NAIC: Thai Yoga Center Bulletin: Updated 12/07/2020
How to Practice SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Thai Yoga Under Corona Concerns
We have been receiving many queries from SomaVeda® Thai Yoga graduates and practitioners regarding how to practice or even whether they should practice at all during the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Some practitioners are located in states with “Lock Downs” and “Stay at Home Orders” and “Social Distancing” to one degree or another from quite harsh to little or no! There is no uniform strategy or solution being applied nationally. This is further complicated by local jurisdictions interpreting the “recommendations” of elected officials. In most states Massage Therapy as an industry has either been completely shut down or severely restricted, only being considered “essential” if a Licensed MD prescribes it for example… How often does that happen even in the best of times? My understanding is rarely if ever. Who can make a living like this? More than this who can help using their skills to heal their community like this?
Dr. James on Safe Practice 12/08/2020
Dr. James give an Update 05/19/2020
So what are you to do as a practitioner?
Well, if your a smart and prepared practitioner you have been working under your NAIC Legal umbrella as an NAIC AFM Authorized Minister Practitioner. Because we who practice under NAIC are legal to offer our services and minister to our members! Yes, even under “shutdown” orders. Why is this? several reasons… I won’t do the whole “Legal Guidelines ” lecture here as it is located in class, in “The Book” and in other “Legal” articles I have posted here… but I will say it simply because of A) Somaveda® Thai Yoga is NOT legally defined as “Massage” and or “Massage Therapy” unless you call it so, and or market it as such on a personal basis (Shame of you!). and B) Under NAIC Tribal Org. It is a Religious Therapeutic Ministry and “Sacerdotal Duty” of NAIC as a healing ministry. As a “Religious Practice” our healing ministry is exempted overtly from most if not all legal restrictions… Even where there have been unconstitutional (illegal- unenforceable) restrictions on religious practices they still allow “Social Distancing” and “Safe Practices”.
First a reminder here! The primary outcomes of SomaVeda® Thai Yoga are “PromiiWihanSii“ or the four divine states of mind! They are Love, Compassion, Joy and Equanimity. Do you have to physically touch or be present with an individual to show, to practice or to do this? No! This means you can practice at a distance, by phone, by video or in person but with a short separation between you!
The SomaVeda® training and certification you were given included in depth education in Eating, Sacred Nutrition, Energy healing, Energy Psychology (BET/ Tapping), concrete strategies for dealing with Cancer, Diabetes and Heart Disease as well as natural solutions for infections, pain and inflammation, toxicity and deficiency. Yes, in class we emphasized the Marma Chikitsa or Hands-on (Chirothesia), However, we do train all practitioners in the holistic Ayurveda based practices of indigenous, traditional medicine as well. When you can’t emphasize the hands on … what do you emphasize? Well, every thing else! If you have forgotten the everything else… I have given you access to a wealth of practical review and new materials in our LearnThaiYoga On-Line/ Distance learning platform for only $12.00 per month! I know ridiculously cheap for whats there. More than this there are dozens of individual lessons on how to keep you centered, healthy and organized right now! Complete reviews of all basic SomaVeda® levels, Tapping and food related.
SomaVeda® Adjunctive Therapies: Consider for the current time emphasizing SomaVeda® Adjunct Therapies: Nutritional consulting, Energy Psychology and BET/ EFT, Ayurveda Counseling, SomaVeda® T.A.E.L.R. (Tool Assisted Energy Line Release Protocols), Nuad Prakhop and Herbal therapies, SomaVeda® Homeopathy/ Bach Flower Remedies and Sacred Waters Therapies, PEMF/ Bio-Mat and or Voltage based Therapies, Rife/ Radionic and or distance Therapies i.e. No contact vibrational Therapies etc… We have so much to offer in our tool kit for wellness. There is a therapy approach suitable for every situation no matter how dire!
There is currently no cure for Corona and there won’t be one anytime soon. Eventually, everyone is going to catch it and go through it however, they do. The most important strategy is not to try to avoid it, but to ensure that everyone who either has already been exposed or is going to be exposed (everyone) is as healthy in every way possible right now and if possible before they are infected.
This relates to “co-morbidity” i.e. the underlying, and or pre-existing medical and health conditions which complicate and exacerbate the progress and mortality possibility of Covid infections such as Diabetes, Heart Disease and Cancer, Immune Disorders or Syndromes, other unknown or “Sub-clinical” infections, Vaccine Injuries, Malnutrition, Toxicities and Deficiencies, chronic inflammatory conditions etc. From the basic certification you have the information to use for counseling on these issues!
Other established co-morbidities are STRESS! Depressions, Anxieties, Fears, Phobias, Rage and irrational anger, Addictions either alcohol, drugs or both! People are suicidal from despair and who is counseling them? You know the fundamentals of Energy Psychology i.e. BET/ EFT/ Tapping, a proven therapy you are legally authorized to do. If you did nothing but market and practice coaching and counseling people to Tapp on their emotional, mental issues you would be a God send.
For more information on Pre and or Co-Morbidities read my article “Uncomplicating Corona: The Good News and The Bad!”
What are Medical Doctors saying about Covid-19 and related medical practice?
Do everything, offer everything and find what your community wants and needs from you!
Under NAIC as an Authorized Full Blessed Member you are legal and able to do programs and sessions for your patients and clients using everything you have been given access to in your training and certification for Ministry. Yes that includes “hands-On”. But, no matter how you define or redefine your practice let it be a SomaVeda® practice. What I mean by that is a WHOLISTIC practice. I implore you to not define your practice as a “massage” , “Bodywork” or “rubbing on people for money” practice. A) That is NOT what SomaVeda® is. B) It is NOT what you were trained and or certified in. C)It is a misrepresentation of the Sacred art and entirely self limiting both for you and your clients.
My new lecture lesson series on “SomaVeda® 49 systems of Self Expression and Healing” offers many different way to take what you already know and have and format, emphasize and or market it in new and interesting ways both as service offerings and as profit centers for you!
Ayurveda is a comprehensive system of indigenous traditional medicine which has many solutions for Corona co-morbidty! If your SomaVeda® Advanced Practitioner and or Teacher you know this and have the training in Ayurveda therapy which you can counsel with.
Bottom line? If your not practicing under NAIC your on your own! Sorry, Best of luck to you negotiating the current shifting legal and health sands. If your an NAIC Authorized practitioner of any level then your legal to practice if you follow strictly all of the legal guidelines! I said IF. If you do not follow ALL of the guidelines you are simply not protected. This means every client, every single one has to be an NAIC Member… No exceptions. You have them join NAIC as an APM Member if they are not already one. Your clients can do this easily now with the New OnLine APM Registry at SomaVeda.Com. Additionally , every client, no exceptions must fill out and sign the NAIC Informed Consent and Waiver Form. You were given copies of this Consent form, additionally the form is found in the Practitioner DropBox. If you need a blank, contact the office. If legal protection was ever important it is doubly so now under the current conditions. If your not clear… go to the “Legal Guidelines” course at LearnThaiYoga and review the published materials.
Additional Suggestions:
* Keeping in mind your legal Exceptions for religious practice. Be sure to practice legally, and within all national and local laws and guidelines. Remember! “Suggested Mandates” and or “Suggested Guidelines” are NOT Laws. No more so than when your Mom used to tell you to come home before late!
* Change your rules and regulations to comply with the lawful laws, and to be safe at all times. Make sure that all clients are NAIC Members and fill out both NAIC APM Membership and Informed Consent forms to follow your new guidelines.
*Make sure to copy and prominently display your NAIC Authorization, AFM and or LCHT… If your an Ordained Minister, make sure those documents are framed and on the wall, entry way of any office, clinic or practice areas.
* Consider taking the temperature of every client before they enter your practice room. It is ok to ask (not require) clients to wash before entering the room and to optionally give the clients the option to wear a mask. The therapist may also do the same, if that is the only way to get them into your practice! The wearing of mask by the public has been completely and scientifically debunked/ discredited by most national and international experts. 73% of persons who claim to have been infected became so while wearing masks.
Let me be clear, wearing of mask is social virtue signalling and has nothing tom do with disease transmission of any virus. Many ordinary people who watch way too much “news” still believe they need to wear a muzzle or “face shaming” device for their safety.
SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Sessions are for healing and therapy and we DO need to provide a congenial and atmosphere that allows the clients to be relaxed… if that means wearing a mask then I will not turn away a client or church member because they feel they need to wear a mask. As a matter of policy NAIC does not require mask wearing for services for the obvious reasons.
* Change the way you perform SomaVeda® Thai Yoga. For fearful clients, avoid close contact with the client’s face or breath, and keep your face at a safe distance. This is the same procedure that you would follow in dealing with any person with a severe emotional trauma. We can achieve much benefit by working into issues tangentally or indirectly.
- Suggestion and Use AYURVEDA recommendations for all pre- and or co- morbidities! I have written an extensive article with official AYUSH Ayurveda recommendations for Ayurveda medicines and supplements to keep you and your clients in tip top health and wellness. Please take a minute and familiarize yourself with the proven strategies being currently used and recommended by our Ayurvedic Medical counterparts in India and elsewhere. “SomaVeda® Thai Yoga and Ayurveda Solutions for Corona Issues“In addition to the Herbs and medicines listed I have included links on for you to locate and purchase all the recommend supplements.
Please Note: Having made the obligatory recommendations… Do you need to really be concerned with contracting and or spreading the “Virus”? NO! The risk as promoted by the media and official government hype is “hype”-er-bolic and completely and maliciously over blown and over stated. Unless your over age 83, with severe and chronic underlying issues such as obesity (+150 to 200+ lbs.) diabetes, heart disease and or cancer etc. while in a hospice or nursing home (over 70% of all mortality is in hospice or nursing home) at the same time as you have a serious case, you will 98 to 99% never know you were sick or have the first symptom, same for everyone you know! My strongest recommendation is that IF your concerned then stay home and do what you think is right for yourself… however, better still is to take some of the “At Home” time and invest in becoming a “Corona Expert”! We have the training to assist you in this at LearnThaiYoga in the “Natural Solutions for Corona, Flu and Novel Viral Infections“ course. I recommend this “Non-Hype” education into an issue that will be affecting your business and life for the far future!
* Consider using your feet and SomaVeda® T.A.E.L.R. (Tool Assisted Energy Line Release), instead of your hands. Consider working most of the session in side position, to maintain more distance between therapist and client, and to keep faces pointing away from each other.
* To what degree it is feasible, ensure plenty of fresh air and sunlight in the treatment area. Consider moving your mat, table or chair outdoors! Fresh air is good for many reasons.
* Make plenty of Colloidal Silver! Spray everything before and after, let “air dry” as a disinfectant. Do the same for your mask, gloves, face! Spray your mat. If you can not make your own silver because you never did invest in a Silver Maker as we taught in class, then you can order one now through the School or by the new “MIMOM Blue Sacred Water” at… Best if you make your own for yourself and your clients!
* I am also recommending that you have a new mat or back up mat that can be cleaned and disinfected between sessions..These are the same type of mats now being used everywhere in Thailand today. Cloth mats are comfy and attractive but they are not hospital grade for cleaning. Here’s a link for the type of Mat we recommend now for professionals. We will be using these type of mats as well here at the Thai Yoga Center for the reasons stated above. Vinyl Mat: Click Here! These mats come in various sizes and are reasonably priced!
Please let us know if you have any specific conditions, questions or challenges not addressed in this notice.
Keep Working! Be the source person for healing you were born to be!
Legal Resource!
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This course is nothing less than amazing.