NAIC Elders-Jibarro Borekin Taino Indigenous People Join Together

Press Release!

Jibarro Taino Borekin symbol


NAIC Elders -Jibarro Borekin Taino Indigenous People Join Together

Over the weekend of September 28, 29 and 30th. 2018 Elders and Principle Medicine Men and Women or the Native American Indigenous Church (NAIC) of Brooksville Florida and The Borekin Nation of Jibarro Taino People of Puerto Rico met and formally agreed to mutual affiliation and solidarity. In consideration of the terrible toll on the PR indigenous people following hurricanes Maria and Irma, NAIC has volunteered to support both Medical and Educational missions in Lares, Puerto Rico. (

Video of Adoption Ceremony with Borekin Tribal Officials.

In recognition of contributions and shared ceremony The Estado National Soberano De Borinken has officially adopted NAIC Chairman and Medicine Man Dr. Anthony B. James as a full fledged member of the Jibarro tribe effective September 30th. 2018. Dr. James has been issued all formal certificates of membership and the Estado Nacional Soberano De Borinken official passport and Tribal Medical License (Licensia para Ejercer la Medicina Indigena).

Puerto Rico Boriken Tribal Org Sun Seal

Dr. James has agreed to bring his system of SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Thai Yoga, Ayurveda and Religious Therapeutics to the Taino elders and community. The hope is to restore a complete and functional traditionally based, spiritually based healing and medicinal function to the greater Taino Borekin community restoring a function virtually lost during the colonial period of time. The Taino elders and medicine men and women are open to receiving education in Ayurveda and Thai Traditional Medicine! This is a first and of historical note.

Borekin Passport Dr. JamesAdoption Doc Dr. James Taino TribeBorekin Tribal Medical License Dr. James

This meeting and affiliation was held under the umbrella of SMOKH (Sacred Medical Order of the Knights of Hope/ Church of Hope)


Prof. Anthony B. James (Native American Indigenous Church– NAIC)

Prof. Carlos Torres of Yale University (indigenous peoples)

Mr. Paco Torres (of Lares)

Hwati Baez – Jibaro Tribal Elder

Mr. Jose Lopez

Mr. Jose Rodriguez who is currently running for Mayor of Lares, Puerto Rico

Dr. Gustavo Lira

Dr. Luis Jimenez MD

Dr. Benjamin Anguierra (Jibarro Borekin Legal Council/ SMOKH Legal Council)

Dr. Charles McWilliams (SMOKH/ Jibarro Borekin Minister of Medicine)

Dr. Susan McWilliams

Dr. Julie A. James (NAIC)


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