SomaVeda® Vibrational, Magnetic Therapy and Bio-Resonance Technologies Healing Practitioner Program:(Parts: 1, 2, 3 & 4)

SomaVeda® Clinical Thai training includes many aspects of understanding and using old and new technologies for health and well being. Topics covered include use of Magnetism and static field ferrous ceramic magnets, Electro- Magnetic pulsar therapy (PEMF- Low and High Frequency systems and devices), Homeopathy, Electro-Dermal Screening (EDS), Far-Infra-red light based therapy, Photo-Bio Modulation, Radionics, Reich Orgonamics and Accumulater, Rife Frequencies and Machines, Electro-Acupuncture, Inferential Diagnostics, Light and color therapy, Sound/ Light and Mind Machines, Beck Pulsars and Collodial Silver, Use of Therapeutic Laser, Tackyonics, Living Water, Psychotronics and much more!
This content is introduce in SomaVeda® CTP1. Intermediate and clinical applications are brought forward in subsequint certification programs: ALC, AHV, AYT and SCNM College Degree pathways. After offering these concepts in class piece meal over the past 20 years, we will begin offering this course as a standalone Certification course for Medical and Healing Professionals beginning in 2020.
SomaVeda® T.A.E.L.R. Bio-Magnetics Practitioner Course Content:
- Background of Bio-magnetism, Magnetic Therapy and Use of Magnetic Fields in Therapy and basic terms
- Key systems for clinical application of Magnetic Therapy from treating Pyschological/ Mental disorders, Pain to specific illnesses. We discuss Philpott, Beck, Becker, Kulish, Pawluck, Ben Joseph, James, Miyazaki, McWilliams and other researcher clinicians strategies of clinical application
- History and research both clinical and annecdotal into use of Magnetics therapeutically: Ancient and Modern uses.
- Intro to St. John POC Vital Wellness Assessment System
- Preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic system
- Concept of pH in the body
- Magnets and Vortex: How Magnets affect Water
- Use of Magnetized Water
- Biomagnetic applications for dealing with pathogens, and organ dysfunction
- Electromagnetic fields and their effects on the body (Low and High frequency PEMF)
- Electromagnetic Resonance
- Basic concepts in microbiology: Bacteria, Virus, Fungus, Parasites, other
- Synergies between the different pathogenic microorganisms
- Therapeutic action of magnets
- Types of magnets from Static Pole, Alternating Pole to Variable Frequency and High Frequency Pulsed Electric Magnetic Field devices. (Please note: We will have available and demonstrate live all of these different devices!
- Polarity of magnets
- Warnings about the use of magnets
- Care of magnets
- Poles and scanning biomagnetic points
- Incorporation of SomaVeda® B.E.T./ EFT and correlation of treatment points and application of Magnetic therapy
- Hands-on clinical practice
- Organ Pairs and sequencing for applications and specific conditions.
- Kinesiological phenomenon and muscle testing.
- Types of Biomagnetic Pairs
- Legal precautions
- Important practical details and examples, how to hold the patient’s feet, how to avoid errors, etc.
- Tumor Factors
- Jarisch- Herxheimer: Ab-reactions to successful treatment
- Precautions after the session
- Duration of bio-magnet therapy protocols and or treatment: Programs vs. session strategies
- Problem of re-infection, reservoirs, and personal pairs: solutions
- Golden rules in Magnetic Therapy
- Cancer, HIV, allergies, asthma, arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, endocrine dysfunctions, hernias, Lyme, Autism and other diseases will be addressed.
- Bioenergy basics
- Methodology for exploration with Bioenergy
Vibration, vibrational, energetic therapies including the “Beck” Protocol as developed by scientist and engineer Bob C. Beck, are completely compatible with indigenous, traditional, native and natural medicine traditions. Students learn hands on to feel and personally explore all of these extraordinary ideas utilizing Quantum Science for health and well being. Take a walk on the Quantum side! This program is currently a module for our Certified Thai Practitioner (CTP), Certified Thai Teacher (TCP) and SCNM College Degree Programs.
For information on the full SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy Practitioner Certification Program Click Here!
Who is this course suitable for?
Although we have been offering this training as part of the SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Certification programs since 1994, we are now seeking to share it with a wider audience. It is a vital part of our Somaveda® T.A.E.L.R. (Tool Assisted Energy Line Release) Program and clinical protocols.
This course is designed for health professionals such as medical doctors, specialized therapists like chiropractors, osteopaths, physical therapists, etc., both professionals and students, veterinarians, dentists, nurses, and anyone that wants to enjoy of good health and share with family or simply help others to heal themselves. The use of non-invasive bio-magnetic therapy is compatible with all other therapies and treatments such as SomaVeda® Thai Yoga, acupuncture, flower essences, Emotional Freedom Technique, hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming, psychology, homeopathy, naturopathy, orthomolecular medicine, herbal medicine, etc… Non-invasive bio-magnetic therapy may also be combined with conventional medical and pharmacological treatments. It may benefit chronic and degenerative conditions. In fact, thousands of allopathic doctors are already using this powerful technique in their medical offices, either publicly or secretly, to complement and enhance their medical treatments. A basic yet minimum knowledge of anatomy and physiology is strongly recommended. Although there is no prerequisite for this course, students can study these subjects later at their own pace.
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