Natural Wellness Solutions Technologies

Using Nature to “Restore Life and Vitality is a Sacred Way!”

The Right Use of Technology!

NAIC Legal Shield
Religious Therapy or Holistic Services Provided exclusively to NAIC Members un NAIC Legal Shield.


1) SomaVeda® QSRS: SomaVeda® Quantum Scalar Radiation Devices with Radionic Homeopathic Tuning: SomaVeda® QSRS Energy Talismans provides cost-effective solutions for reducing, Protecting and Balancing the potentially harmful effects of 4G/ 5G wireless ELF + EMF Radiation from cell phones, power supplies, and or electric devices and technologies. We bring you peace of mind and optimal well-being. All SomaVeda® QSRS Devices and Blessing talismans are personally tuned to a specified set of base frequencies and with additional layered Homeopathic frequencies specific to your needs! This means they may only be ordered by “Special Order.” See the item details page for prices and demanding specifications.

2) Bio-Testing/ EAV/ EDS: Electrodermal Screening, ECG-EKG, Bio Impedance Analysis (BIA), Pulse Oximeter, CLIA Waived Non-invasive Medical Testing Screening for Wellness and Health (By appointment with Dr. J only at this time). Click Here for a List of available clinical assessments!

3) Ayurvedic Medical Health Assessment: For general health and well-being and specific medical, health, and healing concerns. The assessment includes traditional Vedic methods such as Prakruti, Virikruti, Pulse, Marma, Korosot Astrology, and more. Judgment may be used towards designing effective treatment plans, dietary and nutritional focus, and a selection of Ayurveda Medicines and Natural Indian Pharmaceuticals. The Ayurvedic Health assessment may be included in any of our SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapeutic Day Programs at no additional cost. The Ayurveda Assessment is included at no extra charge in the St. John POC Vital Wellness Screening.

We believe that all imbalances are essentially spiritual and or energetic in origin. 5) Ayurveda Pancha Karma: SomaVeda® Pancha Karma is a non-invasive program addressing balances of elements and the toxicity and deficiency of the mind, body, and spirit. SV-Pancha Karma is a five-step protocol administered in a three-session program. Each SV Pancha Karma Session lasts approximately 2 to 2.5 hours.

4) Photo-biomodulation: (PBMT), Natural Light, and Far-Infrared: The modality is a high-intensity LED (light emitting diode) unit intended for the treatment of chronic pain by emitting energy in the near-infrared (near-IR) spectrum. This includes the temporary relief of minor muscle and joint pain, arthritis, and muscle spasms, relieving stiffness, promoting relaxation of muscle tissue, and temporarily increasing local blood circulation, where applied. PBMT may use light and photon emitting technologies such as Chakra BIOMAT, multi-led diode devices, cold lasers, and clinical MF-TDP heat lamps.

We understand and are dedicated to the principle that light provides power for all life on Earth. We believe the quality, delivery, and control of light are essential to the wellness of the human race and our advancement into the future. To this end, we are pleased to offer the FDA-approved consumer version of the Far-Infrared as a viable alternative to the cost and complications associated with the overuse of NSAIDs for persistent minor pain relief.

5) SomaVeda® OPT™ (Oxidative Point Therapy™): For Trigger Point Syndromes: SomaVeda® OPT™ (Please note treatment time can vary considerably based on the necessity of client and practitioner recommendation.) (Buy 5, get 6th. session free.)

The premier hands-on energy-based therapy for Energy Based Ischemic Trigger Point and Myo-facial Pain Syndromes, Headaches, Back and Neck Pain, Rehabilitation of Scar tissue, Fibrylmyalgia and or similar patterns of energy imbalance or disturbance causing physio-energetic/ Somatic dysfunction. NAIC Authorized Blessed Medicine Person performs all sessions. This work is generally done in a series of six treatments and may involve the use of electrophoresis, EAV, electrodermal screening, EAD/ EDS, electrodermal therapy, hot and cold fomentation, Far-Infrared Light (PBMT), Bio-Magnetic and PEMF Pulsed Magnetic Therapy (PEMF High Frequency- MagnaWave SOL Chakra Bio-Mat / SOTA Magnetic Pulser HF), Vibratory Therapy, Passive and assisted Stretching, Paraffin application and administration of topical analgesics, Complex Decongestive Therapy (CDT), Galvanic and Iontophoretic treatment (Jade Vitatron Foot Bath), supplementation and detox protocols. The SomaVeda® OPT™ tool set includes many traditional and modern innovative methodologies to bring harmony and correction for low oxygen-related traumatic and metabolic-induced disorders and syndromes. Reducing pain, increased range of motion, and reduced referral pains such as migraines and back pain may be significant and immediate. Perfect for Sports and work-related injuries and dysfunction. Appointments after consultation only.

6) SomaVeda® TAELR™ (Tool Assisted Energy Line Release™… pronounced “Tayler” ): For Trigger Point Syndromes caused by disruptions and or disturbances to energy lines: (Please note treatment time can vary considerably based on the necessity of client and practitioner recommendation.) (Buy 5, get 6th. session free.)

The SomaVeda® TAELR™ tool set includes many traditional and modern innovative methodologies to bring harmony and correction for low oxygen significant traumatic and metabolic-induced disorders and syndromes. Traditional SomaVeda® TAELR™/ IASTM (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Massage) tools/ instruments include but are not limited to “Tok Sen, Dewy Mai Sen, Gua Sha (Thai Acupressure/”Jap Sen Nuad”), Cupping, Bamboo Stick, Roller, Whisk,” Pure Wave® Vibratory Endothermic Therapy, etc. Reducing pain, increased range of motion, and reduced referral pains such as migraines and back pain may be significant and immediate. Perfect for Sports and work-related injuries and dysfunction. Appointments after consultation only. It may also involve any technology that restores, harmonizes, or balances the body’s energy system: MagnaWave SOL, Chakra Bio-Mat, PEMF Device (Sota Pulser-M6), etc.

7)Aroma-Steam:  Heat, pre or post-therapeutic session (20 min) (Not available at all locations)
It’s a great add-on to maximize any basic counseling service. It is included in most of our deluxe sessions. Steaming loosens dead skin cells and softens embedded dirt and sebum. It relaxes the whole body and is mentally refreshing as well. Please cover the extra time and setup required when booking the initial service.

8) PEMF/ Bio-Magnetic Therapy: PEMF devices use electrical energy to direct magnetic pulses through injured tissue safely. Each magnetic pulse induces an electrical signal that stimulates cellular repair. The US FDA accepted using PEMF devices ( MagnaWave SOL, Chakra Bio-Mat/ SOTA Pulser-Model6: Magnetic Pulser HF) to heal non-union bone fractures in 1979, urinary incontinence and muscle stimulation in 1998, and depression and anxiety in 2006. PEMF devices are used to increase energy levels in all body cells. PEMF devices can offer an increased immune response. PEMF devices stimulate white blood cells. This helps them move actively to catch bacteria and other pathogens. The desired effect can depend on the power and intensity of the magnetic wave produced by the PEMF device. Our High-Frequency PEMF therapy uses natural magnetic energies to bring wellness and pain relief, among other benefits. We use both single and multiple emitter devices.

NEW SERVICE! (Beginning in July 2024) We now offer The PULSE PEMF SYSTEM (Suitable for Humans or Animals, Horses and pets),  CHAKRA BIOMAT, and MagnaWave SOL-PEMF High-Frequency sessions and programs as a stand-alone service. CLICK HERE for more information.

11) Hyperthermia (Induced Fever Therapy): Hyperthermia means the body temperature is higher than usual. Hyperthermia can also refer to fever therapy in which heat is used in carefully controlled medical procedures.

Hyperthermia (Therapeutic Sweating) Has been used for centuries by Native Americans in traditional healing ceremonies, including cancer treatment. Hyperthermia or fever therapy is usually included in our Pancha Karma Detox protocol. However, it may be an adjunct in almost any other type of healing emphasis or SomaVeda® Therapeutic Day Protocol. It is a type of treatment in which cancer cells and pathogens like viruses, bacteria, fungi, and mold are exposed to elevated temperatures. This has several effects, including:

  • Heat shock proteins on pathogens and cancer cells, and your bone marrow produces more cancer-fighting white blood cells.
  • Intense deep tissue detoxification from all toxins
  • Oxygenation of the whole body
  • Immune boosting beyond any other treatment by removing several causes
  • Wet (Steam Canopy) or Dry (Chakra BIOMAT)
  • Far-Infrared Lamp

In short, it’s the most potent therapy you can do to deal with almost any degenerative disease. In combination with the complete Somaveda® Therapeutic Day Protocol plus Sacred Nutrition strategies, you have a therapy bundle that is second to none.

9) Adjunct modalities and non-invasive natural therapies: Wellness services not listed and utilized on a case-by-case basis include but are not limited to Reussi Dottan (Thai Reishi Yoga and Personal Coaching), Metabolic Balancing and weight management, Grounding and Earthing based therapy (May be combined with other modalities for a more comprehensive approach), Russian protocol Vitafon-T Acoustic (Sound) Therapy, Thai and Native American Herbal Medicine – Nuad Prakhop Samun Prai (Herb Balls/ Bolus), Personal Blessing and NAIC Native American Medicine Healing Ceremony facilitated by Authorized Medicine Person.

10) Complex Decongestive Therapy (CDT): A Premium Service addresses all major known contributing factors leading to chronic edema and inadequate lymphatic drainage. CDT is proven effective in both pre and post-surgical and provides a possible alternative to surgery for liposuction etc. For a more detailed description of our CDT program, Click Here!

11) AUTOCONDENSATION, GROUNDING, ELECTRIC CELLULAR MASSAGE: Using a variety of both passive (Grounding- Earthing Mat, Chakra BIOMAT, Static Pole Magnets) and Active (Tesla- Lakhovsky HF, Beck Protocol- Blood Electrification, Jade “Vitatron” Iontophoretic Foot Bath- Rife Frequency Generator, MagnaWave SOL PEMF HF,   Sota Magnetic Pulser-M6)

The Problem with the Business of Health Care is that it’s a Business

The Problem with the Business of Health Care is that it’s a Business. A That Depends on Exploiting Doctors and Nurse

An opinion by Aachan, Dr. Anthony B. James

St. John Point of Care Vitalology Wellness screening
Dr. J ready for clinic!

It can only function at all due to the exploitation of both patients and caregivers.

Most professional care givers, got into the “Business” to help people. Also to make a living. However, what they did not foresee was how an industrial medical system was going to pillage their good intentions and their own health and sanity in consideration of making a buck.  Most health care workers and providers do the right thing for their patients, even at a high personal cost.

We were told that the reasons for the “efficiencies” being put into place, the policies, the mountains of paperwork and documentation, the spiraling , escalating cost were being pushed and implemented to benefit the patient! And yet the actual documented outcomes show a deterioration of functional outcomes that neither benefit the patient nor the individual health care providers… the only tangible, documented benefit seems overall to be an increase of wealth transfer into the pockets of the stake holders of the medical industry and their consultants, sometimes called lobbyist, sometime called congressmen and women.

Recently, the World Health Organization recognized the serious effects of burnout from chronic workplace stress. Burnout levels among doctors are at all time new highs, far worse than among the general population, and increasing relentlessly. Burnout among nurses is similarly rising and is highest among those on the front line of patient care. Doctors and nurses commit suicide at higher rates than in almost any other profession. Higher levels of burnout are also associated with more medical errors and compromised patient safety.

A)  “Profits over Patients: How the rules of our Economy Encourage the Pharmaceuticals Industry’s Extractive Behavior”

B) Ethical Issues in For Profit Health Care: Authors and researchers Dan W. Brock and Allen Buchanan  state ” there are six primary issues that profit based health care causes… The authors state “The most serious ethical criticisms of for-profit health care can be grouped under six headings. For-profit health care institutions are said to (1) exacerbate the problem of access to health care, (2) constitute unfair competition against nonprofit institutions, (3) treat health care as a commodity rather than a right, (4) include incentives and organizational controls that adversely affect the physician-patient relationship, creating conflicts of interest that can diminish the quality of care and erode the patient’s trust in his physician and the public’s trust in the medical profession, (5) undermine medical education, and (6) constitute a “medical-industrial complex” that threatens to use its great economic power to exert undue influence on public policy concerning health care.”

I think they have nailed it. Because of the scope of their research they didn’t really go into nor directly consider the personal cost and the stress issues that working in this type of system causes to the workers and their families who are the health care providers themselves!

Take a minute and actually go to the links I’ve provided here and read for your yourself. I don’ think I have the literary capacity to adequately convey the terror and negative impact these statistics represent in real human terms! The bankruptcies, the suicides, the devastation’s to families, to children to whole communities.

Health care systems spend hundreds of millions of dollars on slick advertisements that stress how “caring”, how nurturing, how understanding their industry is when it is nothing of the same. These qualities are those of the individual providers not of the corporate, profit based organizations that exploit them in pursuit of the bottom line. These qualities are “selling the sizzle” and amount to bait and switch tactics… as how else can an essentially corrupt system lure both workers and patients to participate in systems which may be contraindicated for both their long term survival?

The care and considerations of both health care workers themselves and the patients they care for are being manipulated and exploited by the primary care system, the insurance industry … the so called “medical , industrial complex”.

Some would suggest as solutions to re-organize the industry. I think that’s not wrong … it’s just hundreds of millions of people with perish and suffer, patients and care providers long before that happens in the incremental fashion this large of a change will take.

In the short term I suggest that everyone, health providers and patients alike move to learn about and rely on alternative and complimentary care modalities and systems. Indigenous, traditional and alternative systems which are low risk, low cost do exist! These types of systems can handle up to 90% of the health, wellness and medical issues that drive patients into Profit-centric Medical systems and same for Health care providers!

These systems such as Indigenous Native American Medicine, Indigenous Classical Indian and Thai Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Muslim Yunani and or Filipino Hilot Medicine, as well as the many modern and elegant derivatives of the practices all together represent solutions and alternatives to Profit based Medical Care.

These systems are as good for the Health Care providers as they are for the Patients who benefit from the care. They are moral, ethically justifiable and sustainable. We know their sustainable as most of them have already stood the test of time being in common use by billions of people worldwide for thousands of years!

Like one of my former professors of Ayurveda Dr. Naryam Murti of Kerla India used to say… “If the primary reason for doing the medicine is to make money, then by definition it’s not medicine”. Hard words from a successful doctor who’s clinic in South Kerla saved 100’s of thousands of patients from serious illnesses for over 50 years. However, Naryam Gi also would say we can make a good living. We can have a happy life… we just don’t need to exploit others to do so in the name of medicine!

We have to get the business of health care out of health care. This is the ONLY way the health care system will no longer be exploitive of Doctors, health care workers and patients all together!

Natural Wellness Solutions

To learn more about indigenous traditional health care and learn how to gain quality education in a traditional Medical way of care… Visit us at SomaVeda.Org and ThaiYogaCenter.Com




2019 April Sacred Sites and Healing Arts Thailand Tour

NAIC 2019 April Sacred Sites and Healing Arts Thailand Tour

SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Students Share Songkran Festival In Thailand

April Thailand, NAIC Sacred Sites and Healing Arts, The White Temple

CLICK HERE for April 2019 Songkran Water Festival!

April 2019, a small group of SomaVeda® Thai Yoga students travel to Thailand with Aachan, Professor Dr. Anthony B. James for 19 days of travel and training in Traditional Thai Medicine specialties such as Nuad Boran, Jap Sen Nuad, “Tok Sen“, Reussi Dottan– Thai Reishi Yoga, SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Theory and Philosophy and Traditional Thai Reflexology. Students traveled from North as Laos and Burma, to Chiangrai, Chiangmai, Phitsanolk, Sukhotai, Sri Satchanali, Ayudthaya, Thonburi & Bangkok.

Dr. Anthony B. James, Lanna School of Thai Traditional Medicine

This program was so special with “Tok Sen” and “Reussi Dottan” (Thai Reishi Yoga) training at the Lanna School of Traditional Thai Medicine and The SriPai Foundation!

The Native American Indigenous Church (NAIC) participates in and offers NAIC Member students, practitioners and Teachers to learn indigenous traditional medicine and Thai Ayurveda in traditional settings with traditional elders and teachers in Thailand.

The Thailand externship training qualifies for NCBTMB CE Hours and credits towards more advanced SomaVeda® programs at the Thai Yoga Center in Brooksville, FL. For More information visit www.ThaiYogaCenter.Com and or www.ThailandStudyTours.Com

CLICK HERE for Photo’s April 2019 Songkran Water Festival!


March 2019, 164 Hr. SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Ayurveda Certification Program

SomaVeda® Thai Yoga March CTP 2019SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Massage CTP, Practitioner Certificate training March 2019

Sacred Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, SomaVeda® Thai Yoga, Indigenous Traditional and Natural Medicine SCNM: Thai Yoga Center for Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy and Natural Medicine Photo’s March 2019 intensive Thai Yoga Therapy at The Native American Indigenous Church (NAIC): SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine and Thai Yoga Center located at the NAIC Sanctuary in beautiful Brooksville, Florida.

March 2019 SomaVeda® Thai Yoga, Ayurveda Lifestyle, Ayurveda Health Consultant Program Photo Gallery: CLICK HERE!

Aachan, Dr. Anthony B. James, Khruu Dr. Julie James,   Khruu Rob McAuley and Advanced SomaVeda® Certified Ayurveda Health Counselor Paula Marczuk co-facilitated this amazing journey in Traditional Thai Yoga Massage!

Students participated in the NAIC Seminary: SomaVeda® Indigenous Thai Ayurveda and Thai Yoga Therapy Basic Practitioner Certificate Course (CTP1). This SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Indigenous Thai Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy Practitioner Certificate Training included fifteen additional courses emphasizing Sacred Nutrition, Counseling, Emotional Mental Health Strategies, Nutrition and supplementation to enhance practice results, Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy and Legal Guidelines for NAIC Ministers.

SomaVeda® Thai Yoga, Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy programs stress practice development and marketing strategies that work!

March 2019 SomaVeda® Thai Yoga, Ayurveda Lifestyle, Ayurveda Health Consultant Program Photo Gallery: CLICK HERE!

These March 2019 SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Graduates and many others are available for counseling and therapy se4rvices near you! To find the SomaVeda® Ayurveda and Thai Yoga Therapy practitioner nearest you visit our PRACTITIONER DIRECTORY.


NAIC/SCNM: Thai Yoga Center Ayurveda/ Thai Yoga/ Yoga Therapy/ Indigenous, Traditional Medicine, Thai Traditional Medicine religious therapeutics educational programs and Certification programs visit ThaiYogaCenter.Com

Learn more about the science behind SomaVeda® Thai Traditional Medicine at www.ThaiMassage.Com

SomaVeda® Indigenous Thai Yoga certification programs are under the direction of Aachan, Dr. Anthony B. James and Thai Yoga Center staff teachers: Khruu Dr. Julie James.

For information on NAIC Seminary College Degree Programs visit SomaVeda.Org Thai Traditional Medicine: (Indigenous Traditional Thai Yoga: Traditional Thai Massage: Indigenous Traditional Medicine: Yoga Therapy: Ayurveda: Ayurveda Yoga Therapist: Ayurveda Lifestyle Counselor: Ayurveda Health Consultant: Yoga Therapist: Learn Thai Yoga: Doctor of Sacred Natural Medicine).

Schedules and Locations for NAIC Sponsored SomaVeda® Thai Yoga and Ayurveda Certification programs are posted at SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Calander.

LearnThaiYoga On-Line

Can’t get to a live SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Class in person? Want to get started, to Jump Start Your Healing Practice anyway? No worries! We have you covered. Vist our LearnThaiYoga On-line platform and for one extremely low monthly subscription you gain access to several hundreds of lesssons, lectures, instructional video’s and courses. Get started today! Then when your ready come to a live class and get that professional certification and the legal basis to practice your sacred healing arts and science!

Thai Massage Training

Foundations, Advanced & Therapeutic Thai Massage Training

Detailed and comprehensive Traditional Thai Massage training apprenticeships in Foundations, Advanced, and Therapeutic Thai Massage bring the student the most authentic and traditional style of training. Thai Massage training is intensive and teach students to think for themselves and practice Traditional Thai Ayurveda-based treatment protocols at the therapeutic level rather than learning fluffy, stretching-focused, repetitive entry-level technique.

Unlike massage or massage therapy programs, students learn a comprehensive and traditional system of indigenous conventional medicine from day one and can study one-to-one with the instructor. Learning as in a traditional Thai-style apprenticeship through watching, practicing, and immersion-style format is the most focused and intensive way of learning. Our SomaVeda® Thai Yoga programs are famous worldwide, and our program is the oldest original Traditional Thai Medical Massage program in the US, full-time since 1984! Our Florida State DOE Authorized College of Natural Medicine, Ayurveda, and the Thai Yoga Center is located in beautiful Brooksville, Florida.

Other programs claim to be traditional and stress a traditional Thai-style approach. However, the student should ask, “upon what traditional apprenticeship and authentic traditional school method is their approach based?” See verifiable references here! Our chief instructor Ajahn, Dr. Anthony B. James, is recognized as a master teacher and professor of Thai Traditional Medicine by The UTTS, Ministry of Thai Traditional Medicine, and is a Certified Aachan and professor in the Anantasuk School of Thai Traditional Medicine and the Wat Po Association of Thai Traditional Medical Schools.

If any instructor claiming to operate a “traditional ” apprenticeship program approaches you and can not provide similar or equal documentation… Run Away!

Our apprentice program offers over 4000 hrs. of college-level education & courses, certifications, and degrees. No other Traditional Thai Massage program provides so much. New apprentice students begin with the 164 hr. 13-day intensive training… When we say intensive training, we mean it! Typical course days run from 8:30 am to 10:00 pm.

Click here for a complete description of the pre-requisite course for new apprentices and students!

SCHOLARSHIP GRANTS FOR NEW STUDENTS. More than intensive, personal, hands-on professional training and education. As an NAIC (Native American Indigenous Church) operated seminary, we are not doing this for the money! NAIC Inc. is a Florida State Chartered, IRS Compliant 508 (c)1(A) FBO- Faith-based, religious/ Church and Federally registered Tribal Organization. This means not only are donations to NAIC Tax Deductable, but that NAIC offers the MOST Generous Tuition Grant and scholarship program in the industry. See for yourself how we can generously offer five different Tier Level Grants.

Unlike other so-called traditional schools, we represent living traditions of Ayurveda and Thai Traditional Medicine with verifiable permission and authorization. Our Aachan is recognized as an Aachan or Professor of Thai medicine and has the verifiable recognition to prove it! Ajahn, Dr. Anthony B. James Bio.

No one better here in the US or Thailand to teach you this traditional healing work than a Thai-recognized master teacher with 39 years of full-time teaching experience teaching Thai Medicine and traditional healing arts.

​There is more than technique involved in running a healing practice and making a living as a Traditional Thai Massage practitioner! Since our school is a complete and comprehensive natural medicine and college of Ayurveda, we can teach you everything you need to start, maintain and prosper in your Traditional Thai Massage-based healing practice.

Please note some of the adjunct coursework apprentices receive training in…

More than 27 distinctive adjunct and clinical practices are offered to every apprentice and included at NO Additional Fee!

The complete apprentice-style program will take an average student two to four years to complete (with an SCNM College Doctor of Ayurveda PhD. degree); however, the initial commitment is only 17 days! The student must practice and do the required homework between modules to assimilate and absorb all the instruction. Ajahn, Dr. Anthony James, and senior staff teachers ensure you stay on track.

Legal Guidelines!

What’s the point of being an apprentice in a traditional Thai Massage program if you are not legally practicing everything you have learned? We assure you that when you complete our program and follow our legal guidelines taught in class, you’re perfectly legal to practice in all 50 states and 100 countries outside the US! Most, if not all, programs of a study calling themselves “Thai,” regardless of how good their technique is, can not give you a legal basis to practice! We are a Federally Registered Native American Indigenous Tribal Organization, and our right to practice our religious therapeutics is established and protected under two different federal codes. Some schools try to misdirect students into enrolling in Massage Therapy programs and applying for a massage license to practice… Falsely implying that you’re legal to practice Traditional Thai Massage with a “Massage License”… This is also patently false, misleading, and unethical. These schools will not be able to offer you any assistance should a massage board or state medical board come after you! We can provide all our apprentices with a legal basis for practice upon request.

Could you not take our word for it?

Listen to first-hand Testimony from our SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Apprentice Students!

New Apprentice Start Dates: January, March, May, July, November, and June in Thailand!

Learn Traditional Thai Massage in Thailand! Join us for an authentic, genuine training and sacred tour in Thailand this June 2023!

June 2023 Thailand Study and Tour

SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies®, SomaVeda® is a Federally Registered Trademark/ Servicemark and proprietary Intellectual Property, All World Rights Reserved.

Native American Indigenous Church

Native American Indigenous Church College of Natural Medicine (NAIC) operates in compliance, as a degree-granting institution through exemption, by the Florida State Board of Independent Colleges and Universities under Section 1005.06 (1) (f), FLA Statutes. The state, like other states, does not require accreditation or theological accreditation for our religious education-based programs. NAIC is an Integrated Auxiliary of the Priory of Saving Grace. NAIC is an IRS 508(c)(1)(a) compliant FBO (Faith Based Org) Tribal Organization.

LearnThaiYoga Announces OnLine Learning Platform!

LearnThaiYoga On-Line
Traditional Thai Yoga Therapy also known as Thai Traditional Massage is the fastest growing and most sought after healing modality in the world today. Of course, the best way to learn is in a live class with a Master Teacher or Thai “Aachan” such as at the Thai Yoga Center in Brooksville, Florida studying with Aachan Dr. Anthony B. James and or his trained and certified SomaVeda® Thai Yoga staff Khruu or Teachers.

You Asked for it! THAI YOGA ON-LINE!

However, if you can’t make it to a live SomaVeda® Thai Yoga class either because of scheduling or cost the next best thing is to learn from the Master Teacher at Home!
Now you can Learn SomaVeda® Thai Yoga at Home!
Don’t waste your time on lessons from untrained and un-certified and or non-authentic teachers?
Come to a genuine source!
Hi everyone and good day!
I am continuing my current project of bringing you new and useful information and content to empower you to Jump Start Your Healing Practice.  It’s not enough to just have a goody bag of useful “tricks” and “bits” of therapies to put together a successful healing practice. Degrees and Certifications are fine but in and of themselves do not lead one to a happy, successful and fulfilling life, a intrinsically successful, happy life.
Recent Course Releases…
Mental Health for Patients and You!
The Blind School of Thai Traditional Medicine
Your No-nonsense Guide to effective Leadership
SomaVeda® Bolster Magick
It’s in you! Developing a Healing Entrepreneurs Mindset
Solving Carpal Tunnel Syndrome for Thai Therapist
Increase Your Focus For Better Life and Practice
Sustainable Eating Equals Sustainable Health
Meditation for Focus and Success
The Freedom of Living in the Now
How To Get Back on The Health Track
Prosperity for healers and Health Practitioners
New Video Lessons on SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Vinyasa (Flows for various breakouts)!
And eight more included classes!
It is good that our traditions have deep and ancient roots with elders and teachers who have lived the life of healers, traditional doctors and therapist for centuries, literally. They are our role models. We do not have to reinvent the wheel of success in what we do by ourselves. Only our current life situations and perhaps cultural considerations are unique. But what we are doing in life is not new or unique. We can learn from our elders and these lessons and qualities I am recommending you cultivate don’t originate with me personally but they are passed down to us by previous generations of healers who chose to practice true medicine as a way of life for their whole life!
Please share these courses with your professional friends!
Thai Yoga Center
The ONLY On-line Thai Yoga (Traditional Thai Massage) course exclusively authored and designed by a recognized Aachan and Master Teacher of Traditional Thai Yoga Therapy!

Currently Available in the Jump Start Your Practice All Inclusive Subscription Course (New Content! Thursday, Tuesday June 25th. 2019), this All Inclusive course program includes:

Twenty (22) different professional courses.

333 Lectures-lessons

145 Educational and Demo Video’s

37 Audio Lectures and or Mp3 Files

32 Free Textbooks, Free Reports plus Handout!

Over 267 hours of professional Thai Yoga Therapy Educational Content!

2 Free NCBTMB/ FSMBT CE Courses suitable to renewal requirements for Massage Therapist National Certification Board License Renewal!

Please NOTE!  Of course, if you have already attended a LIVE SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Program then the new LearnThaiYoga on-Line School gives you new review and updates on new materials and clinical applications to keep your work fresh and practical. Expand your practice!
At the LearnThaiYoga on-Line School we are committed to bring you the very best instructional courses and support materials.
Clinical Applications: Courses cover all aspects of Traditional Thai Yoga Therapy Practice from technique to clinical applications. Dr. James is not just an AaChan and Master Teacher of Thai Traditional Ayurveda and Medicine, but he holds Doctorates in Medicine, Naturopathy, Oriental Medicine-Acupuncture, Ayurveda, Indigenous Medicine and a Masters of Science in Clinical Herbology plus other advance clinical boards and certifications… Only a Physician can give you a trusted clinical approach!
We have over 200 new lessons scheduled to be delivered over the next six months! You can expect a new courses, new video’s and or new multiple lessons to be added and or updated weekly!
The best part! How much does it cost? Only $12.00 per month!
We appreciate your support!
Native American Indigenous Church College of Natural Medicine (NAIC) operates in compliance, as a degree granting institution through exemption, by the Florida State Board of Independent Colleges and Universities under Section 1005.06 (1) (f), FLA Statutes. The state, like other states, does not require accreditation or theological accreditation for our religious education based programs. NAIC is an Integrated Auxiliary of the Priory of Saving Grace. NAIC is an IRS 508(c)(1)(a) compliant FBO (Faith Based Org) Tribal Organization.

January 2019, 164 Hr. SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Ayurveda Certification Program

Aachan, Dr. Anthony B. James teaches Thai Yoga Massage, Ayurveda, Sacred Medicine students in the January SomaVeda® Certification ProgramKhruu Mattie Griffin teaches SomaVeda® Thai Yoga, Ayurveda and traditional Thai Massage to students at the Thai Yoga Center January 2019 in Brooksville, FL

Sacred Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, SomaVeda® Thai Yoga, Indigenous Traditional and Natural Medicine SCNM: Thai Yoga Center for Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy and Natural Medicine Photo’s January 2019 intensive Thai Yoga Therapy at The Native American Indigenous Church (NAIC): SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine and Thai Yoga Center located at the NAIC Sanctuary in beautiful Brooksville, Florida.

January 2019 SomaVeda® Thai Yoga, Ayurveda Lifestyle, Ayurveda Health Consultant Program Photo Gallery: CLICK HERE!

Aachan, Dr. Anthony B. James, Khruu Dr. Julie James,   Khruu Rob Mcaulay and Khruu Ken Pennock co-facilitated this amazing journey in Traditional Thai Yoga Massage!

Students participated in the NAIC Seminary: SomaVeda® Indigenous Thai Ayurveda and Thai Yoga Therapy Basic Practitioner Certificate Course (CTP1). This SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Indigenous Thai Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy Practitioner Certificate Training included fifteen additional courses emphasizing Sacred Nutrition, Counseling, Emotional Mental Health Strategies, Nutrition and supplementation to enhance practice results, Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy and Legal Guidelines for NAIC Ministers.

SomaVeda® Thai Yoga, Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy programs stress practice development and marketing strategies that work!


NAIC/SCNM: Thai Yoga Center Ayurveda/ Thai Yoga/ Yoga Therapy/ Indigenous, Traditional Medicine, Thai Traditional Medicine religious therapeutics educational programs and Certification programs visit ThaiYogaCenter.Com

Learn more about the science behind SomaVeda® Thai Traditional Medicine at www.ThaiMassage.Com

SomaVeda® Indigenous Thai Yoga certification programs are under the direction of Aachan, Dr. Anthony B. James and Thai Yoga Center staff teachers: Khruu Dr. Julie James.

For information on NAIC Seminary College Degree Programs visit SomaVeda.Org Thai Traditional Medicine: (Indigenous Traditional Thai Yoga: Traditional Thai Massage: Indigenous Traditional Medicine: Yoga Therapy: Ayurveda: Ayurveda Yoga Therapist: Ayurveda Lifestyle Counselor: Ayurveda Health Consultant: Yoga Therapist: Learn Thai Yoga: Doctor of Sacred Natural Medicine).

Schedules and Locations for NAIC Sponsored SomaVeda® Thai Yoga and Ayurveda Certification programs are posted at SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Calander.

November 2018, 164 Hr. SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Ayurveda Certification Program

SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certification Program November 2018
SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Ayurveda Lifestyle Consultant Class

Sacred Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, SomaVeda® Thai Yoga, Indigenous Traditional and Natural Medicine SCNM: Thai Yoga Center for Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy and Natural Medicine Photo’s November 2018 intensive Thai Yoga Therapy at The Native American Indigenous Church (NAIC): SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine and Thai Yoga Center located at the NAIC Sanctuary in beautiful Brooksville, Florida.

November 2018 SomaVeda® Thai Yoga, Ayurveda Lifestyle, Ayurveda Health Consultant Program Photo Gallery: CLICK HERE!

Aachan, Dr. Anthony B. James, Khruu Dr. Julie James,   Khruu Rob Mcaulay and Khruu Mariana Cardoze co-facilitated this amazing journey in Traditional Thai Yoga Massage!

Students participated in the NAIC Seminary: SomaVeda® Indigenous Thai Ayurveda and Thai Yoga Therapy Basic Practitioner Certificate Course (CTP1). This SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Indigenous Thai Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy Practitioner Certificate Training included fifteen additional courses emphasizing Sacred Nutrition, Counseling, Emotional Mental Health Strategies, Nutrition and supplementation to enhance practice results, Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy and Legal Guidelines for NAIC Ministers.

SomaVeda® Thai Yoga, Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy programs stress practice development and marketing strategies that work!

NAIC/SCNM: Thai Yoga Center Ayurveda/ Thai Yoga/ Yoga Therapy/ Indigenous, Traditional Medicine, Thai Traditional Medicine religious therapeutics educational programs and Certification programs visit ThaiYogaCenter.Com

Learn more about the science behind SomaVeda® Thai Traditional Medicine at www.ThaiMassage.Com

SomaVeda® Indigenous Thai Yoga certification programs are under the direction of Aachan, Dr. Anthony B. James and Thai Yoga Center staff teachers: Khruu Dr. Julie James.

For information on NAIC Seminary College Degree Programs visit SomaVeda.Org Thai Traditional Medicine: (Indigenous Traditional Thai Yoga: Traditional Thai Massage: Indigenous Traditional Medicine: Yoga Therapy: Ayurveda: Ayurveda Yoga Therapist: Ayurveda Lifestyle Counselor: Ayurveda Health Consultant: Yoga Therapist: Learn Thai Yoga: Doctor of Sacred Natural Medicine).

Schedules and Locations for NAIC Sponsored SomaVeda® Thai Yoga and Ayurveda Certification programs are posted at SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Calander.

Click here for November 2018 CTP Photo Gallery!

NAIC Elders-Jibarro Borekin Taino Indigenous People Join Together

Press Release!

Jibarro Taino Borekin symbol


NAIC Elders -Jibarro Borekin Taino Indigenous People Join Together

Over the weekend of September 28, 29 and 30th. 2018 Elders and Principle Medicine Men and Women or the Native American Indigenous Church (NAIC) of Brooksville Florida and The Borekin Nation of Jibarro Taino People of Puerto Rico met and formally agreed to mutual affiliation and solidarity. In consideration of the terrible toll on the PR indigenous people following hurricanes Maria and Irma, NAIC has volunteered to support both Medical and Educational missions in Lares, Puerto Rico. (

Video of Adoption Ceremony with Borekin Tribal Officials.

In recognition of contributions and shared ceremony The Estado National Soberano De Borinken has officially adopted NAIC Chairman and Medicine Man Dr. Anthony B. James as a full fledged member of the Jibarro tribe effective September 30th. 2018. Dr. James has been issued all formal certificates of membership and the Estado Nacional Soberano De Borinken official passport and Tribal Medical License (Licensia para Ejercer la Medicina Indigena).

Puerto Rico Boriken Tribal Org Sun Seal

Dr. James has agreed to bring his system of SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Thai Yoga, Ayurveda and Religious Therapeutics to the Taino elders and community. The hope is to restore a complete and functional traditionally based, spiritually based healing and medicinal function to the greater Taino Borekin community restoring a function virtually lost during the colonial period of time. The Taino elders and medicine men and women are open to receiving education in Ayurveda and Thai Traditional Medicine! This is a first and of historical note.

Borekin Passport Dr. JamesAdoption Doc Dr. James Taino TribeBorekin Tribal Medical License Dr. James

This meeting and affiliation was held under the umbrella of SMOKH (Sacred Medical Order of the Knights of Hope/ Church of Hope)


Prof. Anthony B. James (Native American Indigenous Church– NAIC)

Prof. Carlos Torres of Yale University (indigenous peoples)

Mr. Paco Torres (of Lares)

Hwati Baez – Jibaro Tribal Elder

Mr. Jose Lopez

Mr. Jose Rodriguez who is currently running for Mayor of Lares, Puerto Rico

Dr. Gustavo Lira

Dr. Luis Jimenez MD

Dr. Benjamin Anguierra (Jibarro Borekin Legal Council/ SMOKH Legal Council)

Dr. Charles McWilliams (SMOKH/ Jibarro Borekin Minister of Medicine)

Dr. Susan McWilliams

Dr. Julie A. James (NAIC)


September 2018, 164 Hr. SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Ayurveda Certification Program

September 2018, 164 Hr. SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Ayurveda Certification Program

SomaVeda Thai Yoga Practitioner Grads

SomaVeda Thai Yoga Ayurveda Advanced Grads

Sacred Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, SomaVeda® Thai Yoga, Indigenous Traditional and Natural Medicine SCNM: Thai Yoga Center for Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy and Natural Medicine Photo’s September 2018 intensive Thai Yoga Therapy at The Native American Indigenous Church (NAIC): SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine and Thai Yoga Center located at the NAIC Sanctuary in beautiful Brooksville, Florida.

September 2018 SomaVeda® Thai Yoga, Ayurveda Lifestyle, Ayurveda Health Consultant Program Photo Gallery: CLICK HERE!

Aachan, Dr. Anthony B. James, Khruu Dr. Julie James,  Khruu Alex Ryberg and Khruu Rob Mcaulay co-facilitated this amazing journey in Traditional Thai Yoga Massage!

Students participated in the NAIC Seminary: SomaVeda® Indigenous Thai Ayurveda and Thai Yoga Therapy Basic Practitioner Certificate Course (CTP1). This SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Indigenous Thai Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy Practitioner Certificate Training included fifteen additional courses emphasizing Sacred Nutrition, Counseling, Emotional Mental Health Strategies, Nutrition and supplementation to enhance practice results, Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy and Legal Guidelines for NAIC Ministers.

SomaVeda® Thai Yoga, Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy programs stress practice development and marketing strategies that work!

NAIC/SCNM: Thai Yoga Center Ayurveda/ Thai Yoga/ Yoga Therapy/ Indigenous, Traditional Medicine, Thai Traditional Medicine religious therapeutics educational programs and Certification programs visit ThaiYogaCenter.Com

Learn more about the science behind SomaVeda® Thai Traditional Medicine at www.ThaiMassage.Com

SomaVeda® Indigenous Thai Yoga certification programs are under the direction of Aachan, Dr. Anthony B. James and Thai Yoga Center staff teachers: Khruu Dr. Julie James.

For information on NAIC Seminary College Degree Programs visit SomaVeda.Org Thai Traditional Medicine: (Indigenous Traditional Thai Yoga: Traditional Thai Massage: Indigenous Traditional Medicine: Yoga Therapy: Ayurveda: Ayurveda Yoga Therapist: Ayurveda Health Counselor: Yoga Therapist: Learn Thai Yoga: Doctor of Sacred Natural Medicine).

Schedules and Locations for NAIC Sponsored SomaVeda® Thai Yoga and Ayurveda Certification programs are posted at SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Calander.

Click here for September 2018 CTP Photo Gallery!