New Book! Paperback “Recovering Health Post SARS-CoV-2 Infection, Variant and or Vax & Booster: Dealing with and Protecting from Adverse Reactions to Gene Modification (mRNA)- delivery systems with Informed Healing, Protection, and Recovery Advice” (Update 03/02/2023)
This book contains updated, referenced, and well-resourced information and helpful health protocols to protect and save you, your family, and your friends from unwanted and unwarranted effects and complications from mandated medical treatments.
There are practical, functional medicine remedies for the most current health and medical challenges. Traditional Nature Cure, Indigenous or Native American Medicine is still working and as valid today as ever. Find step-by-step protocols and suggestions to assist in your recovering your whole health and wellness.
Knowing and having this information will empower you to be more responsible for your health and wellness. This insightful, practical information was collected from many of today’s most knowledgeable and informed physicians collected by Dr. Anthony B. James, Dean of the American College of Natural Medicine.
I published an Article in March of 2011 because of my families history with vaccine injury… To see or read the original article in it’s full length go to The Truth about Vaccines
As much as things change in some ways they remain the same!!
News and November 27th, 2020 Update!
Two New Video’s Everyone Needs to see!
We need to know the Pro’s and Cons. We need to know the risk and any possible rewards. This necessary information is not just for parents! Now that we are in the “Corona” age amid the shrill tone, the hue and cry for a “universal” vaccine? What is the real story? I do not know all the details as the Vaccine landscape is changing from day to day. I can tell you the CDC, The FDA, The US HHS is not sharing the whole story, not by a long shot. This is going to be a long issue affecting us and our children for decades and we need to know the players, the agenda, the real science from the mouth of the worlds top experts and the risks heading our way so we can make informed decisions on our person, professional, familial and societal position in regard to making choices about the indiscriminate and possibly, forceful mandated vaccination programs on the horizon.
New Course!
“Insight Into Vaccines for Thai Yoga, Ayurveda and Healing Arts Practitioners” now available on the platform! An amazing and comprehensive deep dive into the issues and concerns, the helpful resources to Vaccine issues for the professional therapist, their clients and their family. Start Today!
A little over twenty years ago, when my nephew was only about 2 years old he suffered an irreparable injury from a mandated vaccine cocktail. He was a precocious, active, talkative, walking, climbing, laughing, cuddly baby boy. No illnesses or underlying conditions… i.e. perfect bill of health. My Brother and sister in-law took him to the Pediatrician for his mandated “standard” vaccinations (see graphic)
Immediately upon receiving the last shot he started screaming and curled up into a little ball. He screamed as if gasoline had been poured on him and set on fire. Later I learned this type of screaming when in extreme pain has it’s own name… it’s called keening and is typical of sounds we make when in extreme pain before dying of trauma. He could not be consoled. He did eventually stop this continuous screaming … when he entered into a coma. He was in a coma for between 24 and 48 hrs. and when he recovered he was no longer the same child. He no longer could speak, was unresponsive to verbal or any other type of stimulation, would start screaming again if touched and would no longer make eye contact. He rocked and mostly cried. He could no longer crawl or walk.
The first time after this, the first time he offered to be touched and volunteered a hug to me, his uncle, was at my mom’s funeral 20 something years later! I can not say how much I was moved by the simple gesture.
He was diagnosed with severely affected “Rapid Onset” Autism Spectrum disorder and life with an autistic son and nephew began. The Doctors and nurses told us it was a random “act of God”, even though in real time the odds of having a sudden (within minutes) deterioration into a coma after receiving his vaccination, not being related to the vaccination are infinitesimally small. We learned later than not only did this “occasionally” happen, but it happened so often the Federal government has set up a “Vaccine Court” to settle the cases under gag orders. If the truth got out to the average person in the public… no one would risk the life and future of their own child.
I have been researching Vaccines for a solid fifteen years and have learned much. I have learned to hope. After learning that the likely suspect in my nephews Autism was in fact a vaccination, I also learned of research into9 reducing the harmful effects he had suffered and to lead him to be less severely affected and to be able to be restored to some health and productive life. Through primarily changes in diet and the use of supplements including specialized probiotic’s, I am proud to say he is doing terrific. Yes, he still has Autism and issues, but as a millenial Young man he now has a job, hobbies and is quite the savant when it comes to dinosaurs!
I want to pass on the information that I and hundreds of thousands of parents and concerned scientist from both the US and around the world have learned to date about Vaccinations! You are going to have to make informed choices in the not so distant future. I am not saying what you as an individual or parent should do other than if and when you need to make a choice make an informed one.
My friends and associates Ty and Charlene Bollinger have put together an incredible team of scientists, Health and Vaccine experts to create the most up to date, current and accurate presentation on every aspect of vaccines.