November 2021 164hr SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner, Ayurveda Lifestyle Certification Seminary Retreat

SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Khruu Noy teaching

LIVE! November 2021:

164hr Thai Yoga Practitioner & Ayurveda Lifestyle Consultant (ALC) Certification NAIC: Seminary Retreat :

SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Certified Practitioner Program:CTP (164 hour residential intensive). This 13 day, (November 5th. to November 17th./ Advanced: November 17th. to November 20th. 2021) program covered all four levels of the Basic Professional Thai Yoga Certificate Program plus 20 additional breakout and/or supplemental courses. The CTP1 course is an intensive seminary training based on Traditional Thai Massage, Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, Indigenous, Traditional, Natural and Native American Medicine.

Special Thanks to SomaVeda® Khruu Noy Southivongrath and to SomaVeda® Khruu Maureen Hughes for their inspiring and fun guidance and support teaching SomaVeda®!

1) November 2021 SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Cert. Program Photo Gallery

2) Slide Show!: SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Cert. Program VIDEO SLIDE SHOW (!  The 164hr. SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certificate Course qualifies towards all advanced certificate (Accredited, State of Florida Compliant, AAPNA, NCBTMB) and SCNM College Degree programs in Indigenous, Traditional, Natural Medicine, Ayurveda, Ayurveda Life Style Consultant, Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist, SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Teacher Certification and SomaVeda® Thai yoga Therapy Practitioner. 3) Graduate Testimonials!  CLICK HERE to hear our grads give their first hand impressions of their time in class. Graduates are qualified to practice and to provide health and wellness services for Spirit, Mind and Body for a variety of health related concerns and issues in all 50 states and Canada! Yoga Teacher already? Bring a comprehensive Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy practice to your school or program in only 13 days! This amazing Ayurveda, Yoga and Yoga Therapy retreat at the beautiful 5 acre Native American Indigenous Church Sanctuary offers a healing atmosphere unique to central Florida. Learn, Restore and Grow!

Unique to our program! Daily Reishi Yoga also known as “Reusi Dot Ton“. Bring a new and exciting Yoga practice to your home life and Shala/ Studio!

Massage Therapist? Bring the exciting therapies of Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy to your practice. Save your Hands! Our unique “Hands Free! Thai Yoga” variations have not only enlivened careers but have saved many Massage Therapist from debilitating occupational disabilities such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome!  NCBTMB and FSMTB CE hrs. Approved. Learn how to double your existing practice and income!

Allied or Medical Health Practitioner: Doctor, Nurse, Chiropractor, Acupuncture, Nutrition, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist? Looking to expand your practice offering with CAM procedures and practices proven effective? It is well known that Indigenous Traditional Medical Systems are the basis of CAM procedures. Learn from the source!

The 164 hr. CTP1 qualifies as the pre-requisite course requirement for all SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine Degrees.  The SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certificate course additional qualifies graduates for all Intermediate, Advanced and Teacher Certification programs in SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy .

What is Somaveda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Thai Yoga?

NCBTMB Approved Provider for Continuing Education






For full description, curriculum and registration details CLICK HERE

For NAIC/ SCNM Thai Yoga Center Tuition Grants and Scholarships CLICK HERE

School of Ayurveda

LearnThaiYoga Professional at Home!   Can’t make it to a live class? Join our LearnThaiYoga “Jump Start Your Healing Practice” Home Study/ Distance Learning Platform! Over 30 different on-line, self paced courses to give you access to some of the same high quality instruction you would receive in a LIVE SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certification Program. Although, there is no substitute for LIVE training under a Thai Ajahn such as Dr. Anthony B. James. Ajahn Dr. James has personally crafted these On-line programs to give you access to authenticity.

Can’t afford to join a LIVE class? … even with a tuition scholarship? LearnThaiYoga On-line is only $16.95 per month!

Already have a practice, but it’s not working? Your not making money? Your not having a successful life experience as a Thai Yoga and or healing arts professional? In the Learn Thai Yoga On-line platform you will find details healing arts business development and marketing plans based on 38 years of professional experience in this industry. Join us at Learn Thai Yoga!

September 2021 164hr SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner, Ayurveda Lifestyle Certification Seminary Retreat

LIVE! September 164hr Thai Yoga Practitioner & Ayurveda Lifestyle Consultant (ALC) Certification NAIC: Seminary Retreat 2021:

SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Certified Practitioner Program:CTP (164 hour residential intensive). This 13 day, (September 10th to September 22nd./ Advanced: September 10th. to September 25th. 2021) program covered all four levels of the Basic Professional Thai Yoga Certificate Program plus 20 additional breakout and/or supplemental courses. The CTP1 course is an intensive seminary training based on Traditional Thai Massage, Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, Indigenous, Traditional, Natural and Native American Medicine.

Special Thanks to SomaVeda® Khruu Dr. Ken Pennock and to SomaVeda® Khruu Jarda Obuchov for their inspiring and fun guidance and support teaching SomaVeda®!

1) September 2021 SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Cert. Program Photo Gallery

2) Slide Show!: SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Cert. Program VIDEO SLIDE SHOW ( )!  The 164hr. SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certificate Course qualifies towards all advanced certificate (Accredited, State of Florida Compliant, AAPNA, NCBTMB) and SCNM College Degree programs in Indigenous, Traditional, Natural Medicine, Ayurveda, Ayurveda Life Style Consultant, Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist, SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Teacher Certification and SomaVeda® Thai yoga Therapy Practitioner. 3) Graduate Testimonials!  CLICK HERE to hear our grads give their first hand impressions of their time in class. Graduates are qualified to practice and to provide health and wellness services for Spirit, Mind and Body for a variety of health related concerns and issues in all 50 states and Canada! Yoga Teacher already? Bring a comprehensive Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy practice to your school or program in only 13 days! This amazing Ayurveda, Yoga and Yoga Therapy retreat at the beautiful 5 acre Native American Indigenous Church Sanctuary offers a healing atmosphere unique to central Florida. Learn, Restore and Grow!

Unique to our program! Daily Reishi Yoga also known as “Reusi Dot Ton“. Bring a new and exciting Yoga practice to your home life and Shala/ Studio!

Massage Therapist? Bring the exciting therapies of Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy to your practice. Save your Hands! Our unique “Hands Free! Thai Yoga” variations have not only enlivened careers but have saved many Massage Therapist from debilitating occupational disabilities such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome!  NCBTMB and FSMTB CE hrs. Approved. Learn how to double your existing practice and income!

Allied or Medical Health Practitioner: Doctor, Nurse, Chiropractor, Acupuncture, Nutrition, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist? Looking to expand your practice offering with CAM procedures and practices proven effective? It is well known that Indigenous Traditional Medical Systems are the basis of CAM procedures. Learn from the source!

The 164 hr. CTP1 qualifies as the pre-requisite course requirement for all SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine Degrees.  The SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certificate course additional qualifies graduates for all Intermediate, Advanced and Teacher Certification programs in SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy .

What is Somaveda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Thai Yoga?

NCBTMB Approved Provider for Continuing Education






For full description, curriculum and registration details CLICK HERE

For NAIC/ SCNM Thai Yoga Center Tuition Grants and Scholarships CLICK HERE

School of Ayurveda

LearnThaiYoga Professional at Home!   Can’t make it to a live class? Join our LearnThaiYoga “Jump Start Your Healing Practice” Home Study/ Distance Learning Platform! Over 30 different on-line, self paced courses to give you access to some of the same high quality instruction you would receive in a LIVE SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certification Program. Although, there is no substitute for LIVE training under a Thai Ajahn such as Dr. Anthony B. James. Ajahn Dr. James has personally crafted these On-line programs to give you access to authenticity.

Can’t afford to join a LIVE class? … even with a tuition scholarship? LearnThaiYoga On-line is only $16.95 per month!

Already have a practice, but it’s not working? Your not making money? Your not having a successful life experience as a Thai Yoga and or healing arts professional? In the Learn Thai Yoga On-line platform you will find details healing arts business development and marketing plans based on 38 years of professional experience in this industry. Join us at Learn Thai Yoga!

November 164hr Thai Yoga Practitioner, Ayurveda Lifestyle Consultant and SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Teacher Certification 2020

Thai Yoga Center

November SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Class

LIVE! November 164hr Thai Yoga Practitioner, Ayurveda Lifestyle Consultant and SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Teacher Certification 2020:

SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Certified Practitioner Program:CTP (164 hour residential intensive). This 13 day, ( September 4th – 16th./ Advanced: 16th – 19th. 2020) program covered all four levels of the Basic Professional Thai Yoga Certificate Program plus 20 additional breakout and/or supplemental courses. The CTP1 course is an intensive seminary training based on Traditional Thai Massage, Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, Indigenous, Traditional, Natural and Native American Medicine.

1) November 2020 SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Cert. Program Photo Gallery

2) November 2020 SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Cert. Program VIDEO  SLIDE SHOW!   

The November 2020: 164hr. SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certificate Course qualifies towards all advanced certificate (Accredited, State of Florida Compliant, AAPNA, NCBTMB) and SCNM College Degree programs in Indigenous, Traditional, Natural Medicine, Ayurveda, Ayurveda Life Style Consultant, Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist, SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Teacher Certification and SomaVeda® Thai yoga Therapy Practitioner. Graduates are qualified to practice and to provide health and wellness services for Spirit, Mind and Body for a variety of health related concerns and issues in all 50 states and Canada! Yoga Teacher already? Bring a comprehensive Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy practice to your school or program in only 13 days! This amazing Ayurveda, Yoga and Yoga Therapy retreat at the beautiful 5 acre Native American Indigenous Church Sanctuary offers a healing atmosphere unique to central Florida. Learn, Restore and Grow!

Unique to our program! Daily Reishi Yoga also known as “Reusi Dot Ton“. Bring a new and exciting Yoga practice to your home life and Shala/ Studio!

Massage Therapist? Bring the exciting therapies of Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy to your practice. Save your Hands! Our unique “Hands Free! Thai Yoga” variations have not only enlivened careers but have saved many Massage Therapist from debilitating occupational disabilities such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome!  NCBTMB and FSMTB CE hrs. Approved. Learn how to double your existing practice and income!

Allied or Medical Health Practitioner: Doctor, Nurse, Chiropractor, Acupuncture, Nutrition, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist? Looking to expand your practice offering with CAM procedures and practices proven effective? It is well known that Indigenous Traditional Medical Systems are the basis of CAM procedures. Learn from the source!

The 164 hr. CTP1 qualifies as the pre-requisite course requirement for all SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine Degrees.  The SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certificate course additional qualifies graduates for all Intermediate, Advanced and Teacher Certification programs in SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy .

What is Somaveda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Thai Yoga?

NCBTMB Approved Provider for Continuing Education

For full description, curriculum and registration details CLICK HERE

For NAIC/ SCNM Thai Yoga Center Tuition Grants and Scholarships CLICK HERE

School of Ayurveda

      LearnThaiYoga Professional at Home!   Can’t make it to a live class? Join our LearnThaiYoga “Jump Start Your Healing Practice” Home Study/ Distance Learning Platform! Over 30 different on-line, self paced courses to give you access to some of the same high quality instruction you would receive in a LIVE SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certification Program. Although, there is no substitute for LIVE training under a Thai Ajahn such as Dr. Anthony B. James, Ajahn Dr. James has personally crafted these On-line programs to give you access to authenticity.

Can’t afford to join a LIVE class … even with a tuition scholarship? LearnThaiYoga On-line is only $12.00 per month!

Already have a practice, but it’s not working? Your not making money? Your not having a successful life experience as a Thai Yoga and or healing arts professional? In the Learn Thai Yoga On-line platform you will find details healing arts business development and marketing plans based on 38 years of professional experience in this industry. Join us at Learn Thai Yoga!

How To Win In Court, Current Facts about Thai Yoga and Thai Massage Certification, Licensing and Legal Issues In Health Crises

How To Win In Court

Ajahn Dr. Anthony B. James Teaches Thai Traditional Medicine and Yoga Therapy

N.A.I.C. Legal Shield:

Step #1 is not to be ignorant! “There is NO excuse not to know the law!” as the courts like to say to the chagrin of many medical, allied medical, and or complementary health providers and ministers of any kind…

I stopped being surprised at how little healing arts practitioners KNOW about the law in general and precisely what they base their and their family’s life and livelihood upon. I want to help, if possible, to sort it out and, more than this, at the end of this article, to offer some concrete solutions to bring light into your legal darkness! I will walk you through some legal basics and, depending on your starting place, advanced.

Read through to the bottom and click the “How To Win In Court” image and link.

  • What’s a Thai Yoga and or Traditional Thai Massage certificate?
  • What’s a massage license?
  • How are they different?
  • When and where do you need them?
  • How do you get them?
  • What must you know to practice Thai Healing Arts legally in the U.S.A.?

You will find all the answers right here! Be forewarned, as the subject deserves a good response. This post is long, and you may need to read it more than once.

Traditional and SomaVeda® Thai Yoga/ Traditional Thai Massage legal aspects

Many therapists, especially in the U.S.A., passionately argue for licensing. However, this article is not about opinions and preferences but strictly about facts and the legal side of massage vs. Traditional Thai Yoga Massage/ Thai Yoga/ Traditional Thai Massage and spiritual/energetically based, religious therapeutics, and healing arts.

Every practitioner of a religious therapeutic healing art must be precise and know the legal basis for their practice.

We here at N.A.I.C. (Native American Indigenous Church Inc. Tribal Organization, Thai Yoga Center, can answer the question and provide a legal basis for you to practice anywhere!

Certification versus licensing

We first need to understand that there is a difference between certification and licensing.

Certification Definition: the action or process of providing someone or something with an official document attesting to a status or level of achievement: a fundamental requirement for organic certification | the certification of teachers an official document attesting status or level of achievement: graduates who want to gain industry-recognized credentials. – certifies all or part of the following:

  • You are qualified to practice Thai Yoga/ Traditional Thai Massage.
  • You possess the necessary understandings (knowledge) and competencies (skills)
  • You have had a certain amount of training, i.e., minimum standards apply.

Certification is only about qualification, skills, and training. It does not automatically give you the legal right to practice ANY healing, medical,l or therapeutic art, Thai or otherwise.

Licensing Definition:a permit from an authority to own or use something, do a particular thing, or carry on a trade (especially in alcoholic beverages): a gun license | [as modifier]: vehicle license fees.formal or official permission to do something: logging is permitted under the support from the Forest Service Medical and or Allied Medical and or Massage license,e etc.

Many misbelieve that you can only do healing work IF you are “Licensed” by the state!   First of all, it’s NOT TRUE! This myth is often perpetuated by “Massage Therapists” and State Massage Boards. Massage is legally defined as “Rubbing for Money,” regardless of alleged benefits. According to Massage organizations and State Massage Boards, Massage is very dangerous, and practitioners must be restricted and licensed by the respective states! Please, not all states have these wacky rules.

A legal entity, like a state licensing board, generally issues a license. However, this Massage Therapy practice is defined strictly and has the statutory scope of practice rules and conditions! Thus, a Massage License gives you the legal right to practice massage (Rubbing for Money) IF your jurisdiction has licensing laws (not all do).

Let me reiterate that some states still do not have licensing requirements for a massage! Please note, however, that they may have local jurisdictional codes or rules by county, city, etc., which may have the same effect as a message ordinance.

Additionally, all those laws change frequently.

The Fly in the Legal Ointment!


  • Certification means you can practice massage or any indigenous traditional healing art, such as Thai Yoga or Traditional Thai Massage.
  • Licensing (if required) gives you the legal right to practice massage.

The issue is that Traditional Thai Yoga (SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy) or Traditional Thai Massage is NOT Massageorr Massage Therapy as defined by law!


There are Special Rules for Thai Yoga Therapy and or Traditional Thai Massage

In the case of Thai Yoga, there are special considerations to consider. It depends on how massage and or bodywork is defined. Thai Yoga is quite different from massage and or massage therapy. It is an entirely different animal. Thai Traditional Yoga Therapy (“Ryksaa Thang Nuad Phaen Boran Thai- Reussi Dotton“) is Classical Ayurveda from Thailand. It is the manipulative discipline of Thai Traditional Medicine, Thai Ayurveda (including Thai Traditional Physical Therapy T.T.P.T./ Tok Sen/ Tit Tar and Thai Traditional Naturopathy) (“Marmacikitsa/ Kayachikitsa“). Please read my earlier post for a deep discussion on What Thai Yoga is. What is Thai Yoga Part 1 and Thai Yoga Part 2?

Consider the State of Florida

Florida State Medical Board Exemptions

2)(f) Is a rabbi, priest, minister, or member of the clergy of any religious denomination or sect when engaging in activities that are within the scope of the performance of their regular or specialized ministerial duties and for which no separate charge is made, or when such activities are performed, with or without charge, for or under the auspices or sponsorship, individually or in conjunction with others, of an established and legally cognizable church, denomination, or sect, and when the person rendering service remains accountable to the established authority thereof.
State Medical Practice: Title XXXII chapter 458 “Medical Practice “Section 458.303 Provisions not applicable to other practitioner; exceptions, etc.  (e) Any person furnishing medical assistance in case of an emergency. (f) The domestic administration of recognized family remedies. (g) The practice of the religious tenets of any church in this state.


Consider the massage definition of the state of Massachusetts.

Massachusetts Massage Law (If you want to read the entire law, click on the link)

Nothing in this section shall prevent or restrict the practice of a person who uses touch, words or directed movement to deepen awareness of patterns of motion in the body, or the affectation of the human energy system or acupoints or Qi meridians of the human body while engaged within the scope of practice of a profession with established standards and ethics, but such services shall not be designated or implied to be massage or massage therapy.

Such practices shall include, but not be limited to, the Feldenkrais Method; Reflexology; The Trager Approach; Ayurvedic Therapies, Rolf Structural Integration, Polarity or Polarity Therapy; Polarity Therapy Bodywork; Asian Bodywork Therapy that does not constitute massage as defined in this chapter; Acupressure; Jin Shin Do; Qi Gong; Tui Na; Shiatsu; Body-Mind Centering and Reiki. These exempt practitioners may use the terms” bodywork,” bodyworker,” and” bodywork therapist” in their promotional literature.

In the first example, if you’re a religious practitioner meeting the qualification required, you not only do not have to have a license but you are expressly exempted from the legal requirement!

In the Massachusetts example, under the secular rule, you can imply an exception, but it is not stated… furthermore as it is a secular law, it can be changed at any time!

Not only is this confusing, it still does not answer whether you need a license to practice Thai.

Maybe we are asking the wrong question. The question is NOT whether you need a license but under what legal basis you can practice regardless of having a permit.

The question of “Thai” comes from our community adopting Classical and traditional Ayurveda medicine of Thailand and Thai Yoga Therapy (Traditional Thai Massage) as authentic, traditional, spiritually based healing methods or systems suitable for our tribal organization and members to practice. Because we are a Native Tribal and Indigenous Tribal Organization (Tribal Church- Faith Based Religious Organization) and Aboriginal community, we have been researching this issue and question for years. Many bright minds and experts have weighed in on our legal rights to practice.

We pass this wisdom on to you now!

First, if you define or call what you do Massage or Massage Therapy (rubbing on people for money), then GET A LICENSE!

Once you have that license, follow the ethics and scope of practice, don’t cheat, and don’t violate the restrictive scope of practice, and you’ll be fine.

However, if you want to practice Thai Yoga/ Thai Massage legally in the U.S., you don’t need a license but legal AUTHORIZATION! Remember the Florida Code and the exemptions I listed above? A religious exemption to practice is “on the books” in every state. Some conditions determine if you meet the criteria for exemption. However, we can show you the ins and outs of this process.

NO Loopholes! Come onto the light and develop your healing practice and career in the morning. Don’t risk yourself and your family working under loopholes, “under the table,” etc.

Time to make the shift to N.A.I.C. Legal Shield!
NAIC Legal Shield

N.A.I.C. Legal Shield To continue your ability to practice Spiritually and or Energetically based Indigenous, Traditional, Natural, and or Native Healing and Wellness Services, Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, Thai Yoga, and or Thai Massage or related, you will need to become an active Member of N.A.I.C. according to your authorized scope of practice. If you practice any form of alternative, complementary, or spiritually-based healing work and either do not have a license or are practicing outside your mandated scope of practice, you are at risk! Many states actively pass laws restricting all forms of energy, indigenous, traditional, and natural medicine and healing. Take the new Maryland Law HB 1156 as an example:

Establish a legal Basis for healing work
This abusive and unconstitutional law is being suggested and implemented nationwide!
N.A.I.C. Inc. is not legally responsible for any former students, practitioners, and or teachers, nonmember activities for services rendered. You must have an active N.A.I.C. membership to qualify for legal protection under our authority.
Your previous training and certificates via other organizations or Holistic, alternative, or complimentary wellness or therapeutic associations T.H.A.I., I.T.T.A., Thai Yoga Center, Yoga Alliance, N.C.B.T.M.B., I.A.Y.T., Y.A., A.B.M.P., A.M.T.A., Clayton, N.A.M.A., A.A.P.N.A., various state medical boards including allied medical boards, etc. DO NOT provide legal protections for all the healing work you can do. However, they may qualify you for N.A.I.C. Legal Shield. Membership.

The Elephant in the Room!

Of course, the elephant in the room is your SCOPE of Practice! Even if you have a medical or allied medical license from any particular state… Ask yourself, Does this license give me the legal right to do what I do? What I mean by this is, do you try to practice actual medicine? Because if you do, you may violate many aspects of your license and be subject to citation, violation, or criminal proceedings daily! Enforcement of breaches of the scope of practice is random, and just because you have not been violated yet does not mean you are safe or immune from the citation, fines, and or criminal procedures!
Let us consider the current legal climate and narrative of hysteria surrounding all healthcare practices, especially any form of traditional or indigenous-based complementary or “alternative” medical or healing practices!
Here are some common areas in which well-meaning but uninformed practitioners regularly run afoul of state medical and or massage boards:
  • Do you give health advice in your consultations or services? Food, Eating, Nutrition, Supplements, Juicing, weight loss relating to any condition or health issue of any kind?
  • Do you ever assess or make ANY specific recommendations for alleviating, reducing, improving, remediating, controlling, or managing any diagnosed illness?
  • Do you recommend any treatments, sessions, or programs, or do any treatments, sessions, or programs hands-on for any specific and or diagnosed health or medical condition at any time?
  • Do you use any adjuncts, tools, mechanical aids, vibrations, light, sound, water, mechanical vibrators, or electro-acupuncture devices of any kind ever?
  • Do you do ANY psychological, emotional, mental health, or wellness counseling? Including Tapping, E.F.T., A.O. Scan, Any Frequency Body Scan or treatment, B.E.T., T.F.T., “Energy Psychology,” etc.?
  • Do you use or integrate ANY Native American Ritual, Sacrament, Ceremony, Herbs, Essential Oils, or any traditional indigenous medicine, Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy, Nature Cure, Yoga Therapy, or fitness recommendations into your healing, therapy, or wellness services?
  • Are you subject to draconian and unreasonable State Health Department “Mandates, Suggested Guidelines” regarding your rights to practice or work? Mandates and Suggested Guidelines are not L.A.W. No Governor nor Health Department can make or unilaterally pass ANY law. It is a violation of their Oath of Office to do so! But what are your rights to practice or to engage in healing work or ministry?
Would you like to do or use any of the above now or in the future?

Here are a few more questions:

Ask yourself:
  • Were your healing and natural medicine training apprentice style?
  • Did you learn Thai Yoga or Thai Massage practice in Thailand and now want to practice in the U.S. legally?
  • Was your training in Native American and or Indigenous Medicine?
  • Do you have a current license but are having issues with your full scope of practice?
  • Do you practice Ayurveda, Yoga, Yoga Therapy, Thai Yoga and or Thai Massage, Indigenous Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupressure, or Shiatsu?
  • Do you practice Reiki, Pranic healing, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Spiritual Massage, or “Crystal” healing?
  • Do you counsel and or advise on nutrition, food, diet, eating lifestyle, supplementation, nutrients, or another regimen to enhance wellness or address illness?
  • Do you practice detoxification programs such as Pancha Karma?
  • Do you practice emotional healing, energy psychology, traditional naturopathy, holistic psychology, or psychotherapy?
  • Want to get out of the Massage Therapy licensing/ Taxed therapy “gerbil wheel?”
  • Do you use or recommend Herbs, sacraments,s and unconventional herbal therapies for healing?
  • Need legal protection and freedom from expensive liability insurance issues?
  • Do you practice Homeopathy, Radionics, Rife, or other energy-based healing?
  • Do you carry or use Native American Sacrament, Birds of Prey feathers, in your healing work for yourself or others?
  • Do you believe healing, therapy, and wellness are human and constitutional rights?
  • Are you concerned about laws and governmental authorities limiting you and your family’s access to health care?
  • Are you concerned about mandatory Vaccination issues for yourself or your children?
  • Have you been hiding your healing work? Keeping it on the “Down Low,” avoiding marketing or advertising because of fear?

If any of the above is true…

Well, you should know the answer by now! We can help you!
Time to step into the light! 
Loopholes can be changed and can be closed. Let us show you how to safely bring your healing work and natural medicine into the light as an N.A.I.C. Medicine Licentiate-license holder. Don’t base or plan the future of your practice, your life, and your family’s future on a legal basis that can be taken away from you on short notice. More than this that may be used against you in court.
However, To qualify for the legal protections offered under N.A.I.C. Authority and Membership or Authorized Blessed Medicine Cards Program, additional training and or N.A.I.C. Certification may be required. It will help if you meet N.A.I.C. guidelines and qualifications and our rules, procedures, and guidelines for practice.
To apply for N.A.I.C. Membership and or for more information, Click Here!

STEP # O.N.E.! Training pre-requisite programs/ seminaries that qualify for N.A.I.C. Membership: Thai Yoga Center

Four Different Blessed Authorized Memberships Levels to Serve You.
1) Blessed Authorized Participant Membership (A.P.M. for Clients, patients, communicants)
2) Blessed Authorized Full Membership (A.F.M. For entry-level Holistic Practitioners)
3) Authorized Commissioned Holistic Therapist Licentiate-license (L.C.H.T. for professional Holistic physicians, Ministers, and Practitioners)
4) N.A.I.C. Independent Branch  (For clinics, retreat centers, multi-disciplinary hospitals, and facilities)
Further Clarification: Detox Programs, Bio-Energetic, E.F.T., Bio-Tapping, Massage, Reiki, Herbology, Homeopathy, Flower Remedies, Aroma Therapy, Traditional Naturopathy, Birth and lactation assisting-consulting, Kinesiology, Native American Medicine, Lomi Lomi, Acupressure, Ministerial Counseling, and Psychological Services, Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, Yunani Medicine, SomaVeda®, Thai Yoga, Thai Massage, Pancha Karma, Nutritional and or Food Counseling, Iridology, Frequency, Rife, Quest, A.O. Scan or Scalar energy-based therapy are all possible issues legally. Individuals who engage in such conduct may face legal repercussions, such as prosecutions, censure, and sanctions, imposed by local, state, and federal authorities. Practicing any of these or any similar modalities or practices puts you “at risk.”
Native American Church Memberships
Question? What if I have a Massage, Massage Therapy, or other License? Doesn’t that protect me?


ONACS Provides Legal Basis for Healing Ministry

State and National Massage Therapy, Scope of Legal Practice, do NOT include many C.A.M. practices and therapies such as Ayurveda, Pancha Karma, Detox Programs, Assessments, Psychological and Emotional Therapies, Thai Yoga, Thai Massage, Yoga Therapy, Spiritually based Massage, Food, Eating and Supplement strategies, personal and spiritually based Psychological Counseling, etc. They may expressly prohibit you from doing them! (Read your Scope of Practice State Massage Law!) More than this, if you’re practicing outside your Legal Scope of Practice as defined in your particular state, your Liability Insurance is not covering these practices in the event of an accident or claimed injury! Most Massage Liability Insurance programs, such as A.M.T.A., A.B.M.P., etc., specifically state that in your practice outside your S.O.P., the policy is “null and void” in case of a claim!

The Federal Gov’t and all Licensing States have hired additional investigators precisely to track down, investigate, and prosecute/ persecute so-called “Unlicensed” practitioners. They have every legal right and mandate to do so. We recently received reports that unlicensed, out-of-scope-of-practice healers are being prosecuted, fined, convicted, and shut down because they did not have the foresight to plan and establish a legal basis for their healing work.

Let’s repeat it… No Loopholes! The only reasonable answer to avoid legal and liability issues is to establish and claim your right to practice today with an N.A.I.C. Membership.
We want to ensure all our graduates and former and current students’ rights to practice without fear or interference. If you have not applied for the appropriate N.A.I.C. Authorized Membership, do so today!
Take immediate and positive action to create a legal basis for your healing work today! Don’t put your practice, clients, or life at risk of legal jeopardy! Come out of the “Loop Hole” shadows. Stop basing your future on “Maybe no one will file a complaint.”
If you’re unsure if your specific practice is covered or have any questions regarding N.A.I.C. Membership or our Authorized Blessed Medicine Card Program, contact us today by email or phone.
N.A.I.C. Legal Shield is the only way! Every day and around our Nation, the Native American Indigenous Church, our parent organization, and its members are successfully standing up for their constitutional rights under the protective umbrella of N.A.I.C. This protection is showing itself in the exchange of healing and healthcare services, protecting access to indigenous traditional and natural medicine, protecting the right to use prayer, affirmation, energy, and laying on of hands, transporting, receiving, utilizing Sacred Sacraments, and N.A.I.C.independent branches receiving relief from property taxes, etc.
The only way you can benefit is to be a member. The only way you can share the umbrella of N.A.I.C. legal protections for your rights is to be a member. The only way you can practice and express your legitimate healing and natural medicine-based medicine is to be a member. Becoming a member is the only way to guarantee your family, friends, and clients access to your practice. Join our N.A.I.C. community today!
What about schools, clinics, and or intentional healing communities?
Are you a teacher, school director, owner, Medicine Elder, wellness center, homeopathic, or dispensary owner, and wish to protect your community, clients, members, and students under our protective legal umbrella by affirming your sincere and firmly held belief in Native American healing principles? Contact us today for information on how to form your own independent N.A.I.C. Branch.

STEP # T.W.O.! Legal Resource!

Do you find yourself intimidated by the Law or Legal issues? Do you sometimes feel you need a lawyer but can not afford one? Do you sometimes feel disadvantaged because you don’t have adequate legal resources or the correct information? I have a solution for you. Become your own best legal advocate. The law was created for you, and you should know how it works and understand how it relates to you, your life, and your business.

This course is nothing less than impressive. Graduates qualify for a J.D. Degree!

I welcome your questions. I can assist you in sorting out the legalities of your health practice, but only if you are willing to invest a little effort to help yourself.
Join the N.A.I.C. Legal Shield Licentiate-license ministry,
Contact me regarding participating in a SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Certification Program

Sign up for the “How To Win In Court” legal training.

We here at the Thai Yoga Center have taught and issued professional certifications in Holistic, Native American, and Indigenous Traditional Medicine, Traditional Thai Yoga, Ayurveda, and Traditional Thai Massage full-time since 1984. We know how to practice Holistic Services and traditional healing arts in our modern environment and the complex legal environment!
No “under the table.” No “loopholes.”
Other Helpful Articles:

How to Practice SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Under Corona Concerns

Native American Indigenous Church

NAIC: Thai Yoga Center Bulletin: Updated 12/07/2020

How to Practice SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Thai Yoga  Under Corona Concerns

We have been receiving many queries from SomaVeda® Thai Yoga graduates and practitioners regarding how to practice or even whether they should practice at all during the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Some practitioners are located in states with “Lock Downs” and “Stay at Home Orders” and “Social Distancing” to one degree or another from quite harsh to little or no! There is no uniform strategy or solution being applied nationally. This is further complicated by local jurisdictions interpreting the “recommendations” of elected officials. In most states Massage Therapy as an industry has either been completely shut down or severely restricted, only being considered “essential” if a Licensed MD prescribes it for example… How often does that happen even in the best of times? My understanding is rarely if ever. Who can make a living like this? More than this who can help using their skills to heal their community like this?

Dr. James on Safe Practice 12/08/2020

Dr. James give an Update 05/19/2020

So what are you to do as a practitioner?

Well, if your a smart and prepared practitioner you have been working under your NAIC Legal umbrella as an NAIC AFM Authorized Minister Practitioner. Because we who practice under NAIC are legal to offer our services and minister to our members! Yes, even under “shutdown” orders. Why is this? several reasons… I won’t do the whole “Legal Guidelines ” lecture here as it is located in class, in “The Book” and in other “Legal” articles I have posted here… but I will say it simply because of A) Somaveda® Thai Yoga is NOT legally defined as “Massage” and or “Massage Therapy” unless you call it so, and or market it as such on a personal basis (Shame of you!). and B) Under NAIC Tribal Org. It is a Religious Therapeutic Ministry and “Sacerdotal Duty” of NAIC as a healing ministry. As a “Religious Practice” our healing ministry is exempted overtly from most if not all legal restrictions… Even where there have been unconstitutional (illegal- unenforceable) restrictions on religious practices they still allow “Social Distancing” and “Safe Practices”.

First a reminder here! The primary outcomes of SomaVeda® Thai Yoga are PromiiWihanSii or the four divine states of mind! They are Love, Compassion, Joy and Equanimity. Do you have to physically touch or be present with an individual to show, to practice or to do this? No! This means you can practice at a distance, by phone, by video or in person but with a short separation between you!

The SomaVeda® training and certification you were given included in depth education in Eating, Sacred Nutrition, Energy healing, Energy Psychology (BET/ Tapping), concrete strategies for dealing with Cancer, Diabetes and Heart Disease as well as natural solutions for infections, pain and inflammation, toxicity and deficiency. Yes, in class we emphasized the Marma Chikitsa or Hands-on (Chirothesia), However, we do train all practitioners in the holistic Ayurveda based practices of indigenous, traditional medicine as well. When you can’t emphasize the hands on … what do you emphasize? Well, every thing else! If you have forgotten the everything else… I have given you access to a wealth of practical review and new materials in  our LearnThaiYoga On-Line/ Distance learning platform for only $12.00 per month! I know ridiculously cheap for whats there. More than this there are dozens of individual lessons on how to keep you centered, healthy and organized right now! Complete reviews of all basic SomaVeda® levels, Tapping and food related.

SomaVeda® Adjunctive Therapies: Consider for the current time emphasizing SomaVeda® Adjunct Therapies: Nutritional consulting, Energy Psychology and BET/ EFT, Ayurveda Counseling, SomaVeda® T.A.E.L.R. (Tool Assisted Energy Line Release Protocols), Nuad Prakhop and Herbal therapies, SomaVeda® Homeopathy/ Bach Flower Remedies and Sacred Waters Therapies, PEMF/ Bio-Mat and or Voltage based Therapies, Rife/ Radionic and or distance Therapies i.e. No contact vibrational Therapies etc… We have so much to offer in our tool kit for wellness. There is a therapy approach suitable for every situation no matter how dire!

There is currently no cure for Corona and there won’t be one anytime soon. Eventually, everyone is going to catch it and go through it however, they do. The most important strategy is not to try to avoid it, but to ensure that everyone who either has already been exposed or is going to be exposed (everyone) is as healthy in every way possible right now and if possible before they are infected.

This relates to “co-morbidity” i.e. the underlying, and or pre-existing medical and health conditions which complicate and exacerbate the progress and mortality possibility of Covid infections such as Diabetes, Heart Disease and Cancer, Immune Disorders or Syndromes, other unknown or “Sub-clinical” infections, Vaccine Injuries, Malnutrition, Toxicities and Deficiencies, chronic inflammatory conditions etc. From the basic certification you have the information to use for counseling on these issues!

Other established co-morbidities are STRESS! Depressions, Anxieties, Fears, Phobias, Rage and irrational anger, Addictions either alcohol, drugs or both! People are suicidal from despair and who is counseling them? You know the fundamentals of Energy Psychology i.e. BET/ EFT/ Tapping, a proven therapy you are legally authorized to do. If you did nothing but market and practice coaching and counseling people to Tapp on their emotional, mental issues you would be a God send.

For more information on Pre and or Co-Morbidities read my articleUncomplicating Corona: The Good News and The Bad!

What are Medical Doctors saying about Covid-19 and related medical practice?


Do everything, offer everything and find what your community wants and needs from you!

Under NAIC as an Authorized Full Blessed Member you are legal and able to do programs and sessions for your patients and clients using everything you have been given access to in your training and certification for Ministry. Yes that includes “hands-On”. But, no matter how you define or redefine your practice let it be a SomaVeda® practice. What I mean by that is a WHOLISTIC practice. I implore you to not define your practice as a “massage” , “Bodywork” or “rubbing on people for money” practice. A) That is NOT what SomaVeda® is. B) It is NOT what you were trained and or certified in. C)It is a misrepresentation of the Sacred art and entirely self limiting both for you and your clients.

My new lecture lesson series on “SomaVeda® 49 systems of Self Expression and Healing” offers many different way to take what you already know and have and format, emphasize and or market it in new and interesting ways both as service offerings and as profit centers for you!

Ayurveda is a comprehensive system of indigenous traditional medicine which has many solutions for Corona co-morbidty! If your SomaVeda® Advanced Practitioner and or Teacher you know this and have the training in Ayurveda therapy which you can counsel with.

Bottom line? If your not practicing under NAIC your on your own! Sorry, Best of luck to you negotiating the current shifting legal and health sands. If your an NAIC Authorized practitioner of any level then your legal to practice if you follow strictly all of the legal guidelines! I said IF. If you do not follow ALL of the guidelines you are simply not protected. This means every client, every single one has to be an NAIC Member… No exceptions. You have them join NAIC as an APM Member if they are not already one. Your clients can do this easily now with the New OnLine APM Registry at SomaVeda.Com. Additionally , every client, no exceptions must fill out and sign the NAIC Informed Consent and Waiver Form. You were given copies of this Consent form, additionally the form is found in the Practitioner DropBox. If you need a blank, contact the office. If legal protection was ever important it is doubly so now under the current conditions. If your not clear… go to the “Legal Guidelines” course at LearnThaiYoga and review the published materials.

Additional Suggestions:

* Keeping in mind your legal Exceptions for religious practice. Be sure to practice legally, and within all national and local laws and guidelines. Remember! “Suggested Mandates” and or “Suggested Guidelines” are NOT Laws. No more so than when your Mom used to tell you to come home before late!
* Change your rules and regulations to comply with the lawful laws, and to be safe at all times. Make sure that all clients are NAIC Members and fill out both NAIC APM Membership and Informed Consent forms to follow your new guidelines.

*Make sure to copy and prominently display your NAIC Authorization, AFM and or LCHT… If your an Ordained Minister, make sure those documents are framed and on the wall, entry way of any office, clinic or practice areas.
* Consider taking the temperature of every client before they enter your practice room. It is ok to ask (not require) clients to wash before entering the room and to optionally give the clients the option to wear a mask. The therapist may also do the same, if that is the only way to get them into your practice! The wearing of mask by the public has been completely and scientifically debunked/ discredited by most national and international experts. 73% of persons who claim to have been infected became so while wearing masks.

Let me be clear, wearing of mask is social virtue signalling and has nothing tom do with disease transmission of any virus. Many ordinary people who watch way too much “news” still believe they need to wear a muzzle or “face shaming” device for their safety.

SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Sessions are for healing and therapy and we DO need to provide a congenial and atmosphere that allows the clients to be relaxed… if that means wearing a mask then I will not turn away a client or church member because they feel they need to wear a mask. As a matter of policy NAIC does not require mask wearing for services for the obvious reasons.

* Change the way you perform SomaVeda® Thai Yoga. For fearful clients, avoid close contact with the client’s face or breath, and keep your face at a safe distance. This is the same procedure that you would follow in dealing with any person with a severe emotional trauma. We can achieve much benefit by working into issues tangentally or indirectly.

  • Suggestion and Use AYURVEDA recommendations for all pre- and or co- morbidities! I have written an extensive article with official AYUSH Ayurveda recommendations for Ayurveda medicines and supplements to keep you and your clients in tip top health and wellness. Please take a minute and familiarize yourself with the proven strategies being currently used and recommended by our Ayurvedic Medical counterparts in India and elsewhere. “SomaVeda® Thai Yoga and Ayurveda Solutions for Corona Issues“In addition to the Herbs and medicines listed I have included links on for you to locate and purchase all the recommend supplements.

Please Note: Having made the obligatory recommendations… Do you need to really be concerned with contracting and or spreading the “Virus”? NO! The risk as promoted by the media and official government hype is “hype”-er-bolic and completely and maliciously over blown and over stated. Unless your over age 83, with severe and chronic underlying issues such as obesity (+150 to 200+ lbs.) diabetes, heart disease and or cancer etc. while in a hospice or nursing home (over 70% of all mortality is in hospice or nursing home) at the same time as you have a serious case, you will 98 to 99% never know you were sick or have the first symptom, same for everyone you know! My strongest recommendation is that IF your concerned then stay home and do what you think is right for yourself… however, better still is to take some of the “At Home” time and invest in becoming a “Corona Expert”! We have the training to assist you in this at LearnThaiYoga in the Natural Solutions for Corona, Flu and Novel Viral Infections course. I recommend this “Non-Hype” education into an issue that will be affecting your business and life for the far future!

* Consider using your feet and SomaVeda® T.A.E.L.R. (Tool Assisted Energy Line Release), instead of your hands. Consider working most of the session in side position, to maintain more distance between therapist and client, and to keep faces pointing away from each other.

* To what degree it is feasible, ensure plenty of fresh air and sunlight in the treatment area. Consider moving your mat, table or chair outdoors! Fresh air is good for many reasons.

* Make plenty of Colloidal Silver! Spray everything before and after, let “air dry” as a disinfectant. Do the same for your mask, gloves, face! Spray your mat. If you can not make your own silver because you never did invest in a Silver Maker as we taught in class, then you can order one now through the School or by the new “MIMOM Blue Sacred Water” at… Best if you make your own for yourself and your clients!

Vinyl Exercise Mat for Thai Yoga

* I am also recommending that you have a new mat or back up mat that can be cleaned and disinfected between sessions..These are the same type of mats now being used everywhere in Thailand today. Cloth mats are comfy and attractive but they are not hospital grade for cleaning. Here’s a link for the type of Mat we recommend now for professionals. We will be using these type of mats as well here at the Thai Yoga Center for the reasons stated above.  Vinyl Mat: Click Here! These mats come in various sizes and are reasonably priced!


Please let us know if you have any specific conditions, questions or challenges not addressed in this notice.

Keep Working! Be the source person for healing you were born to be!

Legal Resource!

Do you find your self intimidated by the Law or Legal issues? Do you sometimes feel you need a lawyer but can not afford one? Do you sometimes feel disadvantaged because you don’t have adequate legal resources or the right information? I have a solution for you. Become your own best legal advocate. The law was created for you and you should know how it works and understand how it relates to you, your life and your business.

This course is nothing less than amazing.

How To Win In Court


New Professional Liability Insurance for ACNM/ Thai Yoga Center Grads

New Alternative Balance Professional Liability Insurance for A.C.N.M./ Thai Yoga Center Grads!

Updated July 2023

Native American Indigenous ChurchNew Thai Yoga Center Logo July 2023ACNM Logo, https://naic-edu.orgSomaVeda® Thai Fire Stretch Certification Course

By popular request, N.A.I.C. has successfully negotiated a New Program of Professional Liability Insurance Alternative Balance for  American College of Natural Medicine and Thai Yoga Center Certificate program graduates!

All current and past SomaVeda® Thai Yoga, Ayurveda, and Yoga Therapy graduates are eligible. You can choose the coverage appropriate for your level of certification! Nice!

Please note: N.A.I.C./ A.C.N.M./ Thai Yoga Center is NOT affiliated with Alternative Balance Insurance and is NOT responsible for pricing, coverage, changes, updates, etc., to their pricing and service. This post represents the “Best Offer” and accurate coverage available at the time of publishing.


Alternative Balance Insurance Yoga

Yoga Instructor Liability Insurance

Nature Therapy Liability Insurance

Heart-centered Business Insurance

Life Coaching Insurance

Reasonable Cost professional liability insurance coverage is available to N.A.I.C. professional members who provide Holistic Ayurvedic Therapies (non-invasive only). 



When you register with Alternative Balance, You may choose as many modalities for coverage as apply to your practice; there are no extra charges for the additional modalities listed below: Bold indicates Primary for N.A.I.C. AFM/ LCHT Level with CTP1, SomaVeda® SomaVeda® Ayurveda LifeStyle Certificate, SomaVeda® Ayurveda Yoga Therapist as appropriate for the scope of practice. If you are not clear, we are happy to assist! Call the office today!)

  • Ayurveda
  • Massage (Only if in Non-License State or you hold State Massage License)
  • Yoga
  • Yoga Therapy
  • Bodywork
  • Energy Work
  • Wellness & Health Coaching
  • Nutritional Consultants or Therapists
  • Herbalist Consultations
  • Esthetician (Additional State License Required)
  • Cosmetology (Additional State License Required)
  • Personal Trainer
  • Biofeedback
  • Ear Candling
  • Nutrition Consulting (Counseling)
  • Naturopathic Consulting (Must be Active NAIC LCHT or Higher Level)
  • Pilates
  • Aromatherapy
  • EFT/ BET
  • Pole Fitness
  • Dance Instructor
  • Nail Technician
  • Fitness
  • Animal Therapies
  • Airbrush
  • Tanning
  • Aerial Yoga (Acro-Yoga)

Coverage extensions are available for additional services as needed.

  • Professional ($269.00)
  • Acupuncture! (+ $229.00)(Must be with additional coverage)
  • Cupping (+ $129.00) (Must be with additional coverage)
  • Part-time/ Per-diem Professional (Avg. 20hrs or less a week) ($239.00)
  • Student ($189.00)​ (As long as your pre-certification or graduate as a certified practitioner)

Important note: The above coverages and pricing are subject to change without notice. Contact Alternative Balance directly for the latest quote! Use the above listing as your guide to categories of coverage.

Additional Insured Premises Coverage: Perfect if you’re renting a commercial office space or suite or leasing space in a shared retail space or wellness center, multi-practitioner healing center, hospital, etc. You will need an “Additional Premises Rider for Liability Insurance, i.e., “Slip and Fall” type of coverage. Be sure to include this request at the time you reserve your policy! You will need your landlord’s name and address to add this coverage. If you move, you can change it!

Alternative Balance
1-800-871-3848  /
41 Liberty Hill Rd, Bldg 2, Henniker, NH 03242


NAIC Elders-Jibarro Borekin Taino Indigenous People Join Together

Press Release!

Jibarro Taino Borekin symbol


NAIC Elders -Jibarro Borekin Taino Indigenous People Join Together

Over the weekend of September 28, 29 and 30th. 2018 Elders and Principle Medicine Men and Women or the Native American Indigenous Church (NAIC) of Brooksville Florida and The Borekin Nation of Jibarro Taino People of Puerto Rico met and formally agreed to mutual affiliation and solidarity. In consideration of the terrible toll on the PR indigenous people following hurricanes Maria and Irma, NAIC has volunteered to support both Medical and Educational missions in Lares, Puerto Rico. (

Video of Adoption Ceremony with Borekin Tribal Officials.

In recognition of contributions and shared ceremony The Estado National Soberano De Borinken has officially adopted NAIC Chairman and Medicine Man Dr. Anthony B. James as a full fledged member of the Jibarro tribe effective September 30th. 2018. Dr. James has been issued all formal certificates of membership and the Estado Nacional Soberano De Borinken official passport and Tribal Medical License (Licensia para Ejercer la Medicina Indigena).

Puerto Rico Boriken Tribal Org Sun Seal

Dr. James has agreed to bring his system of SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Thai Yoga, Ayurveda and Religious Therapeutics to the Taino elders and community. The hope is to restore a complete and functional traditionally based, spiritually based healing and medicinal function to the greater Taino Borekin community restoring a function virtually lost during the colonial period of time. The Taino elders and medicine men and women are open to receiving education in Ayurveda and Thai Traditional Medicine! This is a first and of historical note.

Borekin Passport Dr. JamesAdoption Doc Dr. James Taino TribeBorekin Tribal Medical License Dr. James

This meeting and affiliation was held under the umbrella of SMOKH (Sacred Medical Order of the Knights of Hope/ Church of Hope)


Prof. Anthony B. James (Native American Indigenous Church– NAIC)

Prof. Carlos Torres of Yale University (indigenous peoples)

Mr. Paco Torres (of Lares)

Hwati Baez – Jibaro Tribal Elder

Mr. Jose Lopez

Mr. Jose Rodriguez who is currently running for Mayor of Lares, Puerto Rico

Dr. Gustavo Lira

Dr. Luis Jimenez MD

Dr. Benjamin Anguierra (Jibarro Borekin Legal Council/ SMOKH Legal Council)

Dr. Charles McWilliams (SMOKH/ Jibarro Borekin Minister of Medicine)

Dr. Susan McWilliams

Dr. Julie A. James (NAIC)


September 2018, 164 Hr. SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Ayurveda Certification Program

September 2018, 164 Hr. SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Ayurveda Certification Program

SomaVeda Thai Yoga Practitioner Grads

SomaVeda Thai Yoga Ayurveda Advanced Grads

Sacred Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, SomaVeda® Thai Yoga, Indigenous Traditional and Natural Medicine SCNM: Thai Yoga Center for Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy and Natural Medicine Photo’s September 2018 intensive Thai Yoga Therapy at The Native American Indigenous Church (NAIC): SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine and Thai Yoga Center located at the NAIC Sanctuary in beautiful Brooksville, Florida.

September 2018 SomaVeda® Thai Yoga, Ayurveda Lifestyle, Ayurveda Health Consultant Program Photo Gallery: CLICK HERE!

Aachan, Dr. Anthony B. James, Khruu Dr. Julie James,  Khruu Alex Ryberg and Khruu Rob Mcaulay co-facilitated this amazing journey in Traditional Thai Yoga Massage!

Students participated in the NAIC Seminary: SomaVeda® Indigenous Thai Ayurveda and Thai Yoga Therapy Basic Practitioner Certificate Course (CTP1). This SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Indigenous Thai Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy Practitioner Certificate Training included fifteen additional courses emphasizing Sacred Nutrition, Counseling, Emotional Mental Health Strategies, Nutrition and supplementation to enhance practice results, Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy and Legal Guidelines for NAIC Ministers.

SomaVeda® Thai Yoga, Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy programs stress practice development and marketing strategies that work!

NAIC/SCNM: Thai Yoga Center Ayurveda/ Thai Yoga/ Yoga Therapy/ Indigenous, Traditional Medicine, Thai Traditional Medicine religious therapeutics educational programs and Certification programs visit ThaiYogaCenter.Com

Learn more about the science behind SomaVeda® Thai Traditional Medicine at www.ThaiMassage.Com

SomaVeda® Indigenous Thai Yoga certification programs are under the direction of Aachan, Dr. Anthony B. James and Thai Yoga Center staff teachers: Khruu Dr. Julie James.

For information on NAIC Seminary College Degree Programs visit SomaVeda.Org Thai Traditional Medicine: (Indigenous Traditional Thai Yoga: Traditional Thai Massage: Indigenous Traditional Medicine: Yoga Therapy: Ayurveda: Ayurveda Yoga Therapist: Ayurveda Health Counselor: Yoga Therapist: Learn Thai Yoga: Doctor of Sacred Natural Medicine).

Schedules and Locations for NAIC Sponsored SomaVeda® Thai Yoga and Ayurveda Certification programs are posted at SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Calander.

Click here for September 2018 CTP Photo Gallery!

Current Facts about Thai Yoga and Thai Massage Certification and Licensing

NAIC Massage Legal

Current Facts about Thai Yoga and Thai Massage Certification and Licensing

  • What’s a Thai Yoga and or Traditional Thai Massage certificate?
  • Where do you get a legit “Thai Yoga” Practitioner Certification to establish a legal practice? (CLICK HERE)
  • What’s a massage license?
  • How are they different?
  • When and where do you need them?
  • How do you get them?
  • What must you know to practice Thai Healing Arts legally in the U.S.?

You will find all the answers right here! Forewarned, as the subject deserves a good solution, this post is long, and you may need to read it more than once.

Traditional Thai Yoga/ Thai Massage legal aspects

Many therapists, especially in the U.S., passionately argue for licensing. However, this article is not about opinions and preferences but strictly about facts and the legal side of massage vs. Traditional Thai Yoga Massage/ Thai Yoga/ Traditional Thai Massage and spiritual/energetically based, religious therapeutics, and healing arts in general.

Every practitioner of a religious therapeutic healing art must be precise and know the legal basis for their practice. We here at N.A.I.C. (Native American Indigenous Church Inc. Tribal Organization): Thai Yoga Center can answer the question and provide a legal basis for you to practice anywhere!

Certification versus licensing

We first need to understand that there is a difference between certification and licensing.

Certification Definition: the action or process of providing someone or something with an official document attesting to a status or level of achievement: a fundamental requirement for organic certification | the certification of official document attesting status or level of achievement: graduates who want to gain industry-recognized credentials. – certifies all or part of the following:

  • You are qualified to practice Thai Yoga/ Traditional Thai Massage.
  • You possess the necessary understandings (knowledge) and competencies (skills)
  • You have had a certain amount of training: i.e., minimum standards apply.

Certification is only about qualification, skills, and training. It does not automatically give you the legal right to practice ANY healing art, Thai or otherwise.

Licensing Definition:a permit from an authority to own or use something, do a particular thing, or carry on a trade (especially in alcoholic beverages): a gun license | [as modifier]: vehicle license fees.formal or official permission to do something: logging is permitted under the license from the Forest Service Medical and or Allied Medical and or Massage License etc.

Many misbelieve that you can only do healing work IF you are “Licensed” by the state!   First of all NOT TRUE! “Massage Therapists” and State Massage Boards often perpetuate this myth. The term “Massage,” in many states, is legally defined as “Rubbing for Money,” regardless of alleged benefits. According to Massage organizations and State Massage Boards, Massage is very dangerous, and practitioners must be restricted and licensed by the respective states! Please note all states have these wacky rules.

Like a state licensing board, a legal entity generally issues a license. However, this Massage Therapy practice is defined strictly and has the statutory scope of practice rules and conditions! Thus a Massage License gives you the legal right to practice massage (Rubbing for Money) IF your jurisdiction has licensing laws (not all do).

Let me reiterate that some states still do not have licensing requirements for a “massage” at all! Please note, however, they may have local jurisdictional codes or rules by county, city, etc., which may have the same effect as a massage ordinance.

Additionally, all those laws change frequently.

The Fly in the Legal Ointment!


  • Certification means you can practice massage or any indigenous traditional healing art, such as Thai Yoga or Traditional Thai Massage.
  • Licensing (if required) gives you the legal right to practice massage.

The issue is that Traditional Thai Yoga (SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy) and Traditional Thai Massage are NOT Massage or Massage Therapy as defined by law!

There are Special Rules for Thai Yoga Therapy and or Traditional Thai Massage

In the case of Thai Yoga, there are special considerations to consider. It depends on how massage and or bodywork is defined. Thai Yoga is quite different from massage and or massage therapy. It is an entirely different animal. Thai Traditional Yoga Therapy (“Ryksaa Thang Nuad Phaen Boran Thai- Reussi Dotton“) is Classical Ayurveda from Thailand. It is the manipulative discipline of Thai Traditional Medicine, Thai Ayurveda (including Thai Traditional Physical Therapy T.T.P.T./ Tok Sen/ Tit Tar/ Dhit Dha and Thai Traditional Naturopathy) (“Marmacikitsa/ Kayachikitsa“). Please read my earlier post for a deep discussion on What Thai Yoga is. What is Thai Yoga Part 1 and Thai Yoga Part 2?

Consider the State of Florida

Florida State Medical Board Exemptions

2)(f) Is a rabbi, priest, minister, or member of the clergy of any religious denomination or sect when engaging in activities that are within the scope of the performance of their regular or specialized ministerial duties and for which no separate charge is made, or when such activities are performed, with or without charge, for or under the auspices or sponsorship, individually or in conjunction with others, of an established and legally cognizable church, denomination, or sect, and when the person rendering service remains accountable to the established authority thereof.
State Medical Practice: Title XXXII chapter 458 “Medical Practice “Section 458.303 Provisions not applicable to another practitioner; exceptions, etc.  (e) Any person furnishing medical assistance in case of an emergency. (f) The domestic administration of recognized family remedies. (g) The practice of the religious tenets of any church in this state.


Consider the massage definition of the state of Massachusetts.

Massachusetts Massage Law (If you want to read the entire law, click on the link)

Nothing in this section shall prevent or restrict the practice of a person who uses touch, words or directed movement to deepen awareness of patterns of movement in the body, or the affectation of the human energy system or acupoints or Qi meridians of the human body while engaged within the scope of practice of a profession with established standards and ethics, but such services shall not be designated or implied to be massage or massage therapy.

Such practices shall include, but not be limited to, the Feldenkrais Method; Reflexology; The Trager Approach; Ayurvedic Therapies, Rolf Structural Integration, Polarity or Polarity Therapy; Polarity Therapy Bodywork; Asian Bodywork Therapy that does not constitute massage as defined in this chapter; Acupressure; Jin Shin Do; Qi Gong; Tui Na; Shiatsu; Body-Mind Centering and Reiki. These exempt practitioners may use the terms” bodywork,” bodyworker,” and” bodywork therapist” in their promotional literature.

In the first example, if you’re a religious practitioner meeting the qualification required, you not only do not have to have a license, you’re expressing exempted from them!

In the Massachusetts example, under the secular rule, you can imply an exception, but it is not stated… furthermore as it is a secular law, it can be changed at any time!

Not only is this confusing, it still does not answer whether you need a license to practice Thai.

Maybe we are asking the wrong question. The question is NOT whether you need a license but under what legal basis you can practice regardless of having a permit.

The question of “Thai” comes from our community adopting Classical and traditional Ayurveda medicine of Thailand and Thai Yoga Therapy (Traditional Thai Massage) as authentic traditional, spiritually based healing methods or systems suitable for our tribal organization and members to practice. Because we are a Native Tribal and Indigenous Tribal Organization (Tribal Church- Faith Based Religious Organization) and Aboriginal community, we have been researching this issue and question for years. Many bright minds and experts have weighed in on our legal rights to practice.

We pass this wisdom on to you now!

First, if you define or call what you do Massage or Massage Therapy (rubbing on people for money), GET A LICENSE!

Once you have that license follow the ethics and scope of practice, don’t cheat, and don’t violate the restrictive scope of practice, and you’ll be fine.

A religious exemption to practice is “on the books” in every state. However, if you want to practice Thai Yoga/ Thai Massage in the U.S. legally, you don’t need a license, but legal AUTHORIZATION! Remember the Florida Code and the exemptions I listed above? Some conditions determine if you meet the criteria for exemption; however, we can show you the ins and outs of this process.

NO Loopholes! Come out into the light and develop your healing practice and career in the light. Don’t risk yourself and your family working under loopholes, “under the table,” etc.

Time to make the shift to N.A.I.C.
SomaVeda Logo

Suppose you plan to continue your ability to practice Spiritually and or Energetically based Indigenous, Traditional, Natural, and or Native Healing and Wellness Services, Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, Thai Yoga, and or Thai Massage or related. In that case, you must become an active Member of N.A.I.C. according to your authorized scope of practice. Many If you practice any form of alternative, complementary, or spiritually-based healing work and either do not have a license or are practicing outside your mandated scope of practice, you are at risk! States are actively passing laws to restrict all forms of energy, indigenous, traditional, and or natural medicine, and healing. Take the new Maryland Law HB 1156 as an example:
Establish a legal Basis for healing work
This abusive and unconstitutional law is being suggested and implemented nationwide!
N.A.I.C. Inc. is not legally responsible for any former students, practitioners, and or teachers, nonmember activities for services rendered. You must have an active N.A.I.C. membership to qualify for legal protection under our authority.
Your previous training and certificates via “T.H.A.I.,” “I.T.T.A.,” Thai Yoga Center, Yoga Alliance, I.A.Y.T., A.B.M.P., A.M.T.A., Clayton School, N.A.M.A., A.A.P.N.A., etc., do not provide you with the legal protections for all the healing work you can do. However, they may qualify you for N.A.I.C. membership.
Of course, the elephant in the room is the SCOPE of Practice! Even if you have a medical or allied medical license from any particular state… Ask yourself, Does this license give me the legal right to do what I do? What I mean by this is, do you try to practice true medicine? Because if you do, you may violate many aspects of your license and be subject to citation, violation, or criminal proceedings daily! Enforcement of breaches of the scope of practice is random, and just because you have not been violated yet does not mean you are safe or immune from the citation, fines, and or criminal procedures!
Here are some common areas well-meaning but uninformed practitioners regularly run afoul of state medical and or massage boards:
Do you give health advice in your consultations or services? Food, Eating, Nutrition, Supplements, Juicing, weight loss relating to any condition or health issue of any kind?
Do you ever assess or make specific recommendations for alleviating, reducing, improving, remediating, controlling, or managing any diagnosed illness?
Do you recommend any treatments, sessions, or programs, or do any treatments, sessions, or programs hands-on for any specific and or diagnosed health or medical condition at any time?
Do you use any adjuncts, tools, mechanical aids, vibrations, light, sound, water, mechanical vibrators, or electro-acupuncture devices of any kind ever?
Do you do ANY psychological, emotional, mental health, or wellness counseling? Including Tapping, E.F.T., B.E.T., T.F.T., Energy Psychology, etc.?
Do you use or integrate ANY Native American Ritual, Sacrament, Ceremony, Herbs, or any traditional indigenous medicine recommendations into your healing, therapy, or wellness services?
Would you like to do or use any of the above now or in the future?
Here are a few more questions:
Ask yourself:
  • Were your healing and natural medicine training apprentice style?
  • Did you learn Thai Yoga or Thai Massage practice in Thailand and now want to practice legally in the U.S.?
  • Was your training in Native American and or Indigenous Medicine?
  • Do you have a current license but are having issues with your full scope of practice?
  • Do you practice Ayurveda, Yoga, Yoga Therapy, Thai Yoga, or Thai Massage?
  • Do you practice Reiki, Pranic healing, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Spiritual Massage, or Crystal healing?
  • Do you counsel and or advise on nutrition, food, diet, eating lifestyle, supplementation, nutrients, or other regimens to enhance wellness or address illness?
  • Do you practice detoxification programs such as Pancha Karma?
  • Do you practice emotional healing, energy psychology, traditional naturopathy, holistic psychology, or psychotherapy?
  • Want to get out of the Massage Therapy licensing/ Taxed therapy Gerbil wheel?
  • Do you use or recommend Herbs, sacraments,s and or unconventional herbal therapies for healing?
  • Need legal protection and freedom from expense liability insurance issues?
  • Do you practice Homeopathy, Radionics, Rife, or other energy-based healing?
  • Do you carry or use Native American Sacrament, Birds of Prey feathers, in your healing work for yourself or others?
  • Do you believe healing is a Human Right, as well as a constitutional right?
  • Are you concerned about laws and governmental authorities limiting you and your families access to health care?
  • Are you concerned about mandatory Vaccination issues for yourself or your children?
  • Have you been hiding your healing work? Keeping it on the “Down Low,” avoiding marketing or advertising because of fear?
If any of the above is true…
Well, you should know the answer by now! We can help you!
Time to step into the light! 
No loopholes. Loop Holes can be changed can be closed. Let us show you how to safely bring your healing work and natural medicine into the light as an N.A.I.C. Medicine Cardholder or Branch Elder.
However, To qualify for the legal protections offered under N.A.I.C. Authority and Membership or Authorized Blessed Medicine Cards Program, additional training and or N.A.I.C. Certification may be required.
To apply for N.A.I.C. Membership and or for more information, Click Here!

Training Programs that qualify for N.A.I.C. Membership: Thai Yoga Center

Five Different Blessed Authorized Memberships Levels to Serve You.
1) Blessed Authorized Participant Membership (A.P.M.)
3) Blessed Authorized Full Membership (A.F.M.)
4) Authorized Commissioned Holistic Therapist Licentiate (L.C.H.T.)
5) N.A.I.C. Independent Branch 
To be clear. Suppose you are practicing Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (C.A.M.), Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, SomaVeda®, Thai Yoga, Thai Massage, Pancha Karma, Nutritional and or Food Counseling, Detox Programs, Bio-Energetic, E.F.T., Bio-Tapping, Massage, Reiki, Herbology, Homeopathy, Flower Remedies, Aroma Therapy, Traditional Naturopathy, Kinesiology, Native American Medicine, Lomi Lomi, Acupressure, Ministerial Counseling and or Psychological services, Colon Hydro-therapy, Iridology, Flower Remedies, Acupressure and or similar without a license which includes explicitly your actual scope of practice and services rendered to the public. In that case, your procedure may be illegal. You are “at risk” and possibly subject to legal penalties, including fines, censure, and prosecutions from various local, state, and federal authorities.
Native American Church Memberships
Question? What if I have a Massage, Massage Therapy, or other License? Doesn’t that protect me?


ONACS Provides Legal Basis for Healing Ministry

State and National Massage Therapy, Scope of Legal Practice, do NOT include many C.A.M. practices and therapies such as Ayurveda, Pancha Karma, Detox Programs, Assessments, Psychological and Emotional Therapies, Thai Yoga, Thai Massage, Yoga Therapy, Spiritually based Massage, Food, Eating and Supplement strategies, personal and spiritually based Psychological Counseling, etc. They may expressly prohibit you from doing them! (Read your Scope of Practice State Massage Law!) More than this, if you’re practicing outside your Legal Scope of Practice as defined in your particular state, your Liability Insurance is not covering these practices in the event of an accident or claimed injury! Most Massage Liability Insurance programs, such as A.M.T.A., A.B.M.P., etc., specifically state that in your practice outside your S.O.P., the policy is “null and void” in case of a claim!

The Federal Gov’t and all Licensing States have hired additional investigators precisely to track down, investigate and prosecute/ persecute so-called “Unlicensed” practitioners. They have every legal right and mandate to do so. We recently received reports that unlicensed, out-of-scope-of-practice healers are being prosecuted, fined, convicted, and shut down because they did not have the foresight to plan and establish a legal basis for their healing work.

Let’s repeat it… No Loop Holes! Establishing and claiming your right to practice today with an N.A.I.C. Membership is the only reasonable answer to avoid legal and liability issues.
We want to ensure all our graduates and former and current students’ rights to practice without fear or interference. If you have not applied for the appropriate N.A.I.C. Authorized Membership, do so today! Unlike other “associations, if you are an active member, there may be no renewal fees!
Come out of the “Loop Hole” shadows. Don’t put your practice, clients, or life at risk of legal jeopardy! Stop basing your future on “Maybe no one will file a complaint.”
Take immediate and positive action to create a legal basis for your healing work today!
If you are unsure if your specific practice is covered or have any questions regarding N.A.I.C. Membership or our Authorized Blessed Medicine Card Program, contact us today by email or phone.
N.A.I.C. is the only way! Every day and around our Nation, the Native American Indigenous Church, our parent organization, and its members successfully stand up for their constitutional rights under the protective umbrella of N.A.I.C. This protection is showing itself in the exchange of healing and healthcare services, protecting access to indigenous traditional and natural medicine, protecting the right to use prayer, affirmation, energy, and laying on of hands, transporting, receiving, utilizing Sacred Sacraments, and N.A.I.C. independent branches receiving relief from property taxes, etc.
The only way you can benefit is to be a member. Being a member is the only way you can share the umbrella of N.A.I.C. legal protections for your rights. The only way you can practice and express your legitimate healing and natural medicine-based medicine is to be a member. Becoming a member is the only way to guarantee your family, friends, and clients access to your practice. Join our N.A.I.C. community today!
What about schools, clinics, and or intentional healing communities?
Are you a teacher, school director, owner, Medicine Elder, wellness center, or dispensary owner and wish to protect your community, clients, members, or students under our protective legal umbrella by affirming your sincere and firmly held belief in Native American healing principles? Contact us today for information on how to form your own independent N.A.I.C. Branch.

Enhance your Authenticity! Learn Thai Yoga in Thailand!

Thailand December 2023

Legal Resource!

Do you find yourself intimidated by the Law or Legal issues? Do you sometimes feel you need a lawyer but can not afford one? Do you sometimes feel disadvantaged because you don’t have adequate legal resources or the correct information? I have a solution for you. Become your own best legal advocate. The law was created for you, and you should know how it works and understand how it relates to you, your life, and your business.

This course is nothing less than impressive.

How To Win In Court






I welcome your questions. We here at the Thai Yoga Center have taught and issued professional certifications in Traditional Thai Yoga, Ayurveda, and Traditional Thai Massage full-time since 1984. We know how to practice Traditional Thai Yoga and Traditional Thai Massage legally!

Jurisprudence World Indigenous Medicine Conference 2017, Dr. Anthony B. James

Jurisprudence World Indigenous Medicine Conference 2017, Dr. Anthony B. James

DrJ Nevis Conference 2017
Dr. Anthony B. James (USA), AmaLia Wai Ching (Bali), Marvin S. Hausman, M.D. (USA), Nevis June 2017











Dr. Anthony B. James Jurisprudence/ legal presentation 10th. World Conference of Indigenous and Traditional Medicines, Nevis West Indies, June 2017. Dr. James an Aachan and Master teacher of Indigenous, Traditional Ayurveda and Thai Yoga discusses some basic principles of establishing a legal umbrella for practicing religious therapeutics. The conference was sponsored by SMOKH (Sacred Medical Order of the Church of Hope) a UN registered International ecumenical organization.

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Dr. James, director of the Native American Indigenous Church (NAIC) is director of the SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine and Thai Yoga Center of Brooksville, FL. (www.SomaVeda.Org & www.ThaiYogaCenter.Com)