Thai Massage Training

Our SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Thai massage (Traditional Thai Medical Massage, Thai Clinical Massage Therapy) training program comprises twenty-five (25) unique CE and professional classes. Everyone starts with the introductory Fundamentals of Thai Yoga, SomaVeda® level One, or the 164 hr. SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certificate Retreat (Level One is included in this course!). Certification and CE courses are offered frequently throughout the year and in several locations to serve you and make it easy to schedule according to your life and budget.
SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Khruu Dr. Maureen Hughes Teaching
Our Thai massage training classes are suitable for all levels, so we welcome massage therapists with no prior Thai massage training and those who have studied at other schools. Each course in our training program provides a thorough grounding in the basic principles. However, as our facilitators are expertly trained, they can quickly respond to advanced and clinical applications of the materials presented in every class.

View Massage Therapy CE Training Dates

The SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Thai Yoga- Ajahn personally teaches Traditional Thai Medical MessageCertification courses; Dr. Anthony B. James, a Grand Master with thirty-nine years of teaching—Full-time since 1984. For Ajahn, Dr. James’ Biography, CLICK HERE!

January 2023 SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Massage Practitioner and Teacher Certification Retreat

SomaVeda at Thai Yoga Center

SomaVeda Thai Yoga Jan 2023 Khru Noy SouthivongrathJanuary 2023 Thai Yoga Massage Practitioner and Teacher Certification Retreat 164hr.

SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Certified Practitioner Certification and Retreat: CTP1 (164-hour Retreat intensive). This 13-day (Friday, January 6. to Wednesday, January 18. 2023) (Thirteen days: 129hrs. class residential, 35 hours online) program will cover all four levels of the Basic Professional Thai Yoga Certificate Program plus fifteen additional breakout and supplemental courses. The CTP1 system is an intensive training based on Traditional Thai Massage, Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, and Indigenous, Traditional, Natural, and Native American Medicine. (Advanced students Welcome!: A.L.C., A.H.C., A.Y.T., and TCP continue in class through Saturday.)

For full description, curriculum, and  details, CLICK HERE

See the January C.T.P. & Teacher Certification Video below.

To see January 2023, CTP1, and Teacher Certification Gallery and slide show, CLICK HERE!

Please Note Quarantine Proof! Add a Spiritually based health and wellness modality to your ministry! Especially during Corona concerns. Religious Therapeutics are NOT subject to governmental oversight or “Lock Downs”! Of course, our N.A.I.C. Tribal Org. will practice all necessary and prudent safety measures and procedures. All programs are Physician supervised… We are experts in infectious diseases and disorders!

The January 2023: 164hr. Thai Yoga Massage Practitioner Certificate Course qualifies towards all advanced certificates (Accredited, State of Florida Compliant, A.A.P.N.A., N.C.B.T.M.B.) and S.C.N.M. College Degree programs in Indigenous, Traditional, Natural Medicine, Ayurveda, Ayurveda Life Style Consultant, Ayurveda Health Counselor Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist, and SomaVeda® Thai yoga Therapy practitioner.

ATTENTION! Graduates are qualified to practice and provide health and wellness services for Spirit, Mind, and Body for various health-related concerns and issues in all 50 states and Canada! We are the ONLY Thai Yoga/ Ayurveda Certification program in the U.S. able to offer Legal Authorizations to practice!

Yoga Teacher already? Learn, Restore, and Grow! Bring a comprehensive Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy practice to your school or program in only 13 days (Theory: SomaVeda® Level Four pre-requisite is distance learning/ Home Study Course)! This unique Ayurveda, Yoga, and Yoga Therapy retreat at the beautiful 5-acre Native American Indigenous Church Sanctuary offers a healing atmosphere unique to central Florida.

Unique to our program!

1) Daily Reishi Yoga, or “Reusi Dot Ton.” Bring a new and exciting Yoga practice to your home life and Shala/ Studio!

2) A Legal Basis To Practice! We offer the ONLY Ayurveda & Thai Yoga Therapy program in the U.S. Under the N.A.I.C. Umbrella, it is legal to practice in ALL 50 states and over 100 countries outside the U.S., including U.S. Territories and Puerto Rico! We are also the ONLY Thai Yoga Professional certification to offer practitioners Legal Guidelines and Business Marketing courses as part of every training!

3) Clinical Approach! Our program emphasizes Medical, Clinical approaches to integrating Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy and Native American Medicine as functional medicine strategies for effectively treating disease and health conditions. All programs are Medically supervised and designed by Physicians for clinical applications. In the U.S., We teach strict therapeutic protocols for severe illnesses, including traditional therapeutic protocols for pre and co-mo. We are the original “Clinical Thai” training and certification in the U.S. teaching functional solutions for c0-morbidities!

4) Adjunct Therapies: We introduce in this program many of the SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Adjunct modalities: Table Thai Yoga, Thai Chair Yoga, Bolster Magic™, SomaVeda® Tool Assisted Energy Line Release (T.A.E.L.R.), SomaVeda® Bio-Tapp™ Emotional Liberation Technique and so much more!

5) Nutrition Health Counselor Certification: Now included at no extra fee!

By the end of this Thai Yoga certification class, you are empowered to begin practicing, open a private or group practice, or integrate into an existing Complementary and Integrative Medicine practice or healing center. No other similar program in our industry can make this offer! We give you both Marketing, Business Development, and Legal support!


Massage Therapist? Save your Hands! Bring the exciting therapies of Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy to your practice. Our unique “Hands-Free! Thai Yoga” variations have revitalized careers and saved many Massage therapists from debilitating occupational disabilities such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome! Learn how to double your existing practice and income! N.C.B.T.M.B. and F.S.M.T.B. CE hrs. Approved.

Graduates receive:

  1. Prestigious SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certificate
  2. N.A.I.C. Legal Shield: A.F.M. Authorization for one year.
  3. N.C.B.T.M.B. CE’s, if requested (Level One and Level Two)
  4. Additionally to SomaVeda® National Certified Practitioner Directory to enhance your marketing.
  5. Specially developed business, clinic, practice development, and practical, proven marketing materials and strategies to show you how to succeed and make a great living practicing SomaVeda®.
  6. Access to SomaVeda® Certified practitioner only discounts on practice building items, marketing and business development, Supplements, E.M.F. Protection devices, treatment adjunct therapies, and Diagnostic services for practitioners, clients, and family.
  7. Access to comprehensive, discounted, Professional Practice Liability Insurance
  8. And more!

LearnThaiYoga Professional at Home!

New! “Stay At Home” Option! Online SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Professional Practitioner Certification Program. If you can not make it to our LIVE certification program due to quarantine and “Stay at Home,” Travel restrictions, or similar and need this program… No Worries! Train entirely in the comfort of your own home! CLICK HERE for details!

Allied or Medical Health Practitioner: Doctor, Nurse, Chiropractor, Acupuncture, Nutrition, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist? Looking to expand your practice offering with C.A.M. procedures and practices proven effective? Learn from the source! It is well known that Indigenous Traditional Medical Systems are the basis of C.A.M. procedures.

The 164 hr. CTP1 (129hrs. in-class/ 35hrs. Distance learning) qualifies as the pre-requisite course requirement for all SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine Degrees. The SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certificate course additionally prepares graduates for all Intermediate, Advanced, and Teacher Certification programs in SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy.

What is Somaveda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Thai Yoga?



For full description, curriculum, and registration details, CLICK HERE

For NAIC/ SCNM Thai Yoga Center Tuition Grants and Scholarships, CLICK HERE



School of Ayurveda

November 2022 SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Massage Practitioner Certification Retreat

SomaVeda Thai Yoga Massage Certification ClassNovember 2022 SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Massage Practitioner Certification Retreat 164hr.

SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Certified Practitioner Certification and Retreat: CTP1 (164-hour Retreat intensive). This 13-day (Friday, November 4th. to Wednesday, November 16th.. 2022) (Thirteen days: 129hrs. class residential, 35 hours online) program will cover all four levels of the Basic Professional Thai Yoga Certificate Program plus fifteen additional breakout or supplemental courses. The CTP1 system is an intensive training based on Traditional Thai Massage, Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, and Indigenous, Traditional, Natural, and Native American Medicine.

For full description, curriculum, and registration details, CLICK HERE.

Please Note Quarantine Proof! Add a Spiritually based health and wellness modality to your ministry! Especially during Corona concerns. Religious Therapeutics are NOT subject to governmental oversight or “Lock Downs”! Of course, our N.A.I.C. Tribal Org. will practice all necessary and prudent safety measures and or procedures. All programs are Physician supervised… We are experts in infectious diseases and disorders!

Graduates are qualified to practice and provide health and wellness services for Spirit, Mind, and Body for various health-related concerns and issues in all 50 states and Canada! The November 2022: 164hr. Thai Yoga Massage Practitioner Certificate Course qualifies towards all advanced certificates (Accredited, State of Florida Compliant, A.A.P.N.A., N.C.B.T.M.B.) and S.C.N.M. College Degree programs in Indigenous, Traditional, Natural Medicine, Ayurveda, Ayurveda Life Style Consultant, Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist, and SomaVeda® Thai yoga Therapy practitioner.

Yoga Teacher already? Learn, Restore, and Grow! Bring a comprehensive Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy practice to your school or program in only 13 days (Theory: SomaVeda® Level Four pre-requisite is distance learning/ Home Study Course)! This unique Ayurveda, Yoga, and Yoga Therapy retreat at the beautiful 5-acre Native American Indigenous Church Sanctuary offers a healing atmosphere unique to central Florida.

The November 2022 Retreat was superb! You can still review and get an idea of what we are doing!

1) November 2022 SomaVeda® Retreat Video

2) November 2022 SomaVeda® Retreat Photo Gallery


Unique to our program!

Bring a new and exciting “yoga practice t” your home life and Shala/ Studio!

1) Daily Reishi Yoga, or “Reusi Dot-ton.”

2) A Legal Basis To Practice! We offer the ONLY Ayurveda & Thai Yoga Therapy program in the U.S. Under the N.A.I.C. Umbrella, it is legal to practice in ALL 50 states and over 100 countries outside the U.S., including U.S. Territories and Puerto Rico! We are also the ONLY Thai Yoga Professional certification to offer practitioners Legal Guidelines and Business Marketing courses as part of every training!

 3) Clinical Approach! Our program emphasizes Medical, Clinical approaches to integrating Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy and Native American Medicine as functional medicine strategies for effectively treating disease and health conditions. All programs are Medically supervised and designed by Physicians for clinical applications in the U.S. We teach strict therapeutic protocols for severe illnesses, including traditional pre- and co-morbidity protocols. We are the U.S.’s original “Clinical Thai” training, a U.S. certification.”

4) Adjunct Therapies: We introduce in this program many of the SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Adjunct modalities: Table Thai Yoga, Thai Chair Yoga, Bolster Magic™, SomaVeda® Tool Assisted Energy Line Release (T.A.E.L.R.), SomaVeda® Bio-Tapp™ Emotional Liberation Technique and so much more!

By the end of this Thai Yoga certification class, you are empowered to begin practicing, open a private or group practice, or integrate into an existing Complementary and Integrative Medicine practice or healing center. No other similar program in our industry can make this offer! We give you both Marketing, Business Development, and Legal support!


Massage Therapist? Bring the exciting therapies of Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy to your practice. Save your Hands! Our unique “Hands-Free! Thai Yoga” variations have enlivened careers and saved many Massage therapists from debilitating occupational disabilities such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome! Learn how to double your existing practice and income! N.C.B.T.M.B. and F.S.M.T.B. C.E. hrs. Approved.

Graduates receive:

  1. Prestigious SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certification
  2. N.A.I.C. Legal Shield: A.F.M. Authorization for one year.
  3. N.C.B.T.M.B. C.E.’s, if requested (Level One and Level TwCE’sdditionally to SomaVeda® National Certified Practitioner Directory to enhance your marketing.
  4. The specially developed business, clinic, and practice development and practical, proven marketing materials and strategies show you how to be successful and make a great living practicing SomaVeda®.
  5. Access to SomaVeda® Certified practitioner only discounts on practice building items, marketing and business development, Supplements, E.M.F. Protection devices, treatment adjunct therapies, and Diagnostic services for practitioners, clients, and family.
  6. Access to comprehensive, discounted, Professional Practice Liability Insurance
  7. And more!

LearnThaiYoga Professional at Home!

New! “Stay At Home” Option! Online SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Profesional Practitioner Certification Program. If you can not make it to our LIVE certification program due to quarantine or “Stay at Home,” Travel restrictions, or similar and need this program… No Worries! Train entirely in the comfort of your own home! CLICK HERE for details!

Allied or Medical Health Practitioner: Doctor, Nurse, Chiropractor, Acupuncture, Nutrition, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist? Looking to expand your practice offering with C.A.M. procedures and practices proven effective? Learn from the source! It is well known that Indigenous Traditional Medical Systems are the basis of C.A.M. procedures.

The 164 hr. CTP1 (129hrs. in-class/ 35hrs. Distance learning) qualifies as the pre-requisite course requirement for all SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine Degrees. The SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certificate course additionally prepares graduates for all Intermediate, Advanced, and Teacher Certification programs in SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy.

What is Somaveda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Thai Yoga?



For full description, curriculum, and registration details, CLICK HERE

For NAIC/ SCNM Thai Yoga Center Tuition Grants and Scholarships, CLICK HERE



School of Ayurveda

July 2022 SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Massage Practitioner Certification Retreat

SomaVeda July 2022 Birds Wing

July 2022 CTP NAIC SomaVeda®July 2022 SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Massage Practitioner Certification Retreat 164hr.

SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Certified Practitioner Certification and Retreat: CTP1 (164 hour Retreat intensive). This 13 day, (Friday, July 8th. to Wednesday July 20th.. 2022), (Thirteen day: 129hrs. in class residential, 35 hours on-line) program, will cover all four levels of the Basic Professional Thai Yoga Certificate Program plus fifteen additional breakout and/or supplemental courses. The CTP1 course is an intensive training based on Traditional Thai Massage, Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, Indigenous, Traditional, Natural and Native American Medicine. (Advanced students: ALC, AHC, AYT, TCP continue in class through Saturday, July 23rd.)

For full description, curriculum and registration details CLICK HERE

Please Note: Quarantine Proof! Add a Spiritually based health and wellness modality to your ministry! Especially during Corona concerns. Religious Therapeutics are NOT subject to governmental oversight or “Lock Downs”! Of course our NAIC Tribal Org. will practice all necessary and prudent safety measures and or procedures. All programs are Physician supervised… We are experts in infectious disease and disorders!

The July 2022: 164hr. Thai Yoga Massage Practitioner Certificate Course qualifies towards all advanced certificate (Accredited, State of Florida Compliant, AAPNA, NCBTMB) and SCNM College Degree programs in Indigenous, Traditional, Natural Medicine, Ayurveda, Ayurveda Life Style Consultant, Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist and SomaVeda® Thai yoga Therapy practitioner. Graduates are qualified to practice and to provide health and wellness services for Spirit, Mind and Body for a variety of health related concerns and issues in all 50 states and Canada!

Yoga Teacher already? Bring a comprehensive Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy practice to your school or program in only 13 days (Theory: SomaVeda® Level Four pre-requisite is distance learning/ Home Study Course)! This amazing Ayurveda, Yoga and Yoga Therapy retreat at the beautiful 5 acre Native American Indigenous Church Sanctuary offers a healing atmosphere unique to central Florida. Learn, Restore and Grow!

The July 2022 Retreat was amazing! You can still review and get an idea of what we were doing!

1) July 2022 SomaVeda® Retreat Video

2) July 2022 SomaVeda® Retreat Photo Gallery


Unique to our program!

1) Daily Reishi Yoga also known as “Reusi Dot Ton”. Bring a new and exciting Yoga practice to your home life and Shala/ Studio!

2) A Legal Basis To Practice! We offer the ONLY Ayurveda & Thai Yoga Therapy program in the US which, under the NAIC Umbrella, is legal to practice in ALL 50 states and over 100 countries outside the US including US Territories and Puerto Rico! Additionally, we are also the ONLY Thai Yoga Professional certification to offer practitioners a Legal Guidelines and Business Marketing course as part of every training!

3) Clinical Approach! Our program emphasizes Medical, Clinical approaches to integrating Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy and Native American Medicine as functional medicine strategies for treating disease and health conditions effectively. All programs Medically supervised and designed by Physicians for clinical applications. In the US, we are the original “Clinical Thai” training and certification. We teach serious therapeutic protocols for serious illnesses including traditional therapeutic protocols for pre and co-morbidities!

4) Adjunct Therapies: We introduce in this program many of the SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Adjunct modalities: Table Thai Yoga, Thai Chair Yoga, Bolster Magic™, SomaVeda® Tool Assisted Energy Line Release (T.A.E.L.R.), SomaVeda® Bio-Tapp™ Emotional Liberation Technique and so much more!

By the end of this Thai Yoga certification class you are empowered to begin practicing, open a private or group practice and or integrate into an existing Complimentary and or Integrative Medicine practice or healing center. We give you both Marketing, Business Development and Legal support! No other similar program in our industry can make this offer!


Massage Therapist? Bring the exciting therapies of Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy to your practice. Save your Hands! Our unique “Hands Free! Thai Yoga” variations have not only enlivened careers but have saved many Massage Therapist from debilitating occupational disabilities such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome!  NCBTMB and FSMTB CE hrs. Approved. Learn how to double your existing practice and income!

Graduates receive:

  1. Prestigious SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certification
  2. NAIC Legal Shield: AFM Authorization for one year.
  3. NCBTMB CE’s if requested (Level One and Level Two)
  4. Additionally to SomaVeda® National Certified Practitioner Directory to enhance your marketing.
  5. Specially developed business, clinic and practice development and practical, proven marketing materials and strategies to show you how to be successful and make a great living practicing SomaVeda®.
  6. Access to SomaVeda® Certified practitioner only discounts on practice building items, marketing and business development, Supplements, EMF Protection Devises, treatment adjunct therapies and Diagnostic services for practitioners, clients and family.
  7. Access to comprehensive, discounted, Professional Practice Liability Insurance
  8. And more!

LearnThaiYoga Professional at Home!

New!  “Stay At Home” Option! On-Line SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Professional Practitioner Certification Program. If  you can not make it to our LIVE certification program due to quarantine and or “Stay at Home”, Travel restrictions or similar and need this program… No Worries! Train entirely in the comfort of your own home! CLICK HERE for details!

Allied or Medical Health Practitioner: Doctor, Nurse, Chiropractor, Acupuncture, Nutrition, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist? Looking to expand your practice offering with CAM procedures and practices proven effective? It is well known that Indigenous Traditional Medical Systems are the basis of CAM procedures. Learn from the source!

The 164 hr. CTP1 (129hrs. in-class/ 35hrs. Distance learning) qualifies as the pre-requisite course requirement for all SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine Degrees.  The SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certificate course additional qualifies graduates for all Intermediate, Advanced and Teacher Certification programs in SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy .

What is Somaveda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Thai Yoga?



For full description, curriculum and registration details CLICK HERE

For NAIC/ SCNM Thai Yoga Center Tuition Grants and Scholarships CLICK HERE



School of Ayurveda

May 2022 Thai Yoga Massage Practitioner Certification Retreat 164hr

SomaVeda at Thai Yoga Center


SomaVeda Thai Yoga Massage May 2022May 2022 Thai Yoga Massage Practitioner Certification Retreat 164hr.

SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Certified Practitioner Certification and Retreat: CTP1 (164-hour Retreat intensive). This 13-day, (May 6th. – 18th. 2022), (Thirteen days: 129hrs. class residential, 35 hours online) program, will cover all four levels of the Basic Professional Thai Yoga Certificate Program plus fifteen additional breakout and/or supplemental courses. The CTP1 course is an intensive training based on Traditional Thai Massage, Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, and Indigenous, Traditional, Natural, and Native American Medicine. (Advanced students: ALC, AHC, AYT, TCP continue in class through Saturday, January 22nd.)

Please Note Quarantine Proof! Add a Spiritually based health and wellness modality to your ministry! Especially during Corona concerns. Religious Therapeutics are NOT subject to governmental oversight or “Lock Downs”! Of course our NAIC Tribal Org. will practice all necessary and prudent safety measures and or procedures. All programs are Physician supervised… We are experts in infectious diseases and disorders!

1) May 2022:  SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Cert. Program Photo Gallery

2) May 6th. to 18th. 2022, NAIC Seminary: SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine, May 2022: Slide Show!:

SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Cert. Program VIDEO SLIDE SHOW!

The 164hr. SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certificate Course qualifies towards all advanced certificates (Accredited, State of Florida Compliant, AAPNA, NCBTMB) and SCNM College Degree programs in Indigenous, Traditional, Natural Medicine, Ayurveda, Ayurveda Life Style Consultant, Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist, SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Teacher Certification and SomaVeda® Thai yoga Therapy Practitioner. 3) Graduate Testimonials!  CLICK HERE to hear our grads give their first-hand impressions of their time in class. Graduates are qualified to practice and to provide health and wellness services for Spirit, Mind, and Body for a variety of health-related concerns and issues in all 50 states and Canada! Yoga Teacher already? Bring a comprehensive Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy practice to your school or program in only 13 days! This amazing Ayurveda, Yoga, and Yoga Therapy retreat at the beautiful 5-acre Native American Indigenous Church Sanctuary offers a healing atmosphere unique to central Florida. Learn, Restore, and Grow!

The May 2022: 164hr. Thai Yoga Massage Practitioner Certificate Course qualifies towards all advanced certificates (Accredited, State of Florida Compliant, AAPNA, NCBTMB) and SCNM College Degree programs in Indigenous, Traditional, Natural Medicine, Ayurveda, Ayurveda Life Style Consultant, Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist, and SomaVeda® Thai yoga Therapy practitioner. Graduates are qualified to practice and to provide health and wellness services for Spirit, Mind, and Body for a variety of health-related concerns and issues in all 50 states and Canada!

Yoga Teacher already? Bring a comprehensive Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy practice to your school or program in only 13 days (Theory: SomaVeda® Level Four pre-requisite is distance learning/ Home Study Course)! This amazing Ayurveda, Yoga, and Yoga Therapy retreat at the beautiful 5-acre Native American Indigenous Church Sanctuary offers a healing atmosphere unique to central Florida. Learn, Restore, and Grow!

Unique to our program!

1) Daily Reishi Yoga also known as “Reusi Dot Ton”. Bring a new and exciting Yoga practice to your home life and Shala/ Studio!

2) A Legal Basis To Practice! We offer the ONLY Ayurveda & Thai Yoga Therapy program in the US which, under the NAIC Umbrella, is legal to practice in ALL 50 states and over 100 countries outside the US including US Territories and Puerto Rico! Additionally, we are also the ONLY Thai Yoga Professional certification to offer practitioners Legal Guidelines and Business Marketing courses as part of every training!

3) Clinical Approach! Our program emphasizes Medical, Clinical approaches to integrating Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy and Native American Medicine as functional medicine strategies for treating disease and health conditions effectively. All programs are Medically supervised and designed by Physicians for clinical applications. In the US, we are the original “Clinical Thai” training and certification. We teach serious therapeutic protocols for serious illnesses including traditional therapeutic protocols for pre and co-morbidities!

4) Adjunct Therapies: We introduce in this program many of the SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Adjunct modalities: Table Thai Yoga, Thai Chair Yoga, Bolster Magic™, SomaVeda® Tool Assisted Energy Line Release (T.A.E.L.R.), SomaVeda® Bio-Tapp™ Emotional Liberation Technique and so much more!

5) Martial Arts:

Buddhai Sawan Logo

Buddhai Sawan USA LogoWe offer lessons and instruction in several Martial Arts: Thai Buddhai Sawan Krabi-Krabong (Buddhai Sawan USA), Muay Boran, and Muay Thai (Thai Boxing). Flilipino Kali (Inosanto Method), Pekiti Tersia (Gaje Style), Indinesian Penjak Silat (Jaffre style) and Progressive American Karate- Jiu Jitsu (Garrard, Corley, Wallace and  Smith PKA Style). The curriculum varies to suit individuals in the class. No experience is necessary. Ajahn Dr. Anthony B. James is authorized and qualified to teach these MAs. See Martial Arts Bio1 & Bio12


By the end of this Thai Yoga certification class, you are empowered to begin practicing, open a private or group practice and or integrate into an existing Complementary and or Integrative Medicine practice or healing center. We give you both Marketing, Business Development, and Legal support! No other similar program in our industry can make this offer!


Massage Therapist? Bring the exciting therapies of Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy to your practice. Save your Hands! Our unique “Hands-Free! Thai Yoga” variations have not only enlivened careers but have saved many Massage therapists from debilitating occupational disabilities such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome!  NCBTMB and FSMTB CE hrs. Approved. Learn how to double your existing practice and income!

LearnThaiYoga Professional at Home!

New!  “Stay At Home” Option! On-Line SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Professional Practitioner Certification Program. If you can not make it to our LIVE certification program due to quarantine and or “Stay at Home”, Travel restrictions, or similar and need this program… No Worries! Train entirely in the comfort of your own home! CLICK HERE for details!

Allied or Medical Health Practitioner: Doctor, Nurse, Chiropractor, Acupuncture, Nutrition, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist? Looking to expand your practice offering with CAM procedures and practices proven effective? It is well known that Indigenous Traditional Medical Systems are the basis of CAM procedures. Learn from the source!

The 164 hr. CTP1 (129hrs. in-class/ 35hrs. Distance learning) qualifies as the pre-requisite course requirement for all SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine Degrees.  The SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certificate course additional qualifies graduates for all Intermediate, Advanced, and Teacher Certification programs in SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy.

What is Somaveda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Thai Yoga?



For full description, curriculum, and registration details CLICK HERE

For NAIC/ SCNM Thai Yoga Center Tuition Grants and Scholarships CLICK HERE


Buddhai Sawan Logo

School of Ayurveda

March 2022 Thai Yoga Massage Practitioner Certification Retreat 164hr

SomaVeda at Thai Yoga Center

Thai Yoga Therapy DSC01751

March 2022 Thai Yoga Massage Practitioner Certification Retreat 164hr.

SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Certified Practitioner Certification and Retreat: CTP1 (164 hour Retreat intensive). This 13 day, (January 7th. – 19th. 2022), (Thirteen day: 129hrs. in class residential, 35 hours on-line) program, will cover all four levels of the Basic Professional Thai Yoga Certificate Program plus fifteen additional breakout and/or supplemental courses. The CTP1 course is an intensive training based on Traditional Thai Massage, Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, Indigenous, Traditional, Natural and Native American Medicine. (Advanced students: ALC, AHC, AYT, TCP continue in class through Saturday, January 22nd.)

Please Note: Quarantine Proof! Add a Spiritually based health and wellness modality to your ministry! Especially during Corona concerns. Religious Therapeutics are NOT subject to governmental oversight or “Lock Downs”! Of course our NAIC Tribal Org. will practice all necessary and prudent safety measures and or procedures. All programs are Physician supervised… We are experts in infectious disease and disorders!

1) March 2022:  SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Cert. Program Photo Gallery

2) March 2022: Slide Show!:

SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Cert. Program VIDEO SLIDE SHOW (!  The 164hr. SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certificate Course qualifies towards all advanced certificate (Accredited, State of Florida Compliant, AAPNA, NCBTMB) and SCNM College Degree programs in Indigenous, Traditional, Natural Medicine, Ayurveda, Ayurveda Life Style Consultant, Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist, SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Teacher Certification and SomaVeda® Thai yoga Therapy Practitioner. 3) Graduate Testimonials!  CLICK HERE to hear our grads give their first hand impressions of their time in class. Graduates are qualified to practice and to provide health and wellness services for Spirit, Mind and Body for a variety of health related concerns and issues in all 50 states and Canada! Yoga Teacher already? Bring a comprehensive Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy practice to your school or program in only 13 days! This amazing Ayurveda, Yoga and Yoga Therapy retreat at the beautiful 5 acre Native American Indigenous Church Sanctuary offers a healing atmosphere unique to central Florida. Learn, Restore and Grow!

The March 2022: 164hr. Thai Yoga Massage Practitioner Certificate Course qualifies towards all advanced certificate (Accredited, State of Florida Compliant, AAPNA, NCBTMB) and SCNM College Degree programs in Indigenous, Traditional, Natural Medicine, Ayurveda, Ayurveda Life Style Consultant, Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist and SomaVeda® Thai yoga Therapy practitioner. Graduates are qualified to practice and to provide health and wellness services for Spirit, Mind and Body for a variety of health related concerns and issues in all 50 states and Canada!

Yoga Teacher already? Bring a comprehensive Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy practice to your school or program in only 13 days (Theory: SomaVeda® Level Four pre-requisite is distance learning/ Home Study Course)! This amazing Ayurveda, Yoga and Yoga Therapy retreat at the beautiful 5 acre Native American Indigenous Church Sanctuary offers a healing atmosphere unique to central Florida. Learn, Restore and Grow!

Unique to our program!

1) Daily Reishi Yoga also known as “Reusi Dot Ton”. Bring a new and exciting Yoga practice to your home life and Shala/ Studio!

2) A Legal Basis To Practice! We offer the ONLY Ayurveda & Thai Yoga Therapy program in the US which, under the NAIC Umbrella, is legal to practice in ALL 50 states and over 100 countries outside the US including US Territories and Puerto Rico! Additionally, we are also the ONLY Thai Yoga Professional certification to offer practitioners a Legal Guidelines and Business Marketing course as part of every training!

3) Clinical Approach! Our program emphasizes Medical, Clinical approaches to integrating Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy and Native American Medicine as functional medicine strategies for treating disease and health conditions effectively. All programs Medically supervised and designed by Physicians for clinical applications. In the US, we are the original “Clinical Thai” training and certification. We teach serious therapeutic protocols for serious illnesses including traditional therapeutic protocols for pre and co-morbidities!

4) Adjunct Therapies: We introduce in this program many of the SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Adjunct modalities: Table Thai Yoga, Thai Chair Yoga, Bolster Magic™, SomaVeda® Tool Assisted Energy Line Release (T.A.E.L.R.), SomaVeda® Bio-Tapp™ Emotional Liberation Technique and so much more!

5) Martial Arts:

Buddhai Sawan Logo

Buddhai Sawan USA LogoWe offer lessons and instruction in several Martial Arts: Thai Buddhai Sawan Krabi-Krabong (Buddhai Sawan USA), Muay Boran, Muay Thai (Thai Boxing). Flilipino Kali (Inosanto Method), Pekiti Tersia (Gaje Style), Indinesian Penjak Silat (Jaffre style) and Progressive American Karate- Jiu Jitsu (Garrard, Corley, Wallace and  Smith PKA Style). Curriculum varies to suit individuals in class. No experience necessary. Ajahn Dr. Anthony B. James is authorized and qualified to teach these MA. See Martial Arts Bio1 & Bio12


By the end of this Thai Yoga certification class you are empowered to begin practicing, open a private or group practice and or integrate into an existing Complimentary and or Integrative Medicine practice or healing center. We give you both Marketing, Business Development and Legal support! No other similar program in our industry can make this offer!


Massage Therapist? Bring the exciting therapies of Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy to your practice. Save your Hands! Our unique “Hands Free! Thai Yoga” variations have not only enlivened careers but have saved many Massage Therapist from debilitating occupational disabilities such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome!  NCBTMB and FSMTB CE hrs. Approved. Learn how to double your existing practice and income!

LearnThaiYoga Professional at Home!

New!  “Stay At Home” Option! On-Line SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Professional Practitioner Certification Program. If  you can not make it to our LIVE certification program due to quarantine and or “Stay at Home”, Travel restrictions or similar and need this program… No Worries! Train entirely in the comfort of your own home! CLICK HERE for details!

Allied or Medical Health Practitioner: Doctor, Nurse, Chiropractor, Acupuncture, Nutrition, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist? Looking to expand your practice offering with CAM procedures and practices proven effective? It is well known that Indigenous Traditional Medical Systems are the basis of CAM procedures. Learn from the source!

The 164 hr. CTP1 (129hrs. in-class/ 35hrs. Distance learning) qualifies as the pre-requisite course requirement for all SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine Degrees.  The SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certificate course additional qualifies graduates for all Intermediate, Advanced and Teacher Certification programs in SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy .

What is Somaveda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Thai Yoga?



For full description, curriculum and registration details CLICK HERE

For NAIC/ SCNM Thai Yoga Center Tuition Grants and Scholarships CLICK HERE


Buddhai Sawan Logo

School of Ayurveda

LearnThaiYoga Announces Up Dates for OnLine Learning Platform January 2022!

LearnThaiYoga On-Line
Traditional Thai Yoga Therapy also known as Thai Traditional Massage is the fastest growing and most sought after healing modality in the world today. Of course, the best way to learn is in a live class with a Master Teacher or Thai “Aachan” such as at the Thai Yoga Center in Brooksville, Florida studying with Ajahn, Dr. Anthony B. James and or his trained and certified SomaVeda® Thai Yoga staff Khruu or Teachers.

You Asked for it! THAI YOGA ONLINE Learning Platform!

However, if you can’t make it to a live SomaVeda® Thai Yoga class either because of scheduling or cost the next best thing is to learn from the Master Teacher at Home!
Now you can Learn SomaVeda® Thai Yoga at Home!
Don’t waste your time on lessons from untrained and un-certified and or non-authentic teachers?
Come to a genuine source for your continuing education!
Hi everyone and good day!
I am continuing my current project of bringing you new and useful information and content to empower you to Jump Start Your Healing Practice.  This content is designed to supplement and add to your existing SomaVeda® Thai Yoga practice. It is in addition, and or a review of the amazing content in our LIVE SomaVeda® / Ayurveda/ Natural Medicine courses. It’s not enough to just have a goody bag of useful “tricks” and “bits” of therapies to put together a successful healing practice. Degrees and Certifications are fine but in and of themselves do not lead one to a happy, successful and fulfilling life, a intrinsically successful, happy life.
Recent Course Releases…
  1. Here the list of the courses I’m offering for you to start today!
    1. Learn How To Jump Start your Healing Practice and Improve your Income! Save your hands! Save your hands! Expand your Therapeutic capacity. Make a fabulous income! All Inclusive Monthly Subscription Program!
Expand your Therapeutic capacity. 
Make a fabulous income! 
All Inclusive Monthly Subscription Program!
Learn Thai Yoga Course List:
Core Lessons Available in Monthly Subscription Program Only

Current Issues:
    2. Natural Solutions for Infections for Ayurveda and Thai Yoga Therapist: How to treat chronic and acute infections naturally!
    3. Natural Solutions for Corona, Flu and Novel Infections: Corona Strategies for Yogi’s and Healers
    4. Free Guide to What is Thai Yoga? 101: What it is and How this Practice can Jumpstart your Therapy Practice!
    5. What is Thai Yoga? 101: To see where we are going lets consider where we start!
    6. Fundamentals of SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy and Traditional Thai Massage: Learn the Level One Traditional Flow
    7. Clinical Applications of SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy: Research and clinical benefits, applications of Somaveda® Thai Yoga for Syndromes and Disease
    8. Insight Into Vaccines for Thai Yoga, Ayurveda and Healing Arts Practitioners: Questions and Answers to Vaccine Issues for Yoga Therapist and Families
    9. Infections 101: Natural Solutions for Infections for Allied Therapist: NCBTMB .5 CE Hrs.: Free with “Jump Start” Subscription! .5 CE’s NCBTMB Massage Therapy
    10. SomaVeda® Ayurvedic Thai Yoga Massage Therapy: Level Two Concepts: Buddhai Sawan Style Traditional Thai Ayurveda and Traditional Thai Medical Massage
    11. SomaVeda® Bolster Magick™: Thai Yoga Thai Massage for Head, Neck and Shoulders: SomaVeda® Bolster Magick™ New dimensions in Healing
    12. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Pain and Discomfort Solutions for Thai Yoga Therapist: Everything Thai Yoga Therapist need to know to resolve Carpal Tunnel Pain using SomaVeda® Thai Yoga protocols!
    13. Northern Style, Nuad Boran or “Lanna”, Chiangmai-Chiangrai Thai Yoga Insights: Nuad Boran or “Lanna” Northern Kingdom Style SomaVeda® Practice
    14. Sustainable Eating Equals Sustainable Health: How to eat right to support and maintain health and wellness
    15. Theory and Principles of SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy: SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Level Four Materials
    16. Increase Your Focus for Better Life and Practice: How to reduce distraction, sharpen focus and achieve a better life and practice!
    17. Meditation for Focus and Success: Jump Start Your Practice by Adding Meditation to Improve Focus and Success
    18. The Freedom of Living in The Now!: Bring power into your life by living in the Now
    19. How to Get Back on the Health Track in 2021: Lose your New Years Health Resolution?
    20. Prosperity for Healers and Health Practitioners: How to Overcome Limitations in Building Your Dream Healing or Therapy Practice
    21. It’s In You! Developing a Healing Arts Entreprenurial Mindset: Taking the Risk out of Building your Health Arts Practice or Clinic
    22. The Blind School of Thai Traditional Medicine and Yoga Therapy: Blind Traditional Ayurveda and Marma Chikitsa in Thailand
    23. Your No Nonsense Guide to Effective Leadership Skills: Business Management Action Plan
    24. Mental Health for Patients and You: Strategies and Functional Solutions for Mental and Psychological Wellness
    25. Using Tools in Thai Yoga & Ayurveda! The Right Use of Technology: SomaVeda® T.A.E.L.R., Gua Sha, Dhit Dha, Lajiin, Bio-Magnets, Scalar, Beck Protocol, Vibrational, Electro-Therapy and More!
    26. Legal Guidelines for Alternative and Complimentary Providers: Everything to know about CAM, Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, Energy and Indigenous Medicine Licensing
    27. Minimalism: Reducing Clutterfor a More Fulfilling Life
    28. That Thou Art: Jnana Yoga Course: 18 Lessons and Lectures on Jnana Yoga/ Self-Realization by Swami Vivekananda
    29. Heart Opening Designs: Coloring Book!: The Mandala, Chakra and Sacred Art Coloring Book
    30. How to Start a Home Based Sacred Healing and Counseling Business: How To Start Your Own Home Based Sacred Healing and Counseling Business, In Ten Days Or Less!
    31. Nothing to Hold You Back: Your Personality, The Key To Your Success
    32. Lessons in Cultivating a Positive Outlook for a Happy and Successful Life: Everything You Need To Know About Being More Positive and Less Negative
    33. Prioritize your Life: Manifest More Time for Achieving Your Goals and Enjoying Life
    34. The Disorganized Procrastinator’s Guide to Self Organization & Time Management: How To Organize and Give Your Self More Time For What Matters!
    35. Personal and Professional Development with Certificates and Legal Authorization to Practice (NAIC)
    36. SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Professional On-Line Certification Course (CTP1-DL): Distance Learning: Now Includes “Non-Contact” and Basics of Ayurveda Heath Coaching! (Separate program: Not included in monthly subscription)
    37. Ayurveda Nutrition & Constitutional Medicine: Everything You Need To Know About Nalanda-Tibetan Traditional Ayurveda
    38. PUJA: The Art Of Prayer in SomaVeda® Thai Yoga: How to manifest unconditional love in healing work
    39. The Power of Kindness: As an Expression of Unconditional LoveIncluded NCBTMB: FREE CE Courses!
    Free CE Course! Natural Solutions for Infections for Allied Therapist: NCBTMB .5 CE Hrs.
FREE CE! Solving Carpal Tunnel Syndrome for Allied and or Massage Therapist: 7 Hr. NCBTMB CE CoursePlus:
    A) SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Professional On-Line Certification Course (CTP1-DL): Distance Learning: Now Includes “Non-Contact” and Basics of Ayurveda Heath Coaching! (Separate program: Not included in monthly subscription)B) SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner On-Line Pre-requisite for the LIVE Professional Certification Program: as offered by Somaveda® Thai Yoga Certified Teachers! (Separate program: Not included in monthly subscription)
And three more included classes!
It is good that our traditions have deep and ancient roots with elders and teachers who have lived the life of healers, traditional doctors and therapist for centuries, literally. They are our role models. We do not have to reinvent the wheel of success in what we do by ourselves. Only our current life situations and perhaps cultural considerations are unique. But what we are doing in life is not new or unique. We can learn from our elders and these lessons and qualities I am recommending you cultivate don’t originate with me personally but they are passed down to us by previous generations of healers who chose to practice true medicine as a way of life for their whole life!
Please share these courses with your professional friends!
Thai Yoga Center

The ONLY On-line Thai Yoga (Traditional Thai Massage) course exclusively authored and designed by a recognized Ajahn and Master Teacher of Traditional Thai Yoga Therapy!

See Bio for Ajahn, Dr. Anthony B. James…CLICK HERE for Teacher Bio!!

Currently Available in the Jump Start Your Practice All Inclusive Subscription Course (New Content! Tuesday, December 23rd. 2021), this All Inclusive course program includes:

  1. Forty (40) different professional courses.
  2. 733 Lectures-lessons
  3. 436 Educational and Demo Video’s
  4. 88 Audio Lectures and or Mp3 Files
  5. 162 Free Textbooks, PDF’s, Free Reports plus Handout!
  6. Over 852 hours of professional Thai Yoga Therapy and Related Educational Content!
  7. 2 Free NCBTMB/ FSMBT CE Courses suitable to renewal requirements for Massage Therapist National Certification Board License Renewal!
  • NEW!! Also includes New Covid-19, Novel Infection, Vaccine Information and Strategies and protocols for dealing with current pandemic and Vaccine Info and related! (Updated Sunday, December 23rd. 2021: Added 1 New Lessons and Three New Video’s!)


Please NOTE!  Of course, if you have already attended a LIVE SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certification Program then the new LearnThaiYoga on-Line School gives you new review and updates on new materials and clinical applications to keep your work fresh and practical. Expand your practice!
At the LearnThaiYoga on-Line School we are committed to bring you the very best instructional courses and support materials.
Clinical Applications: Courses cover all aspects of Traditional Thai Yoga Therapy Practice from technique to clinical applications. Dr. James is not just an Ajahn and Master Teacher of Thai Traditional Ayurveda and Medicine, but he holds Doctorates in Medicine, Naturopathy, Oriental Medicine-Acupuncture, Ayurveda, Indigenous Medicine and a Masters of Science in Clinical Herbology plus other advance clinical boards and certifications… Only a Physician can give you a trusted clinical approach!
We have over 200 new lessons scheduled to be delivered over the next six months! You can expect a new courses, new video’s and or new multiple lessons to be added and or updated weekly!

The best part! How much does it cost? Only $16.95 per month!

We appreciate your support!
Native American Indigenous Church College of Natural Medicine (NAIC) operates in compliance, as a degree granting institution through exemption, by the Florida State Board of Independent Colleges and Universities under Section 1005.06 (1) (f), FLA Statutes. The state, like other states, does not require accreditation or theological accreditation for our religious education based programs. NAIC is an Integrated Auxiliary of the Priory of Saving Grace. NAIC is an IRS 508(c)(1)(a) compliant FBO (Faith Based Org) Tribal Organization.

LearnThaiYoga Announces Up Dates OnLine Learning Platform June 2021!

LearnThaiYoga On-Line
Traditional Thai Yoga Therapy also known as Thai Traditional Massage is the fastest growing and most sought after healing modality in the world today. Of course, the best way to learn is in a live class with a Master Teacher or Thai “Aachan” such as at the Thai Yoga Center in Brooksville, Florida studying with Aachan Dr. Anthony B. James and or his trained and certified SomaVeda® Thai Yoga staff Khruu or Teachers.

You Asked for it! THAI YOGA ON-LINE!

However, if you can’t make it to a live SomaVeda® Thai Yoga class either because of scheduling or cost the next best thing is to learn from the Master Teacher at Home!
Now you can Learn SomaVeda® Thai Yoga at Home!
Don’t waste your time on lessons from untrained and un-certified and or non-authentic teachers?
Come to a genuine source!
Hi everyone and good day!
I am continuing my current project of bringing you new and useful information and content to empower you to Jump Start Your Healing Practice.  It’s not enough to just have a goody bag of useful “tricks” and “bits” of therapies to put together a successful healing practice. Degrees and Certifications are fine but in and of themselves do not lead one to a happy, successful and fulfilling life, a intrinsically successful, happy life.
Recent Course Releases…
  1. Mastering the Seated Attitude in SomaVeda® Thai Yoga
  2. Natural Solutions for Infections for Ayurveda and Thai Yoga Therapist
  3. Insight Into Vaccines for Thai Yoga, Ayurveda and Healing Arts Practitioners
  4. Natural Solutions for Corona, Flu and Novel Viral Infections
  5. SomaVeda® Ayurvedic Thai Yoga Massage Therapy: Level Two
  6. Clinical Applications of SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy
  7. SomaVeda® Bolster Magick: Thai Yoga, Thai Massage for Head, Neck and Shoulder
  8. Infections 101: Natural Solutions for Infections for Allied Therapist: NCBTMB .5 CE Hrs.
  9. Northern Style, Nuad Boran or Lanna Thai Yoga Insights
  10. Using Tools in Thai Yoga & Ayurveda! The Right Use of Technology
  11. That Thou Art: Jnana Yoga Course
  12. PUJA: The Art Of Prayer in SomaVeda® Thai Yoga
  13. Ayurveda Nutrition & Constitutional Medicine
  14. Theory and Principles of Somaveda® Thai Yoga Therapy
  15. Prosperity for Healers and Health Practitioners
  16. Legal Guidelines for CTP1 Prerequisite, General Legal Guidelines Course for SomaVeda® Thai Yoga, Ayurveda Certified Practitioners.
  17. Minimalism, Reducing Clutter for a More Fulfilling Life
  18. Heart Opening Designs, The Mandala, Chakra and Sacred Art Coloring Book
  19. How To Start a Home Based Sacred Healing and Counseling Business
  20. Nothing To Hold You Back! Your Personality, The Key To Your Success
  21. Lessons in Cultivating a Positive Outlook for a Happy and Successful Life
  22. The Disorganized Procrastinator’s Guide to Self Organization & Time Management
  23. The Power of Kindness
  24. Self-Care Path to Happiness
  25. Mental Health for Patients and You!
  26. The Blind School of Thai Traditional Medicine
  27. Your No-nonsense Guide to effective Leadership
  28. SomaVeda® Bolster Magick
  29. It’s in you! Developing a Healing Entrepreneurs Mindset
  30. Solving Carpal Tunnel Syndrome for Thai Therapist
  31. Increase Your Focus For Better Life and Practice
  32. Sustainable Eating Equals Sustainable Health
  33. Meditation for Focus and Success
  34. The Freedom of Living in the Now
  35. How To Get Back on The Health Track
  36. Prosperity for healers and Health Practitioners
  37. New Video Lessons on SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Vinyasa (Flows for various breakouts)!
And three more included classes!
It is good that our traditions have deep and ancient roots with elders and teachers who have lived the life of healers, traditional doctors and therapist for centuries, literally. They are our role models. We do not have to reinvent the wheel of success in what we do by ourselves. Only our current life situations and perhaps cultural considerations are unique. But what we are doing in life is not new or unique. We can learn from our elders and these lessons and qualities I am recommending you cultivate don’t originate with me personally but they are passed down to us by previous generations of healers who chose to practice true medicine as a way of life for their whole life!
Please share these courses with your professional friends!
Thai Yoga Center
The ONLY On-line Thai Yoga (Traditional Thai Massage) course exclusively authored and designed by a recognized Ajahn, Physician and Master Teacher of Traditional Thai Yoga Therapy! CLICK HERE for Ajahn, Dr. James BIO

Currently Available in the Jump Start Your Practice All Inclusive Subscription Course (New Content! Monday June 23rd. 2021), this All Inclusive course program includes:

  1. Forty (40) different professional courses.
  2. 717 Lectures-lessons
  3. 411 Educational and Demo Video’s
  4. 85 Audio Lectures and or Mp3 Files
  5. 162 Free Textbooks, PDF’s, Free Reports plus Handout!
  6. Over 829 hours of professional Thai Yoga Therapy and Related Educational Content!
  7. 2 Free NCBTMB/ FSMBT CE Courses suitable to renewal requirements for Massage Therapist National Certification Board License Renewal!
  • NEW!! Also includes New Covid-19, Novel Infection, Vaccine Information and Strategies and protocols for dealing with current pandemic and Vaccine Info and related! (Updated June 19th. 2021)
Please NOTE!  Of course, if you have already attended a LIVE SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certification Program then the new LearnThaiYoga on-Line School gives you new review and updates on new materials and clinical applications to keep your work fresh and practical. Expand your practice!
At the LearnThaiYoga on-Line School we are committed to bring you the very best instructional courses and support materials.
Clinical Applications: Courses cover all aspects of Traditional Thai Yoga Therapy Practice from technique to clinical applications. Dr. James is not just an Ajahn and Master Teacher of Thai Traditional Ayurveda and Medicine, but he holds Doctorates in Medicine, Naturopathy, Oriental Medicine-Acupuncture, Ayurveda, Indigenous Medicine and a Masters of Science in Clinical Herbology plus other advance clinical boards and certifications… Only a Physician can give you a trusted clinical approach!
We have over 200 new lessons scheduled to be delivered over the next six months! You can expect a new courses, new video’s and or new multiple lessons to be added and or updated weekly!
The best part! How much does it cost? Only $16.95 per month!
We appreciate your support!
Native American Indigenous Church College of Natural Medicine (NAIC) operates in compliance, as a degree granting institution through exemption, by the Florida State Board of Independent Colleges and Universities under Section 1005.06 (1) (f), FLA Statutes. The state, like other states, does not require accreditation or theological accreditation for our religious education based programs. NAIC is an Integrated Auxiliary of the Priory of Saving Grace. NAIC is an IRS 508(c)(1)(a) compliant FBO (Faith Based Org) Tribal Organization.

SomaVeda® Uncomplicating Corona, The Good News and The Bad!

Corona Virus Information Chart

SomaVeda® Uncomplicating Corona, The Good News and The Bad!

How and Why we (The World, The US) are vulnerable to Corona and Novel Viral and other pathogens and HOW TO FIX IT!

SomaVeda® Uncomplicating Corona

by By Ajahn, Dr. Anthony B. James, Dean of the SomaVeda College of Natural MedicineCollege of Ayurveda Medicine, Thai Yoga Center

New Updated! June 12, 2022

The Bad News! So far as of today… the risk of death associated with Covid exposure is proportional to complicating , underlying chronic and or acute pre-existing issues. As I read through the numbers I see the vast majority on morbid outcomes occur for those individuals who ALREADY have severe health issues before becoming infected… Keep in mind the reason why so many are surprised or shocked when people die is because they didn’t consider the underlying, chronic diseases the patient was already dying or at risk of dying of a serious!

Read the whole article…But then try to find a way to wrap your head around the idea that the greatest health risk by far of Covid-19 to you and everyone you know is underlying unresolved heath issues and the chemical prescription drugs used to treat or control them!

Pre and Co-Morbidity! Coupled with deficient nutrition and rampant malnutrition, poor diet consisting of “Franken-foods” GMO’s, Artificial everything, anything, artificial sweeteners, out right malnutrition from common deficiencies of vitamin, minerals, Iodine, vitamin D, C etc. Lack of grounding, lack of sunshine, lack of fresh air, lack or insufficient exercise including load bearing and aerobic, chronic dehydration, insufficient deep sleep, Chronic constipation, Chronic Diarrhea, Gut Dysbiosis, Pre and Pro-biotics out of balance, ELF/ EMF Harmful energy exposure, Radiation from Chernobyl and Fukoshima… Don’t forget the many common Chemical Drugs/ Pharmaceutical that are known to shut down critical immune system functions…

Add in a real infectious vector Corona… Well you get the picture, right? It’s a perfect storm and the big numbers start to make sense!

Add in a real infectious vector Corona… It’s a perfect storm and the big numbers start to make sense!

The Good News! The solution? What we have been saying literally for the past 50 years. Concepts which still appear “novel” to the mainstream medical community and or industry. Conceptes which are labeled at best CAM i.e. complimentary and alternative medicine practices and at worst “Quackery”. Concepts such as Indigenous, traditional, Natural and Holistic Medicine and Health practices which reduce both the frequency, duration and morality of over 90% of the underlying chronic and acute issues which contribute to mortality (Death) including “Physician” caused death by malpractice and prescribing of harmful chemical and toxic drugs.

These CAM practices come by many names: Ayurveda, Traditional Thai Ayurveda- Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) including Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Yunani Medicine, Hilot Medicine, Naturopathy and Nature Cure Medicine, Monastic Medicine and or Religious Therapeutics, Native American Medicine, Herbology, Aroma-therapy, Acupressure, Light therapy, PEMF (Pulsed Electro-magnetic Therapy), Homeopathy, Chelation Therapy, Nutrition Therapy, Health Coach etc. These are all recognized by The Who, provide care for billions of people to some degree or another in the world today. What these all share in common is that they provide relatively safe, predictable and functional medicinal outcomes towards reducing or eliminating underlying chronic and or acute health issues with little or NO risk of associated death. They share aims for example to KEEP YOU OUT OF THE Hospital, the emergency room.

Short Term, What Do I DO? Sixteen Helpful Suggestions from the Doctor!

What to do until or while your waiting for an appointment for counseling or treatment protocol from your chosen provider?

  1. In many states “social Distancing” guidelines and restrictions have recently been found to be unconstitutional and not based on science or sound medicine practice! Check your local and state guidelines to see if you live in a state where the Governor’s mandates have been found to be illegal and unscientific and or current status.
  2. Do NOT wear a mask in public… It is not scientifically valid and for many causes far more harm than good! (See Video: Why are We Wearing Mask?) If you must wear a mask… Clean and re-sterilize your mask regularly: Wash with hot soapy water, rinse, dry in regular over at 130degrees for at least 20 min. Spray with Colloidal Silver and let air dry. However! Do Not mistake this recommendation as a “Health Recommendation”! It is NOT! Wearing a Mask, any mask for a prolonged time causes Hypoxia and oxygen starvation which begins immediately to cause harm…Watch this video… Truth Bombs! Rant #2: Why Are We Wearing Mask?
  3. If you have a fever Do Not Go Out… Do Not Socialize and observe a voluntary stay at home. There are many reason other than Corona to have a fever, but for the care of those you love stay at home if you have a fever. This should be common sense.
  4. Wash Your Hands before and after each session… There are many guides to this now that everyone is an expert! If unsure if your doing it right… go to YouTube and search!
  5. Stay Healthy, drink plenty of water, eat right, get rid of the junk food, go outside, get plenty of sunshine, be happy , have some fun, enjoy your family and your pets!
  6. Take your supplements! Now is not the time to be slack! If you need to order or restock, do so now as delivery times could be slower for a while. Take those minerals, Iodine, Vitamen C, D, Zinc. Take your probiotics. Ask about our Ayurveda, Chinese medicine and Herbal Medicine support recommendation’s!
  7. Manage your diabetes by eating a mostly plant based diet. If necessary take a fortified meal supplement with digestive enzymes.
  8. Eat more Sprouts!
  9. Use an Infrared Sauna or Infrared Lamp, Bio-Mat etc.
  10. DO NOT take any drug as protection AGAINST infection! Remember ALL Chemical Drugs and or Vaccines have serious adverse effects! Don’t take any drug unless you know what those side effects, even death, are and are making an informed decision.
  11. Obtain a Nebulizer for both O2 therapy and or Colloidal Silver if need be.
  12. Work on your emotional, mental and or psychiatric health and stay balanced! Use your BET/ Tapping/ EFT/ Energy Psychology to stay healthy and happy on the inside.
  13. Let go of the minute by minute social diarrhrea and endless news updates… Once you know what your dealing with and where the real risk are coming from, then that is your point of focus! One more statistic is NOT going to assist you in either not becoming sick or dying of Corina!
  14. Spend time with attractive and positive people! Phone, video, yelling over the fence! However, you can do it. Socializing is also a necessary part of an over all health plan.
  15. Get real help for your pain issues! Back pain, neck pain, Knee pain… whatever it is there is a CAM Provider who can follow a safe protocol and treat your pain. Don’t suffer in silence because you don’t have to.
  16. Make that appointment for a personal consultation. Most good SomaVeda® Thai Yoga, Ayurveda, TCM, Chiropracters, Holistic Health Coaches and Nutritionist Counselors are really busy right now, so you likely will have to plan ahead.
  17. Schedule and start a SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapeutic Protocol with an NAIC Authorized Professionally Certified Professional to both reduce underlying health issues and build support for proper immune system function, to de-compress, de-stress and bring a joy for living back into your life!

In fact many hospitals and emergency rooms are turning sick people who are not severe and obviously infection (option) as it is. So where are these people, where are you and your family and or patient to turn to at this time? I say… same place recommended last year, and the year before… US! The holistic CAM provider is more your resource now than ever before. We are everywhere and in reality not hard to find. Seek out your provider and get cracking with some helpful counseling and therapy today. Don’t continue to procrastinate resolving the underlying health issues that yesterday might not have seemed so important but which today could contribute to taking your life!

Here’s an article “SomaVeda® Thai Yoga and Ayurveda Solutions for Corona Issues” (

PLEASE NOTE: We also have more in-depth Courses and lessons addressing both Corona and Strategies for solving many underlying health issues on our on-line learning platform… Specifically in the “Jump Start Your Healing Practice and Improve Your Income” All Inclusive Course, program. (

Pre and Co-Morbities: Underlying contributors leading to premature death complicated by Covid-19

These are: 

Metabolic X syndrome: (

Obesity: Medical or otherwise (

Diabetes: All (, (, (,

Heart Disease including Hypertension: (, (

Cancer: All (, (

Chronic Respiratory: i.e. smoking related, emphysema, COPD, Asthma etc.

Influenza A, B etc:

Pneumonia, Chronic Bronchitis:

Clinical Infection: Sepsis, MRSA etc. bacteremia, sepsis, and septic shock:

Tropical Infections Diseases: malaria, leishmaniasis, schistosomiasis, onchocerciasis, lymphatic filariasis, Chagas disease, African trypanosomiasis, chickengunya and dengue.

Sub-clinical Infections of any kind: Bacterial, Viral or Fungal: UTI, Candidiasis

Emotional, Psychological and mental health disorders: (, (, (

Medical Malpractice i.e. Iatragenic or Physican caused Mortility and or Death: (, (, (


Please note: I am not going to attempt to list all of the sources here! It’s overwhelming. There are literally thousands of scholarly and or scientific literature describing th morbidity and co-morbidity or these complication health issues.

Primary Immune disorder:

Usually inherited or caused by problems in genes of cells in the immune system, Characterized by infections that are severe, recurrent, and challenging to treat, More common than cystic fibrosis, affecting 1 in 1,200 people in the US:


Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID): People with CVID have decreased levels of antibodies (immunoglobulins) in the blood and are therefore more likely to get infections.

X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA): People with XLA—an inherited form of PI—have very few B cells, which are specialized white blood cells that help protect the body against  infection.

Immune globulin G (IgG) Subclass Deficiency: IgG is divided into 4 subclasses: IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, and IgG4. People are said to have an IgG subclass deficiency when they lack or have very  low levels of 1 or more IgG subclasses, but their total IgG levels are normal.

Hyper-IgM (HIGM) Syndrome: People with HIGM syndrome have an excess of IgM and reduced levels of other immunoglobulins, including IgG and immune globulin A (IgA).

Selective IgA Deficiency: One of the most common types of PI in Caucasians, selective IgA deficiency, often goes undiagnosed in some people because they are never  sick enough to be seen by a doctor. Others, however, may develop a variety of challenges that need medical attention.

Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID): SCID, a serious form of PI, is a rare syndrome with multiple genetic causes.

Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome: Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome is a PI disease that affects both the T and B lymphocytes.

DiGeorge Syndrome: DiGeorge syndrome is a PI disease caused by abnormal formation of certain tissues during fetal development. The defect may affect the thymus  gland and impair production of T lymphocytes.

Ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T): A-T is a PI disease that affects a number of organs.


Pharmaceutical Drug  Issues:

A) Drugs that cause side effects that can exacerbate mortality…

B) Drugs that either are known to cause or to increase risk of induced Pulmonary Disease:

C) Types of lung problems or diseases that may be caused by medicines include, but are not limited to:

          Drug-induced interstitial lung disease

Symptoms of Drug-induced interstitial lung disease: dry cough and shortness of breath due to interstitial lung disease, an imaging study may be ordered. A “CT” scan of the chest would show changes (reticular or ground-glass opacities). Pulmonary function tests may also be ordered by your physician, which can show moderate-to-severe decreases in carbon monoxide diffusion capacity.

Sound familiar?

  • Allergic reactions — asthma, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, or eosinophilic pneumonia
  • Bleeding into the lung air sacs, called alveoli (alveolar hemorrhage)
  • Swelling and inflamed tissue in the main passages that carry air to the lungs (bronchitis)
  • Damage to lung tissue (interstitial fibrosis)
  • Drugs that cause the immune system to mistakenly attack and destroy healthy body tissue, such as drug-induced lupus erythematosus
  • Granulomatous lung disease — a type of inflammation in the lungs
  • Inflammation of the lung air sacs (pneumonitis or infiltration)
  • Lung vasculitis (inflammation of lung blood vessels)
  • Lymph node swelling
  • Swelling and irritation (inflammation) of the chest area between the lungs (mediastinitis)
  • Abnormal buildup of fluid in the lungs (pulmonary edema)
  • Buildup of fluid between the layers of tissue that line the lungs and chest cavity (pleural effusion)

Many medicines and substances are known to cause lung disease in some people. These include:

  • Antibiotics, such as nitrofurantoin and sulfa drugs
  • Heart medicines, such as amiodarone
  • Chemotherapy drugs such as bleomycin, cyclophosphamide, and methotrexate
  • Street drugs

According to Merk…

Drug-induced pulmonary disease is not a single disorder, but rather a common clinical problem in which a patient without previous pulmonary disease develops respiratory symptoms, chest x-ray changes, deterioration of pulmonary function, histologic changes, or several of these findings in association with drug therapy. Over 150 drugs or categories of drugs have been reported to cause pulmonary disease; the mechanism is rarely known, but many drugs are thought to provoke a hypersensitivity response. Some drugs (eg, nitrofurantoin) can cause different injury patterns in different patients.

Depending on the drug, drug-induced syndromes can cause interstitial fibrosis, organizing pneumonia, asthma, noncardiogenic pulmonary edema, pleural effusionspulmonary eosinophiliapulmonary hemorrhage, or veno-occlusive disease (see Table: Substances With Toxic Pulmonary Effects).

List of Drugs Known to cause Lung Failure and Disease…




CYTOXAN (LYOPHILIZED)methylphenidate

CONCERTA, RITALINhydrocortisone

CORTEF, SOLU-CORTEFmercaptopurine










ACHROMYCIN Vdipyridamole






No US brand nameAmiodarone












List of Drugs that cause Lung and Heart Injury

Amiodarone is the most common heart drug that causes pulmonary abnormalities. Used for the treatment of atrial fibrillation, pulmonary toxicity affects as many as 6% of individuals on amiodarone. Among these cases, fatality rates range from 10-20%. Eek. A safer, similar medication used for atrial fib is Multaq (dronedarone) which is more expensive than amiodarone but may be a better first choice given the lower risk of lung injury.

Nitrofurantoin (Macrobid) is a commonly prescribed antibiotic used to treat urinary tract infections. Nitrofurantoin has been linked to both acute and chronic lung injury, believed to be a hypersensitivity reaction from the drug.

Methotrexate (Rheumatrex) is used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis as well as other serious skin conditions and carries a known risk of acute interstitial pneumonia.

Biologic agents. Cetuximab (Erbitux), bevacizumab (Avastin), trastuzumab (Herceptin) and alemtuzumab (Lemtrada) are just a few of many in this newer class of medications that have been reported to cause drug induced interstitial lung disease. Again, these are medications used for serious illnesses like cancer and accepting the rare risk of interstitial lung disease may be “worth” it as you will be closely monitored.

Seizure medications. Phenytoin (Dilantin) and carbamazepine (Tegretol)—which is also used to treat pain from trigeminal neuralgia or shingles—are both known to cause drug-induced acute interstitial pneumonitis.

Aspirin and other NSAIDS (ibuprofennaproxen) may cause acute pulmonary hypersensitivity reactions which may occur within the first week of treatment—or as late as three years after first exposure.

Sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim (Bactrim) is a sulfonamide-containing antibiotic used for bacterial infections. It is a rare cause of drug-induced interstitial lung disease.

Hydralazine is used for the treatment of high blood pressure and heart failure, and cases of nonspecific interstitial pneumonias have been reported.

Cholesterol medications aka “Statins.” This is tricky because while drug-induced interstitial lung disease has been reported with most statins including pravastatin (Pravachol), simvastatin (Zocor), and atorvastatin (Lipitor), they have also been shown in studies to be associated with lower mortality in people with interstitial lung disease and pulmonary fibrosis.


Drugs that can Lower or act as Immuno-suppressant’s

Diabetes Drugs:

Reported May 29, 2020, 4 p.m. Those with NDMA (N-Nitrosodimethylamine/ dimethylnitrosamine) formula: (CH₃)₂NNO were recalled and or banned worldwide. The Drugs listed are Metformin, ZANTAC (ranitidine) and other AND GENERIC ZANTAC OTC RANITIDINE DRUGS. All of the following can exacerbate, mask or contribute to Corona symptoms, course and severity, add to complications and complicate treatment of Corona. However many Doctors are still prescribing! (

Exposure to NDMA can cause cancer. Injuries from NDMA exposure include but are not limited to:

  • Breast Cancer
  • Testicular Cancer
  • Bladder Cancer
  • Thyroid Cancer
  • Kidney Cancer
  • Melanoma
  • Prostrate Cancer (Under age of 65)
  • Uterine Cancer
  • Intestinal Cancer
  • Liver Cancer
  • Esophageal/Nasal/Throat Cancer
  • Lung Cancer (for non-smokers)
  • Ovarian Cancer
  • Pancreatic Cancer
  • Stomach Cancer


  •  (Deltasone, Orasone)
  • budesonide (Entocort EC)
  • prednisolone (Millipred)

Janus kinase inhibitors

  • tofacitinib (Xeljanz)

Calcineurin inhibitors

  • cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune, SangCya)
  • tacrolimus (Astagraf XL, Envarsus XR, Prograf)

mTOR inhibitors

  • sirolimus (Rapamune)
  • everolimus (Afinitor, Zortress)

IMDH inhibitors (Immunosuppressants)


  • abatacept (Orencia)
  • adalimumab (Humira)
  • anakinra (Kineret)
  • certolizumab (Cimzia)
  • etanercept (Enbrel)
  • golimumab (Simponi)
  • infliximab (Remicade)
  • ixekizumab (Taltz)
  • natalizumab (Tysabri)
  • rituximab (Rituxan)
  • secukinumab (Cosentyx)
  • tocilizumab (Actemra)
  • ustekinumab (Stelara)
  • vedolizumab (Entyvio)

Monoclonal antibodies

  • basiliximab (Simulect)
  • daclizumab (Zinbryta)

PLEASE NOTE: The above is NOT comprehensive. A list of possible drugs causing and or exacerbating would easily run into the thousands of possible suspects. I personally interviewed a past VP Pharmacology of CVS Pharmacy, who told me emphatically it is scientifically and procedurally impossible to calculate the side effects, adverse reactions and co-morbidity of three or more drug simultaneously.

Considering that the average person in the US (48.4%) takes at least One drug per month more than 36.6% of person in the US take between 3 and 5 prescription chemical drugs per month (CDC: it doesn’t take a science degree to see that 100% of all of these are likely to have one or more adverse effects and 36.6 % will likely have severe and complicated, un predictable list of adverse effects just from the drugs alone.

A) Profiles for prescription drugs…

Let’s not forget the OTC Meds, NSAIDS (Non Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs) etc. like the recently banned “Zantac” which also have a huge list of adverse effects including death.

Add GMO’s and Artificial sweeteners no to this growing list of factors which can cause or exacerbate co-morbity with … well… anything! Including with Covid.

List of side effects/ adverse effects of Artificial Sweeteners:

First names of Artificial Sweeteners: 

ACESULFAME POTASSIUM: ACK,  Ace K, Equal Spoonful (also +aspartame),  Sweet One, Sunett

ASPARTAME: APM, AminoSweet (but not in US),  Aspartyl-phenylalanine-1-methyl ester,  Canderel (not in US), Equal Classic, NatraTaste Blue, NutraSweet


CYCLAMATE: Not in US as per FDA, Calcium cyclamate, Cologran = cyclamate and saccharin; not in US, Sucaryl

ERYTHRITOL: Sugar alcohol, Zerose, ZSweet

GLYCEROL: Glycerin, Glycerine



ISOMALT: Sugar alcohol, ClearCut Isomalt, Decomalt, DiabetiSweet (also contains Acesulfame-K), Hydrogenated Isomaltulose, Isomaltitol

LACTITOL: Sugar alcohol

MALTITOL: Sugar alcohol, Maltitol Syrup, Maltitol Powder, Hydrogenated High Maltose Content Glucose Syrup, Hydrogenated Maltose, Lesys,  MaltiSweet (hard to find online to buy), SweetPearl

MANNITOL: Sugar alcohol


POLYDEXTROSE: Sugar alcohol (Derived from glucose and sorbitol)

SACCHARIN: Acid saccharin,  Equal Saccharin, Necta Sweet, Sodium Saccharin, Sweet N Low, Sweet Twin

SORBITOL: Sugar alcohol, D-glucitol, D-glucitol syrup

SUCRALOSE: 1′,4,6′-Trichlorogalactosucrose, Trichlorosucrose, Equal Sucralose, NatraTaste Gold, Splenda

TAGATOSE: Natrulose

XYLITOL: Sugar alcohol, Smart Sweet, Xylipure, Xylosweet


List of side effects, adverse effects of Artificial Sweeteners: 

Studies have suggested an association between the use of non-nutritive sweeteners and health outcomes (such as body weight, diabetes, cancer, and oral health)… See earlier in this article references for these specific issues relating to co-morbidity!

According to Dr. Osborne: “Current research is limited on the beneficial effects and the long-term health risks associated with the ingestion of artificial sweeteners. However, cyclamate (an early artificial sweetener), was banned by the FDA in 1970 due to carcinogenic risks in experimental animals. With this ban, the artificial sweetener market took a hit. Consumers were left scared knowing there could be a cancer risk associated with ingestion of artificial sweeteners. Shortly after, manufacturers replaced one toxic artificial sweetener with new equally toxic sweetener. Many consumers report headaches, dizziness, rashes, bloating, nausea, diarrhea, and digestive problems after ingesting artificial sweeteners. These side effects could build up over time and cause serious long term diseases with regular consumption of these processed sugars.

Currently, the great debate is between the FDA and scientists. In a study determining the effects of saccharin, sucralose and aspartame consumption in both mice and humans, the ingestion of artificial sweeteners altered microbial metabolic pathways6. Studies indicated glucose intolerance was elevated due to changes in gut microbiota. Gut health has to be optimal in order to maintain a healthy immune system and normal metabolic functions in our body.  Such metabolic functions include maintaining normal blood pressure, blood glucose, and cholesterol levels. More studies need to be conducted, but scientists believe that there is also a relationship between sweeteners and certain cancers, chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, autism, and systemic lupus. 

In numerous studies observing weight loss with the ingestion of artificial sweeteners, there is not enough proof that consumption is beneficial in weight management2. Studies are able to show short-term weight loss, but lack any long term weight loss results. However, consumers are still consuming artificial sweeteners in order to reduce their caloric intake with the intent of weight loss based on physician’s recommendations.

Artificial Sweeteners can also develop into an addiction. These processed sugars are 200-13,000 times sweeter than regular sugar5. Over time, the consumption of these artificial sweeteners can alter taste buds and result in a constant craving for foods that are overly sweet. More nutritious foods such as fruits and vegetables become less palatable, so less nutritious sugar-free substitutes and carbohydrates are consumed instead. Consequently, risks for nutrient deficiencies and weight gain increase.”

In case you missed it. There are other amazing and helpful courses and lessons in this LearnThaiYoga Program. I suggest the “Clinical Applications of SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy” Course as a good NEXT STEP!

Be well!

Disclaimer: Ayurveda based recommendations are not FDA Approved: These recommendations are under religious therapeutic advice and All treatment recommendations are for either NAIC Tribal Org Members and or Practitioner Ministers only: Please note the following recommendations are in addition to the really good overall advise and NAIC Monastic Medical Recommendation’s guidelines as well as legal edicts as per governmental authorities. All health and medical recommendation’s on an individual level must follow your personal physicians recommendations.

January 2020 SomaVeda Thai Yoga Practitioner Certification Program

January 164hr Thai Yoga Practitioner Certification 2020
Thai Yoga Center
SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Massage

January 164hr Thai Yoga Practitioner Certification 2020:

SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Certified Practitioner Program:CTP (164 hour residential intensive). This 17 day, ( January 10th. to January 26th. 2020) program covered all four levels of the Basic Professional Thai Yoga Certificate Program plus 20 additional breakout and/or supplemental courses. The CTP1 course is an intensive training based on Traditional Thai Massage, Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, Indigenous, Traditional, Natural and Native American Medicine.

1) January 2020 SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Cert. Program Photo Gallery

2) January 2020 Video


The January 2020: 164hr. SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certificate Course qualifies towards all advanced certificates (Accredited, State of Florida Compliant, AAPNA, NCBTMB) and SCNM College Degree programs in Indigenous, Traditional, Natural Medicine, Ayurveda, Ayurveda Life Style Consultant, Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist, and SomaVeda® Thai yoga Therapy practitioner. Graduates are qualified to practice and to provide health and wellness services for Spirit, Mind, and Body for a variety of health-related concerns and issues in all 50 states and Canada!

Are you a Yoga Teacher already? In only 17 days, you can bring a comprehensive Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy practice to your school or program! This amazing Ayurveda, Yoga, and Yoga Therapy retreat at the beautiful Native American Indigenous Church Sanctuary offers a healing atmosphere unique to central Florida. Learn, Restore, and Grow!

Unique to our program! Daily Reishi Yoga is also known as “Reusi Dot Ton“. Bring a new and exciting Yoga practice to your home life and Shala/ Studio!

Massage Therapist? Bring the exciting therapies of Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy to your practice. Save your Hands! Our unique “Hands-Free! Thai Yoga” variations have enlivened careers and saved many Massage therapists from debilitating occupational disabilities such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome!  NCBTMB and FSMTB CE hrs. Approved. Learn how to double your existing practice and income!

Allied or Medical Health Practitioner: Doctor, Nurse, Chiropractor, Acupuncture, Nutrition, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist? Looking to expand your practice offering with CAM procedures and practices proven effective? It is well known that Indigenous Traditional Medical Systems are the basis of CAM procedures. Learn from the source!

The 164 hr. CTP1 qualifies as the pre-requisite course requirement for all SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine Degrees.  The SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certificate course additional qualifies graduates for all Intermediate, Advanced and Teacher Certification programs in SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy .

What is Somaveda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Thai Yoga?

NCBTMB Approved Provider for Continuing Education

For full description, curriculum, and registration details, CLICK HERE

For NAIC/ SCNM Thai Yoga Center Tuition Grants and Scholarships CLICK HERE

School of Ayurveda

Can’t make it to a live class? Join our LearnThaiYoga “Jump Start Your Healing Practice” Home Study/ Distance Learning Platform! Over 30 different online, self-paced courses to give you access to some of the same high-quality instruction you would receive in a LIVE SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certification Program. Although there is no substitute for LIVE training under a Thai Ajahn such as Dr. Anthony B. James, Ajahn Dr. James has personally crafted these Online programs to give you access to authenticity.

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I already have practice, but it’s not working. You’re not making money? Are you not having a successful life experience as a Thai Yoga and or healing arts professional? In the Learn Thai Yoga Online platform, you will find details of healing arts business development and marketing plans based on 38 years of professional experience in this industry. Join us at Learn Thai Yoga!