Khru Leslie Rahn,
SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Teacher in Memorium 2001
On June 8th, 2001, Leslie passed away, apparently due to complications of breast cancer treatment. She had been working with this challenge for some time. For all those who had the privilege to know and to work with her. As one of her teachers and friends, family, friends, and students … we will miss her infectious presence. Leslie was my first “official” apprentice student and a friend for many years. She became the first certified Instructor in the system I developed (Anthony B. James), SomaVeda®, before taking a different direction. Leslie, as always, marched to her own drum! By nature, she was a fierce, loving, compassionate, passionate, uncompromising person who challenged everything in her life. Like a whirlwind, her zest was contagious and tended to sweep up those around her. She was a terrific and technically proficient teacher who always sought to get to the essence of things and communicate this vision to those around her. In her honor, effective immediately, I am setting up a scholarship fund in her name to help others who may need assistance in learning this great work that we do.