medical Systems are the basis of CAM procedures. Learn from the source!

The 164 hr. CTP1 qualifies as the pre-requisite course requirement for all SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine Degrees.  The SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certificate course additional qualifies graduates for all Intermediate, Advanced and Teacher Certification programs in SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy .

What is Somaveda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Thai Yoga?


NCBTMB Approved Provider for Continuing Education

For full description, curriculum and registration details CLICK HERE

For NAIC/ SCNM Thai Yoga Center Tuition Grants and Scholarships CLICK HERE



School of Ayurveda


Can’t make it to a live class? Join our LearnThaiYoga “Jump Start Your Healing Practice” Home Study/ Distance Learning Platform! Over 30 different on-line, self paced courses to give you access to some of the same high quality instruction you would receive in a LIVE SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certification Program. Although, there is no substitute for LIVE training under a Thai Ajahn such as Dr. Anthony B. James, Ajahn Dr. James has personally crafted these On-line programs to give you access to authenticity.

Can’t afford to join a LIVE class … even with a tuition scholarship? LearnThaiYoga On-line is only $12.00 per month!

Already have a practice, but it’s not working? Your not making money? Your not having a successful life experience as a Thai Yoga and or healing arts professional? In the Learn Thai Yoga On-line platform you will find details healing arts business development and marketing plans based on 38 years of professional experience in this industry. Join us at Learn Thai Yoga!

NAIC SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine Graduation November 2019

St. James Episcopal Church (House of Prayer)

Saturday, November 16th. 2019 The Native American Indigenous Church (NAIC) Seminary/ Priory of Saving Grace & SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine (SCNM)/ Thai Yoga Center in Affiliation with the Sacred Medical Order of the Church of Hope (SMOKH) & The Eastern Apostolic Orthodox Catholic Church of the East (Syrian / Chaldean Rite) hosted the annual SCNM College Graduation, Induction and Ordination of Ministers Ceremony and Celebration.

SCNM Graduation November 2019

NAIC SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine Graduation November 16th. 2019

SCNM Graduation PHOTO Gallery

We held our annual SCNM College Graduation at the Historic St. James Episcopal Church (House of Prayer) in Tampa, Florida. Faculty, students, friends and family members were in attendance. Several functions were served during the ceremony. Formal induction into our respective sacred religious orders. The Ordination of Ministers and Monastic Doctors, Granting of Degree’s and Diploma’s as well as the signing of a formal mutual recognition Treaty between the Taino, Borinkin Tribal Nation of Puerto Rico and NAIC, SMOKH.

We were privileged to have attendees and dignitaries from Puerto Rico, Nevis-St. Kitts West Indies, Bolivia, Ecuador, various US states and Canada. Presiding over religious ordinations was Father (Padre) Mar Basilius Adao Perrera Patriarch of the Eastern Apostolic Orthodox Catholic Church of the East (Syrian / Chaldean Rite) who traveled from Brazil to be with us. Dr. Anthony B. James Dean of SCNM, Dr. Julie A. James Registrar SCNM represented SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine, a Florida DOE Compliant Degree Granting Institution. Prof. Dr. Charles McWilliams Dean of our affiliate PanAmerican School of Natural Medicine Nevis, West Indies and Lares Puerto Rico pressed in capacity of Grand Maestro. SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine Graduate Ken Lee Pennock was awarded dual degrees of Doctorate of Natural Medicine and Doctorate of Sacred Natural Medicine with emphasis in Ayurveda Medicine. Dr. Kenneth Lee Pennock is in addition a SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Thai Yoga Certified Teacher, Advanced Certified SomaVeda® Thai Yoga practitioner, Medicine Man and ceremony leader in the Native American Indigenous Church Tribal Church and organization.

Students and faculty currently attending the November 164 Hour SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certification Program, SomaVeda® Ayurveda Life Style Consultant Certification and SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Teacher Certification Program were also in attendance.

SCNM Graduation PHOTO Gallery

For more information please visit us at,, INSTAGRAM @ThaiYogaCenter

New! Ayurvedic Thai Table Retreat and Certification!

Ayurvedic Thai Table Class

SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy Table Retreat and Certification: February 14, 15 & 16th. 2020

(Friday evening, all day Saturday & Sunday) Call (706) 358-8646 for registration or other information.

Yes, that’s right! Aachan, Dr. Anthony B. James, the “Father” of Thai Yoga Therapy in the US is blessing and sharing with us his sacred teachings, bountiful wisdom, and uncompromising JOY! They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. If that is true then Dr. J’s. teaching on adaptations of the Thai Traditional Medicine to the Massage Table is highly sought after by many Thai Yoga and Thai Massage Teachers! Consider training with the source! Now you can learn the Ayurvedic Thai Table Bodywork applications from the Master in person!

In the past practitioners were required to take the WHOLE SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certification Program to gain access to the Thai Table Techniques taught by Aachan, Dr. James… Now for the first time these exciting Thai Table applications and techniques are being presented as a standalone class!

SomaVeda® Thai Table for Bodyworkers and Therapist: Class is located at the NAIC Thai Yoga Center in beautiful Brooksville, Florida. Great place to winter retreat!

Ancient Thai Yoga on the Table

This training and healing retreat is slated to be a magical three days of SomaVeda® Thai style Physical Therapy, Indigenous Medicine and healing. SomaVeda® Thai Yoga on the “Table” as therapy modality allows the practitioner the versatility to practice SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy techniques on clients while on the “massage” table instead of the traditional mat or futon. 24 CEUs. Please let us know if you need lodging!

Full Tuition at the Door $400.00

Early Bird Registration Save $100.00! $50.00 down to secure your spot!

Somaveda® Table Thai Yoga: Just because we are indigenous and traditional does not mean we are not innovative! SomaVeda® applications and procedures for the massage table are found in all levels of professional certificate and Ayurveda programs.

Featuring innovative work on the translation and adaptation of traditional SomaVeda® position treatment methods for the ‘ Modern Massage Table. This beautiful Thai Yoga Table Massage was first demonstrated by Dr. Anthony James nationally in the US in 1991 at the AOBTA (American Oriental Bodywork Therapy Association) National conference in New Orleans.

Unlike using the Thai Yoga Massage Mats or futon style mat, this work is appropriate for the work place, corporate and/ or industrial settings as well as conventional yoga therapy, Ayurveda treatment and Massage Therapy venues.

SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Table Massage incorporates virtually every conceivable Seated Thai Yoga Massage and Yoga Therapy technique, Asana and Vinyasana. Learn how to do all the primary Thai Massage flows, using the Massage Therapy table for advantage and leverage. Thai Yoga Table reduces and or eliminates repetitive stress resulting from common massage practice.

This is very similar work to that practiced in virtually all of the 160 plus Veterans Hospitals in Thailand. We also incorporate methods given to us by Grand Master Anantasuk of the Anantasuk Thai Massage school famous for their programs at the Wiangklaikangwan Industrial college under patronage of the Thai King and Royal family. Dr. Anthony B. James is a recognized Aachan in the Anantasuk school and Wat Po Association of Thai Traditional Medical Schools. Dr. James is also a Thai UTTS (Union of Thai Traditional Medicine Society) Lifetime Licensed Traditional Thai Doctor!

Full Tuition at the Door $400.00

Early Bird Registration Save $100.00! $50.00 deposit to secure your spot!

SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Table techniques and applications are perfect for PT’s, Physical Therapist, Massage Therapist or any holistic minded healer, Doctor or Therapist looking to expand their clinical offerings!

Even if your NOT a Massage professional, SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Table, under our program, can be practiced anywhere in the US legally!

This course, using the unique SomaVeda® philosophy brings the idea of using a conventional massage table for therapy to the next higher evolution. This means more work, more benefit to both the therapists and client with less effort and risk of debilitating injury. Learn how to affect the whole person in this most portable of treatment protocols

* Deposit donation is non-refundable as per NAIC Cancellation and Refund Policy.

** Final balance after deposit is due no later than by 5:00pm January 14th. 2020.

Class is located at the Thai Yoga Center Sanctuary in Brooksville, Florida!


NAIC: SCNM accreditation’s, Approvals and Recognition’s

SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies®, SomaVeda®  are a Federally Registered Trademark/ Servicemark and proprietary Intellectual Property, All World Rights Reserved.

Native American Indigenous Church

Historic First SomaVeda® level One in Ponce, Puerto Rico!

SomaVeda® Fundamentals of Thai Yoga Ponce Puerto Rico

The First SomaVeda® Fundamentals of Thai Yoga, level One Certificate class in Ponce, Puerto Rico!

November 1, 2 & 3, 2019. (Friday Eve: 6:00pm to 8:00pm., All Day Saturday and Sunday 9:00am to 6:00pm.)

Fundamentals of Thai Yoga, Brooksville, FL

Fundamentals of Thai Yoga in Ponce, Puerto Rico

SCNM: The School of Ayurveda: The Thai Yoga Center

Fundamentals of Thai Yoga: SomaVeda® Level One 18 Hr. CE Course

SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy is based on Traditional Thai Medicine (thailandese massage) and Ayurveda. It is an indigenous, traditional healing style of natural medicine which has been adopted by the Native American Indigenous Church (NAIC) as part of it’s religious therapeutic practices and True Medicine!


This was an amazing class! To see a class slide show watch this!

Puerto Rico Boriken Tribal Org Sun SealPlease note: We are an affiliate seminary of the Church of Hope Taino auxillary and the University (of PanAm) of Indigenous/Monastic Medicine of Boriken. We are a registered seminary in Puerto Rico and legally authorized to conduct all educational programs “El Departamento de Estado de Puerto Rico quiere agradecerle por haber radicado el Certificado de Incorporación de una Corporación No Autorizada a Emitir Acciones de Capital para UNIVERSIDAD DE MEDICINA INDIGENA MONASTICA DE BORIKEN, INC.”This course is NOT a Massage Course as defined by secular law. It is offered to our NAIC Members as an indigenous Religious Therapeutic Ministry of Chirothesia or Hands of Healing.

Dr. Anthony B. James Director and Medicine Chief of the Native American Indigenous Church Inc. (SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine, The Thai Yoga Center) has been granted the Gobierano De Puerto Rico, Department de Salud Registro Demografico the Certifico que la persona abajo mencionada, cumplio con los requisitos para obtener el Registro de Celebrantes. In co-operation under the joint authority of the Iglesia Catolica Ortodoxa del Caribe of Lares, Puerto Rico. Dr. James is part of developing a Sacred Medical and Healing Ministry using traditional medicine in Puerto Rico.

Yoga Therapy is about bringing health and wellness to Spirit, Mind and Body. All Certified Teachers are Authorized NAIC Tribal Organization, Indian Health Care Ministers and Providers.

Ponce, Puerto Rico! This will be the very first Traditional Thai Medicine, Traditional Thai Yoga Therapy on the Island facilitated by a recognized Thai Master Teacher Dr. Anthony B. James!

Aachan, Dr. Anthony B. James sacred healing Ponce Puerto Rico

For detailed information and description of course content for this Level One Thai Yoga certificate course click here! Fundamentals of SomaVeda® Thai Yoga: Level One

Certified SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Teacher’s: Aachan, Dr. Anthony B. James, Khruu Dr. Julie James, Assisting Certified Yoga Teacher Jennifer Claudio!

There’s More! Once you complete the Level One you can continue on towards becoming a Certified Practitioner! To assist in this we will credit 100% of all tuition paid towards any further or more advanced SomaVeda® certification and or training! (Grace period is 30 days post Level One class completion.)

Please Note: Graduates can begin to practice basic NAIC Hands on Healing and ministry legally immediately after completing the class! No other license necessary!

When: November 1st. to the 3rd. 2019 (Friday eve.Meet and Greet 6:00pm to 8:00pm, All day Saturday and Sunday.)


Ponce, Puerto Rico Local Contact: Essential Yoga School, Jennifer Claudio: 939-209-1639‬

71 Cll Salmon, Ponce, 00716, Puerto Rico


For more information on SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy and our various Traditional Thai Massage, Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy Certification Programs, see our home website at ThaiYogaCenter.Com

No experience necessary!

School of Ayurveda

Native American Indigenous Church

Native American Indigenous Church: SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine & Thai Yoga Center (NAIC Inc.) operates in compliance, as a degree granting institution through exemption, by the Florida State Board of Independent Colleges and Universities under Section 1005.06 (1) (f), FLA Statutes. The state, like other states, does not require accreditation or theological accreditation for our religious education based programs. NAIC is an Integrated Auxiliary of the Priory of Saving Grace. NAIC is an IRS 508(c)(1)(a) compliant FBO (Faith Based Org) Tribal Organization.

Important: Please Note!NAIC Inc./ SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine/ Thai Yoga Center Cancellation and Refund Policies apply to all registrations and or reservations for courses and programs. NAIC/ Thai Yoga Center Programs are not public and are offered exclusively under an expressed ecclesiastical (Church)/ private association and acceptance of these Posted Refund and Cancellation Policies and RPG’s are a precondition towards acceptance and participation in any program or course of study. Click Here for Refund and Cancellation Policy

SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies®, SomaVeda®  are a Federally Registered Trademark/ Servicemark and proprietary Intellectual Property, All World Rights Reserved.

Flu Season is Here! Natural Solutions for Infections for Thai Yoga and Ayurveda Practitioners​

LearnThaiYoga On-Line

Natural Solutions for Infections for Thai Yoga and Ayurveda Practitioners

Infections and Infectious disease from simple topical to chronic catastrophic are always a concern. As a SomaVeda® Thai Yoga, Ayurveda and or other Natural Medicine provider you need to have concrete and reliable strategies to deal effectively with infection. This is no joke. Many medical office visits begin and end with a minor infection not adequately treated that escalates. Once inside that medical facility, emergency room etc. you are now exposed to potentially even more severe types of Hospital born infection such as MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus​), Legionella (Legionella pneumophila​) etc. If you could handle these infections at home or for your patients and clients you would certainly save them time and money, but potentially save them from risk of death from other unnecessary contagious exposure.

Flu Season is here!


We are heading into the Cold and Flu season. Now is the time to prepare ahead for how this exposure is going to affect you, your clients and your family!

This course now offers a certificate of completion suitable for framing!

Why do we need natural solutions for infections? Real life examples and the rise of antibiotic resistant viral and bacterial infections. This course will present a broad overview of the infectious disease issue from the perspective of a natural health practitioner. We will examine both specific concerns and their solution strategies. These strategies once understood can be implemented both in personal life and in counseling with affected clients in the wellness counseling model.

Learn How to fight and remedy many infections and infectious disease naturally.

This course contains eleven (11) lessons with a short quiz after each lesson. Once all lessons are completed and the quizes passed an NAIC CE hr. Certificate of Completion will be issued and immediately downloadable.

All course work and necessary materials are presented on the LearnThaiYoga.Teachable.Com platform. There are eleven lessons and a test for each lesson content.

Intro: Every Practitioner Needs Infection Strategies

Lesson #1: An Experience with MRSA

Lesson #2: Antibiotic Resistance According to the CDC

Lesson #3: Considerations in use of antibiotics

Lesson #4: Possible connections between Infection/ Antibiotic use and Depression

Lesson #5: Candida/ Yeast infections may contribute to Cancer!

Lesson #6: Acidosis may contribute to Infections including MRSA!

Lesson #7: GMO’s and antibiotic resistance

Lesson #8: 10 Steps to Avoid Infections

Lesson #9: Alternative, complimentary and natural approaches to conventional antibiotics

Lesson #10: Ayurveda Solutions for Infection

Lesson #11: Natural Solutions for Infections found in with Homeopathy

Infection Course #2: Also included is the “Natural Solutions for Corona, Flu and Novel Viral Infections” course which targets the unique health crises and “pandemic” currently challenging everyone! Includes 24 individual lessons including research, Do’s and Dont’s, Underlying Issue concerns and current best practices and recommendations for counseling or SomaVeda® Ayurveda and Health Coaching.


Be sure to join the “Learn How To Jump Start Your Practice and Improve Your IncomeLearn How To Jump Start Your Practice and Improve Your Income” 34 course: All Inclusive course program to gain access to the many courses in it currently! For a limited time only $12.00 per month to gain access to this amazing program, courses, video’s and lessons.

If your not a subscriber yet then today is a good day! Be sure to join the “Learn How To Jump Start Your Practice and Improve Your IncomeLearn How To Jump Start Your Practice and Improve Your Income

Currently Available in the Jump Start Your Practice All Inclusive Subscription Course (New Content! Saturday, April 27th., 2020), this All Inclusive course program includes:

  1. Thirty Four (34) different professional courses.
  2. 481 Lectures-lessons
  3. 180 Educational and Demo Video’s
  4. 42 Audio Lectures and or Mp3 Files
  5. 53 Free Textbooks, Free Reports plus Handout!
  6. Over 366 hours of professional Thai Yoga Therapy and Related Educational Content!
  7. 2 Free NCBTMB/ FSMBT CE Courses suitable to renewal requirements for Massage Therapist National Certification Board License Renewal!

NEW!! Also includes New Covid-19 and Novel Infection Strategies and protocols for dealing with current pandemic and related! (Updated April 27th. 2020)

I’m proud to be your partner in building and developing your practice!

Thai Yoga Massage Aachan Dr Anthony B James

Be well, Dr. James

LearnThaiYoga On-Line at (

Prof. Anthony James DNM(C), ND(T), MD(AM), DOM, DPHC(h.c.), PhD(IM), PhD(h.c.HM), RAAP, SMOKH
Dean, Professor, Director of Education and Traditional MedicineChairman:
Native American Indigenous Church, INC (NAIC)
SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine
The Thai Yoga Center

NAIC Inc. is an IRS 508c(1)(A) FBO/ Church/ Tribal Organization

5401 Saving Grace Ln. Brooksville, FL 34602
Tel: (706) 358-8646 (Cell)


Dr. Anthony B. James receives Registro de Celebrante, Puerto Rico

Dr. Anthony and Dr. Julie James receive Celebrante License Puerto Rico September 2019

Press Release: Celebrante- San Juan September 30, 2019

Dr. Anthony B. James Director and Medicine Chief of the Native American Indigenous Church Inc. (SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine, The Thai Yoga Center) has been granted the Gobierano De Puerto Rico, Department de Salud Registro Demografico the Certifico que la persona abajo mencionada, cumplio con los requisitos para obtener el Registro de Celebrantes.

In co-operation under the joint authority of the Iglesia Catolica Ortodoxa del Caribe of Lares, Puerto Rico

A formal license to Minister and to conduct all functions as a licensed Missionary Doctor and Indigenous Religious Therapeutic Practitioner, Teacher as well as all other sacradotal and ministerial duties of a priest and minister in Commonwealth/ US Territory of Puerto Rico.

In attendance and also receiving Celebrante is Dr. Julie James and in witness: Iglesia Catolica Ortodoxa del Caribe Priest and Legal Counsel Dr. Benjamin Angueira

Dr. James plans to begin teaching indigenous therapeutics i.e. NAIC: SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy, Native American Medicine and Ayurveda on the island immediately!

Dr. Anthony and Dr. Julie James receive Celebrante License Puerto Rico September 2019

Dr. Anthony B. James, Puerto Rico, Celebrante License September 2019

2020 April Sacred Sites and Healing Arts Thailand Retreat

The Bluse Temple Chiangrai Thailand

NAIC: 37 Annual: SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Students Share Songkran Festival In Thailand

For more information and to register for the April 2020 Thailand program go to ThailandStudyTours.Com

Early Adopter Registration Discount available now!

April Thailand, NAIC Sacred Sites and Healing Arts, The White Temple

CLICK HERE for April 2019 Songkran Water Festival!

April 2020, a small group of SomaVeda® Thai Yoga students will travel to Thailand with Aachan, Professor Dr. Anthony B. James for 19 days of travel and training in Traditional Thai Medicine specialties such as Nuad Boran, Jap Sen Nuad, “Tok Sen“, Reussi Dottan– Thai Reishi Yoga, SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Theory and Philosophy and Traditional Thai Reflexology. Students traveled from North as Laos and Burma, to Chiangrai, Chiangmai, Phitsanolk, Sukhotai, Sri Satchanali, Ayudthaya, Thonburi & Bangkok.

Dr. Anthony B. James, Lanna School of Thai Traditional Medicine

This program will be so special with “Tok Sen” and “Reussi Dottan” (Thai Reishi Yoga) Thai Traditional Buddhist Medicine & Clinical training at the SriPai Foundation! We will be training with the Thai Monks directly!

The Bluse Temple Chiangrai Thailand

2020 April Sacred Sites and Healing Arts Thailand Retreat. The Native American Indigenous Church (NAIC) participates in and offers NAIC Member students, practitioners and Teachers to learn indigenous traditional medicine and Thai Ayurveda in traditional settings with traditional elders and teachers in Thailand.

The Thailand externship training qualifies for NCBTMB CE Hours and credits towards more advanced SomaVeda® programs at the Thai Yoga Center in Brooksville, FL. For More information visit www.ThaiYogaCenter.Com and or www.ThailandStudyTours.Com

CLICK HERE for Photo’s April 2019 Songkran Water Festival!

For more information and to register for the April 2020 Thailand program go to ThailandStudyTours.Com

Early Adopter Registration Discount available now!


4th. Annual Advanced SomaVeda® Teachers Intensive and Gathering

Thai Yoga Center


4th. Annual Advanced SomaVeda® Teachers Intensive and Gathering

The SomaVeda® Advanced Thai Yoga Teachers Seminary Program scheduled for August 8th-11th. 2019 here at the Thai Yoga Center. This was four days of intensive training and community sharing in a variety of advanced topics. Only SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine enrolled Ministerial students, TCP enrolled (CTP2/ 3) and or Graduate SomaVeda® Certified Teachers will be eligible to attend.

4th. Annual Advanced SomaVeda® Teachers Intensive and Gathering

See Photo’s from the event here!

NEW! Introduction to SomaVeda® Tit Tar Nuad-Bone Setting for Advanced Practitioners!

The partial list of what was shared:
1) Advanced variations and applications for all basic levels including for Mat, Table, Chair, and Walker
2) Reishi Yoga, “SomaVeda® Thai Reishi Hand Yoga”
3) SomaVeda® TAELR:  (Tok Sen, Manaka, Hammer & Probe, Gua Sha, Dewy Mai-Staff, Bamboo Magic®, Original Thai Style IAMFR) Therapies and protocols for pain, myalgia, myalitus, fascitis, Trigger Point syndromes etc. Proven clinical protocols to build your practice!
4) Adjunct Therapies:
– Photo-bio-modulation (Far Infra-red), Vibration, Magnets and Crystals in SomaVeda® Protocols,
– SomaVeda® OPT™/ CDT- Complex Decongestive Therapy (including Women’s Breast Care, Lactation Assistance and Breast/ Chest Therapy Protocols for women and men.),
– SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Facials (Also incorporating OPT™, TAELR™)
SomaVeda® Bolster Magic®,
– SomaVeda® Restorative Yoga
– SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Reflexology (Also incorporating OPT™, TAELR™ for successful treatment Fascitus, Neuropathies, Ankle and Knee issues)
5) SomaVeda® Guest Teacher Presentations
6) Teacher exchange sessions,
7) SomaVeda® Multiple Therapist Techniques
8) SomaVeda® Walking Massage (Erewon Method and TAELR™- Walker, Dewy Mai-Bamboo Pole)
9) Advanced SomaVeda® Thai Yoga and Ayurveda Theory: Sen Lines Location and Theory (Using new Life Size 3D Sen Line and Marma/ Lom class room model!) Thai Acupressure Points (Learn 20 top Points)
10) SomaVeda® Homeopressure (Using Homeopathics to enhance release of Thai Acupoints)
11) SomaVeda® Electro-HomeoTherapeutic Generator ( How to make your own Homeopathic/ Herbal/ Energetic remedies for your clients safely, reliably and cheaply. Add a new modality complimentary to your existing SomaVeda® Therapeutic Day practice to bring greater benefits to your clients, make remedies for them to take home which are more powerful and personalized vs. store bought remedies, develop your own personal repertoire of traditional, homeopathic, Ayurvedic, Native American remedies specific to you and your clients needs. You will be actually practicing assessing and making remedies to take home with you!  We are working on a special guest teacher for the Homeopathic portion!
12) Ayurveda Concepts & Pancha Karma for those Graduate Teachers qualifying for the Ayurveda Health Counselor and or Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist Certificate who have not received them yet!
13) Marketing strategies and lesson plans for all classes and more. We will be hosting a round table discussion among all teachers present on success strategies.

14) Introduction to NEW Vital Health Assessment/ Medical-Clinical Wellness and Health Assessment program coming on-line for SomaVeda® practitioners this September! We are the only Ayurveda and Thai Yoga clinical program able to offer clients a complete 34 test medical health screening for catastrophic illnesses!

See Photo’s from the event here!

Thanks to everyone who participated and see you next year for the 5th Annual Advanced SomaVeda® Teachers Conference and Retreat!

July 2019 SomaVeda Thai Yoga Practitioner Certification Program

Thai Yoga Center

July 2019 SomaVeda Thai Yoga Practitioner Certificate class

July 164hr Thai Yoga Practitioner Certification 2019:

SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Certified Practitioner Program:CTP (164 hour residential intensive). This 17 day, ( July 12th – July 28th. 2019), (17 day) program, will cover all four levels of the Basic Professional Thai Yoga Certificate Program plus fifteen additional breakout and/or supplemental courses. The CTP1 course is an intensive training based on Traditional Thai Massage, Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, Indigenous, Traditional, Natural and Native American Medicine.

1) July 2019 SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Cert. Program Photo Gallery

2) July 2019 SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Cert. Program Slides on YouTube!

The July 2019: 164hr. Thai Yoga Practitioner Certificate Course qualifies towards all advanced certificate (Accredited, State of Florida Compliant, AAPNA, NCBTMB) and SCNM College Degree programs in Indigenous, Traditional, Natural Medicine, Ayurveda, Ayurveda Life Style Consultant, Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist and SomaVeda® Thai yoga Therapy practitioner. Graduates are qualified to practice and to provide health and wellness services for Spirit, Mind and Body for a variety of health related concerns and issues in all 50 states and Canada!

Yoga Teacher already? Bring a comprehensive Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy practice to your school or program in only 17 days! This amazing Ayurveda, Yoga and Yoga Therapy retreat at the beautiful 5 acre Native American Indigenous Church Sanctuary offers a healing atmosphere unique to central Florida. Learn, Restore and Grow!

Unique to our program! Daily Reishi Yoga also known as “Reusi Dot Ton”. Bring a new and exciting Yoga practice to your home life and Shala/ Studio!

Massage Therapist? Bring the exciting therapies of Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy to your practice. Save your Hands! Our unique “Hands Free! Thai Yoga” variations have not only enlivened careers but have saved many Massage Therapist from debilitating occupational disabilities such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome!  NCBTMB and FSMTB CE hrs. Approved. Learn how to double your existing practice and income!

Allied or Medical Health Practitioner: Doctor, Nurse, Chiropractor, Acupuncture, Nutrition, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist? Looking to exapnd your practice offering with CAM procedures and practices proven effective? It is well known that Indigenous Traditional Medical Systems are the basis of CAM procedures. Learn from the source!

The 164 hr. CTP1 qualifies as the pre-requisite course requirement for all SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine Degrees.  The SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certificate course additional qualifies graduates for all Intermediate, Advanced and Teacher Certification programs in SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy .

What is Somaveda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Thai Yoga?


NCBTMB Approved Provider for Continuing Education

For full description, curriculum and registration details CLICK HERE

For NAIC/ SCNM Thai Yoga Center Tuition Grants and Scholarships CLICK HERE



School of Ayurveda