SomaVeda® Clinical Applications and Development of Specific Programs for Clients Based on Vedic Assessments and Guidelines. (SomaVeda® Level Five, Part A and B.)
In this SomaVeda® Level Five: five-day (32 C.E. hrs.) intensive program, specific strategies for developing and performing complex, sophisticated, and specific treatments and programs for balancing the Tri-Dosha are explained, demonstrated, and practiced for competency. The student learns the traditional Asana applications for Vata Dosha, Pita Dosha, and Kapha Dosha and each of the Sip Sen (Ten Yoga Nadi). All previous coursework is integrated into an eclectic and practical method of healing. Significant aspects of integrating SomaVeda® into various professional therapeutic settings or Yoga teaching/counseling, personal coaching models, etc., are covered. Unique development strategies and SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy Algorithms for commonly encountered problems such as chronic head, neck, back, shoulder, and extremities pain, as well as the support for severe conditions such as cancer and heart disease, Diabetes, and AIDS, are covered in detail.
NEW! Introduction to SomaVeda® T.A.E.L.R. and SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Vibrational, Bio-Magnetic, and Bio-Resonance Technologies Healing Practitioner Program.
Continuing development and practice of basic evaluation skills, assessments, and procedures from Level One, Level Two, Level Three, and Level Four are continued. All 22 fundamental assessments are explained, demonstrated, and practiced to develop competency and comfort. The use of intake examination and assessment to create specific and appropriate session protocols is examined in detail. SomaVeda® Thai Massage Table applications for levels 1-4, SomaVeda® Thai Massage for Multiple Therapists, Advanced treatment points, and Advanced postures are all introduced. Intermediate SomaVeda®, Thai Yoga Tri-Dosha Balancing Algorithms for all primary dosha, will be presented with therapeutic applications. Deepen your understanding of specificity; asana release facilitated Prana Yama and release techniques for the dosha. All Thai Yoga Classes begin with daily SomaVeda® Hatha Yoga and or SomaVeda® Reishi Yoga. (SomaVeda® Level Five: Part A/B, 32 C.E.U.s available.) N.A.I.C., S.M.O.K.H., and N.C.B.T.M.B. approved C.E. Hours.
Important Note! We consider this class to be a Sophisticated Beginner Class. Graduates at this level should never consider themselves professionals or present their practice to the public as professionals. These classes are meant for educational purposes only and do not purport to make any medical recommendations. Federal and State law regulates medical recommendations and diagnoses for any disease condition and may only be practiced by a licensed physician or other licensed health care provider. However, when practiced with all of the SomaVeda®, this class provides a substantial foundation for becoming a professional! Level Five A & B is currently available as a module for our intermediate and Advanced Certified Thai Practitioner Programs (ALC-CTP 2 and AHC-CTP 3), Certified Thai Practitioner (C.T.P.), Certified Thai Teacher (TCP), Doctor of Natural Medicine Ayurveda / Traditional Naturopath Diploma Program (DSNM/ ND(T)).
N.A.I.C. SomaVeda accreditation, Approvals, and Recognition
SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies®, SomaVeda® is a Federally Registered Trademark/ Servicemark and proprietary Intellectual Property, All World Rights Reserved.