N.A.I.C. Thai Yoga Center Curriculum: SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies®
Indigenous and Christ-Centered Religious Therapeutics Medicine programs of study.
Complete Practitioner Certificate Programs:
- 164 Hr. SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certificate Program (SomaVeda® CTP1: Basic)
- 650 Hr. SomaVeda® Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant/ Ayurveda Life Style Consultant Certification (SomaVeda® CTP2)
- 750 Hr. SomaVeda® Ayurvedic Health Counselor Certificate Program (AAPNA-AHC- CTP3)
- 1008 Hr. SomaVeda® Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist/ Ayurveda Practitioner Certificate Program (AAPNA-AYT- CTP4)
- 1028 Hr. SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy Teacher Certificate Program (AAPNA-TCP- CTP4+)
Individual Class Certificate Programs:
- Intro Course: “A Taste of SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy“
- SomaVeda® Thai Fire Stretch: Assisted Stretching, Flexibility, and Mobility: (SomaVeda® Thai Fire: Level One) (NCBTMB, CE Broker-FSBMT CE APPROVED)
- SomaVeda® Fundamentals of Thai Yoga (SomaVeda® Level One)(NCBTMB, CE Broker-FSBMT CE APPROVED)
- SomaVeda® Ayurvedic Thai Yoga Therapy® (SomaVeda® Level Two)(NCBTMB, CE Broker-FSBMT CE APPROVED)
- Nuad Boran Levels 1 & 2 (SomaVeda® “Nuad Boran,” Chiangmai Lanna Style: Level Three)(NCBTMB, CE Broker-FSBMT CE APPROVED)
- Lines, Wheels and Points, Energy Anatomy of Thai Traditional Medicine, Thai Traditional Massage® (SomaVeda® Level Four)(NCBTMB, CE Broker-FSBMT CE APPROVED)
- SomaVeda® Level Five: A & B: Clinical Applications and Development of Specific Programs for Clients using Traditional Vedic Clinical Assessments/ Radionics/ Pendulum Dowsing and Guidelines.
- SomaVeda® T.A.E.L.R.™ (Thai Yoga Tool Assisted Energy Line Release Protocol. Included in ALC, AHC, Yoga Therapist and Teacher Certification Programs)
- SomaVeda® Pancha Karma Specialists Certification Program (Level Six: Introduction to Pancha Karma and Balancing Detoxification Programs)
- SomaVeda® Bio-Tapp™ Emotional Liberation Technique (Sacred Energy Psychology Practitioner™)(Levels: 1, 2, 3 and Master)
- SomaVeda® Thai Reishi Hand Yoga (Reussi Dottan) and Hatha Yoga Certification Program (Part of every CTP!)
- SomaVeda® Walking Yoga and Hands-Free Thai Yoga Certification Course
- Progressive Integrative Karate (PIK) Kali, Muay Thai Boxing & Buddhai Sawan style Kabri- Kabrong
- Usui Reiki Levels 1, 2 and Master Reiki Certification, Initiations, and Attunements
- SomaVeda® Vibrational, Magnetic, and Bio-Resonance Technologies Healing Practitioner Program
- SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy Seated & Portable Massage Chair Course (NCBTMB, CE Broker-FSBMT CE APPROVED)
- SomaVeda® Table Thai Yoga Therapy Courses (NCBTMB, CE Broker-FSBMT CE APPROVED)
- SomaVeda® Indigenous Thai Yoga Breast Care & Therapy Certification Course
- Sacred Nutrition: Eating: Food and nutrition issues, the good, bad, and the ugly.
- SomaVeda® WHF: Food Over Medicine™ Practitioner Certificate Course
- SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Reflexology and Traditional Foot Therapy
- SomaVeda® Thai Herbal Compress Therapy (Traditional Thai Ayurveda & Herbalism) (Nuad Prakhop Samun Prai) 1, 2 and 3
- SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Bolster Magic™
- SomaVeda® Chirothesia/ Pastoral/ Ministerial Massotherapy
- SomaVeda® Indigenous Native American and Traditional Indigenous/ Tribal Medicine and Ceremony
- Apprentice Yoga and Work/ Study Programs
Home Study/ Distance Learning Options
· SomaVeda® LearnThaiYoga Online: Jump Start Your Healing Practice and Become a Success with SomaVeda!
• Legal Guidelines / Jurisprudence & Business Ethics Home Study Course
Guided and Independent Study Programs We lead in Thailand!
· Escorted Thailand Exchange Programs In Thailand!
N.A.I.C. SomaVeda® accreditation, Approvals, and Recognition
SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies®, SomaVeda® is a Federally Registered Trademark/ Servicemark and proprietary Intellectual Property, All World Rights Reserved.
Do you teach massage?
Hello and thank you for the question. The answer is no. We do not teach “massage” and or “Massage therapy” as defined by most state laws. What we teach is indigenous, traditional natural medicine, SomaVeda® Integrated Traditional Therapies® Thai Yoga Therapy, Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy. Traditional Thai Yoga Therapy is also known as Traditional Thai Massage and or Traditional Thai Medical Massage and although the word “massage” is in the name it is not actually a form of massage as the term is used in the US specifically. Traditional Thai Massage is the manipulative discipline of the Classical Ayurveda of Thailand. Ayurveda is the indigenous traditional medicine of India, Tibet, Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar (Burma) Sri Lanka and Thailand as well as other areas of SE Asia. For more information on “What is Thai Yoga” see our reference page.