Thai Yoga Mastery, The Reformation, Bio-Tapp/ EFT, and Thai Yoga Part 2

SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies®By Anthony B. James

A New Definition of Pain

The common word “pain” describes certain qualities of imbalance or states of being. However, in this new way of understanding, real pain is represented as an impacting interference wave pattern that causes distortion fields in the Matrix Body. This kind of pain does not support the integration of the awakened consciousness. Stated, pain is a certain type of disturbance or distortion in the body’s electrical field. These distortion fields manifest in the machine (Stress Adaptive Transformational Human Biological Machine) as negative emotions that have an infinite diversity of expression and intensity. These negative emotions are complicating and contributing factors in every form of disease and imbalance of a persistent nature. There is no difference between so-called chronic physical imbalance and chronic emotional or mental imbalance apart from the nefarious role of negative emotions. The negative emotions are the symptoms of deeper energetic distortions.

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Grand Master Phaa Khruu Samaii Mesamarn, Buddhai Sawan Sword Fighting Institute and Dr. Anthony B. James

Grand Master, Phaa Khruu Samaii Mesamarn, Buddhai Sawan Sword Fighting Institute

Grand Master Phaa Khruu Samaii Mesamarn, Buddhai Sawan Kabri Kabrong Sword Fighting Institute and Dr. Anthony B. James

Wai Khruu and Respect to our Grandmaster of Buddhai Sawan Tradition

History of Buddhai Sawan Tradition in America

In 1986 Dr. Anthony B. James received the prestigious “Ajahn Khruu” Award, Blessing, and Certification from the Grand Master of the Buddhai Sawan Sword Fighting Institute of Kabri Kabrong. Thai Traditional “Krabi Kabrong” , Nongkam, Thailand. Kabri-Kabrong is the Traditional Martial Arts system of Thailand and one of the great martial arts traditions of the world.

In addition to the Buddhai Sawan Kabri Kabrong Sword Fighting and Muay Boran systems (Fan Dap & Lerd Rit), Grand Master Phaa Khruu Samaii introduced Dr. James to the spiritual, meditative (Vipassana) and Traditional Thai Ayurveda and Nuad Phaen Boran Thai adjunct to the Buddhai Sawan fighting tradition.


December 7, 1957, GM Phaa Kru Samaii Mesamarn was awarded the official flag of the Phutthaisawan Cultural Center and Krabi Krabong School. From His Majesty King Rama 9 to organize a fencing show at Ratchadamnoen Boxing Stadium in collaboration with the Sri Trirat Sword School and Ban Chang Lo Sword School. (Photo courtesy of Jira Mesamarn: Buddhai Sawan Thailand)

GM Phaa Kru Samaii receives honor flag from HHM King Bhummiporn recognizing Buddhai Sawan Cultural Institute

Phaa Khruu Samaii introduced Dr. James to Phaa Khruu Uppakort of Ayurved Vidyalai and Aacharn Moh Boonsorn Kitnyam of the Traditional College of Medicine. Buddhai Sawan Teachers, Masters, and Grandmasters have always practiced traditional medicine to address the many injuries that typically occur during intensive training. The conventional medicine practices of the Buddhai Sawan tradition are based on the Ayurveda of Thailand (See History of Ayurveda of Thailand) (Thai Traditional Medicine and Thai Traditional Physical Therapy).

Buddhai Sawan Institute Official Logo

Dr. James lived at the school and trained as a traditional Apprentice at Buddhai Sawan under 36th-generation Grand Master Phaa Khru Samaii Mesamarn.

Dr. Anthony B. James, Khruu Buddhai Sawan Institute 1984Buddhai Sawan Khruu ANthony B. James demonstrates the block and cut technique.

Anthony James receives teacher/ Khruu documents from Phaa Khruu Samaii Mesamarn. Buddhai Sawan. Dr. J is the second “Non-thai” ever to receive Buddhai Sawan teaching credentials. 1986










Click here for more history, philosophy, and the Thai Martial Arts Techniques of Krabi Krabong, Muay Boran, and Muay Chiaya of the Buddhai Sawan Cultural and Sword Fighting Institute. Krabi Krabong, The Tiger Sword of Thailand


Click Here for Buddhai Sawan & Kabri Kabrong Photo Gallery!

Buddhai Sawan Teacher (Khruu) Certification issued to Dr. Anthony B. James April 1984 by Phaa Khruu Samaii Mesamarn, Nogkam, Thailand

Phaa Khruu Samaii Bless the Students in the Annual Buddhai Sawan Masters Blessing ceremony








Dr. James is also recognized as a Gold Sash Ajahn (Aacharn) and Khruu of Buddhai Sawan Lineage of Krabi Kabrong in the US.

USMTA Weapons of Thailand Kabri Kabrong Verification of Grades

USMTA Recognitions for Buddhai Sawan Ajahn/ Aachans


Click Here for additional Martial Arts bibliography and teaching recognitions for Dr. Anthony B. James.


The Problem with the Business of Health Care is that it’s a Business

The Problem with the Business of Health Care is that it’s a Business. A That Depends on Exploiting Doctors and Nurse

An opinion by Aachan, Dr. Anthony B. James

St. John Point of Care Vitalology Wellness screening
Dr. J ready for clinic!

It can only function at all due to the exploitation of both patients and caregivers.

Most professional care givers, got into the “Business” to help people. Also to make a living. However, what they did not foresee was how an industrial medical system was going to pillage their good intentions and their own health and sanity in consideration of making a buck.  Most health care workers and providers do the right thing for their patients, even at a high personal cost.

We were told that the reasons for the “efficiencies” being put into place, the policies, the mountains of paperwork and documentation, the spiraling , escalating cost were being pushed and implemented to benefit the patient! And yet the actual documented outcomes show a deterioration of functional outcomes that neither benefit the patient nor the individual health care providers… the only tangible, documented benefit seems overall to be an increase of wealth transfer into the pockets of the stake holders of the medical industry and their consultants, sometimes called lobbyist, sometime called congressmen and women.

Recently, the World Health Organization recognized the serious effects of burnout from chronic workplace stress. Burnout levels among doctors are at all time new highs, far worse than among the general population, and increasing relentlessly. Burnout among nurses is similarly rising and is highest among those on the front line of patient care. Doctors and nurses commit suicide at higher rates than in almost any other profession. Higher levels of burnout are also associated with more medical errors and compromised patient safety.

A)  “Profits over Patients: How the rules of our Economy Encourage the Pharmaceuticals Industry’s Extractive Behavior”

B) Ethical Issues in For Profit Health Care: Authors and researchers Dan W. Brock and Allen Buchanan  state ” there are six primary issues that profit based health care causes… The authors state “The most serious ethical criticisms of for-profit health care can be grouped under six headings. For-profit health care institutions are said to (1) exacerbate the problem of access to health care, (2) constitute unfair competition against nonprofit institutions, (3) treat health care as a commodity rather than a right, (4) include incentives and organizational controls that adversely affect the physician-patient relationship, creating conflicts of interest that can diminish the quality of care and erode the patient’s trust in his physician and the public’s trust in the medical profession, (5) undermine medical education, and (6) constitute a “medical-industrial complex” that threatens to use its great economic power to exert undue influence on public policy concerning health care.”

I think they have nailed it. Because of the scope of their research they didn’t really go into nor directly consider the personal cost and the stress issues that working in this type of system causes to the workers and their families who are the health care providers themselves!

Take a minute and actually go to the links I’ve provided here and read for your yourself. I don’ think I have the literary capacity to adequately convey the terror and negative impact these statistics represent in real human terms! The bankruptcies, the suicides, the devastation’s to families, to children to whole communities.

Health care systems spend hundreds of millions of dollars on slick advertisements that stress how “caring”, how nurturing, how understanding their industry is when it is nothing of the same. These qualities are those of the individual providers not of the corporate, profit based organizations that exploit them in pursuit of the bottom line. These qualities are “selling the sizzle” and amount to bait and switch tactics… as how else can an essentially corrupt system lure both workers and patients to participate in systems which may be contraindicated for both their long term survival?

The care and considerations of both health care workers themselves and the patients they care for are being manipulated and exploited by the primary care system, the insurance industry … the so called “medical , industrial complex”.

Some would suggest as solutions to re-organize the industry. I think that’s not wrong … it’s just hundreds of millions of people with perish and suffer, patients and care providers long before that happens in the incremental fashion this large of a change will take.

In the short term I suggest that everyone, health providers and patients alike move to learn about and rely on alternative and complimentary care modalities and systems. Indigenous, traditional and alternative systems which are low risk, low cost do exist! These types of systems can handle up to 90% of the health, wellness and medical issues that drive patients into Profit-centric Medical systems and same for Health care providers!

These systems such as Indigenous Native American Medicine, Indigenous Classical Indian and Thai Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Muslim Yunani and or Filipino Hilot Medicine, as well as the many modern and elegant derivatives of the practices all together represent solutions and alternatives to Profit based Medical Care.

These systems are as good for the Health Care providers as they are for the Patients who benefit from the care. They are moral, ethically justifiable and sustainable. We know their sustainable as most of them have already stood the test of time being in common use by billions of people worldwide for thousands of years!

Like one of my former professors of Ayurveda Dr. Naryam Murti of Kerla India used to say… “If the primary reason for doing the medicine is to make money, then by definition it’s not medicine”. Hard words from a successful doctor who’s clinic in South Kerla saved 100’s of thousands of patients from serious illnesses for over 50 years. However, Naryam Gi also would say we can make a good living. We can have a happy life… we just don’t need to exploit others to do so in the name of medicine!

We have to get the business of health care out of health care. This is the ONLY way the health care system will no longer be exploitive of Doctors, health care workers and patients all together!

Natural Wellness Solutions

To learn more about indigenous traditional health care and learn how to gain quality education in a traditional Medical way of care… Visit us at SomaVeda.Org and ThaiYogaCenter.Com




LearnThaiYoga Announces OnLine Learning Platform!

LearnThaiYoga On-Line
Traditional Thai Yoga Therapy also known as Thai Traditional Massage is the fastest growing and most sought after healing modality in the world today. Of course, the best way to learn is in a live class with a Master Teacher or Thai “Aachan” such as at the Thai Yoga Center in Brooksville, Florida studying with Aachan Dr. Anthony B. James and or his trained and certified SomaVeda® Thai Yoga staff Khruu or Teachers.

You Asked for it! THAI YOGA ON-LINE!

However, if you can’t make it to a live SomaVeda® Thai Yoga class either because of scheduling or cost the next best thing is to learn from the Master Teacher at Home!
Now you can Learn SomaVeda® Thai Yoga at Home!
Don’t waste your time on lessons from untrained and un-certified and or non-authentic teachers?
Come to a genuine source!
Hi everyone and good day!
I am continuing my current project of bringing you new and useful information and content to empower you to Jump Start Your Healing Practice.  It’s not enough to just have a goody bag of useful “tricks” and “bits” of therapies to put together a successful healing practice. Degrees and Certifications are fine but in and of themselves do not lead one to a happy, successful and fulfilling life, a intrinsically successful, happy life.
Recent Course Releases…
Mental Health for Patients and You!
The Blind School of Thai Traditional Medicine
Your No-nonsense Guide to effective Leadership
SomaVeda® Bolster Magick
It’s in you! Developing a Healing Entrepreneurs Mindset
Solving Carpal Tunnel Syndrome for Thai Therapist
Increase Your Focus For Better Life and Practice
Sustainable Eating Equals Sustainable Health
Meditation for Focus and Success
The Freedom of Living in the Now
How To Get Back on The Health Track
Prosperity for healers and Health Practitioners
New Video Lessons on SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Vinyasa (Flows for various breakouts)!
And eight more included classes!
It is good that our traditions have deep and ancient roots with elders and teachers who have lived the life of healers, traditional doctors and therapist for centuries, literally. They are our role models. We do not have to reinvent the wheel of success in what we do by ourselves. Only our current life situations and perhaps cultural considerations are unique. But what we are doing in life is not new or unique. We can learn from our elders and these lessons and qualities I am recommending you cultivate don’t originate with me personally but they are passed down to us by previous generations of healers who chose to practice true medicine as a way of life for their whole life!
Please share these courses with your professional friends!
Thai Yoga Center
The ONLY On-line Thai Yoga (Traditional Thai Massage) course exclusively authored and designed by a recognized Aachan and Master Teacher of Traditional Thai Yoga Therapy!

Currently Available in the Jump Start Your Practice All Inclusive Subscription Course (New Content! Thursday, Tuesday June 25th. 2019), this All Inclusive course program includes:

Twenty (22) different professional courses.

333 Lectures-lessons

145 Educational and Demo Video’s

37 Audio Lectures and or Mp3 Files

32 Free Textbooks, Free Reports plus Handout!

Over 267 hours of professional Thai Yoga Therapy Educational Content!

2 Free NCBTMB/ FSMBT CE Courses suitable to renewal requirements for Massage Therapist National Certification Board License Renewal!

Please NOTE!  Of course, if you have already attended a LIVE SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Program then the new LearnThaiYoga on-Line School gives you new review and updates on new materials and clinical applications to keep your work fresh and practical. Expand your practice!
At the LearnThaiYoga on-Line School we are committed to bring you the very best instructional courses and support materials.
Clinical Applications: Courses cover all aspects of Traditional Thai Yoga Therapy Practice from technique to clinical applications. Dr. James is not just an AaChan and Master Teacher of Thai Traditional Ayurveda and Medicine, but he holds Doctorates in Medicine, Naturopathy, Oriental Medicine-Acupuncture, Ayurveda, Indigenous Medicine and a Masters of Science in Clinical Herbology plus other advance clinical boards and certifications… Only a Physician can give you a trusted clinical approach!
We have over 200 new lessons scheduled to be delivered over the next six months! You can expect a new courses, new video’s and or new multiple lessons to be added and or updated weekly!
The best part! How much does it cost? Only $12.00 per month!
We appreciate your support!
Native American Indigenous Church College of Natural Medicine (NAIC) operates in compliance, as a degree granting institution through exemption, by the Florida State Board of Independent Colleges and Universities under Section 1005.06 (1) (f), FLA Statutes. The state, like other states, does not require accreditation or theological accreditation for our religious education based programs. NAIC is an Integrated Auxiliary of the Priory of Saving Grace. NAIC is an IRS 508(c)(1)(a) compliant FBO (Faith Based Org) Tribal Organization.

What is Traditional Thai Yoga Therapy?

Thai Yoga Center


What Is Traditional Thai Yoga or Traditional Thai Massage (Thai Yoga Massage)?

Thai Yoga is comprehensive, sophisticated healing arts derivative of Theraveda Buddhism, Buddhist medicine, Buddhist Psychology, Theraveda Vipassana Bhavana, Classical Indian and Tibetan Ayurveda and Yoga Vedanta. It is not required that one become a Buddhist to practice this healing art, though it is helpful to understand Buddhist principles. It is more accurate to call this medicine by its traditional names like “ancient, anachronistic or Old Thai Way of Healing with The Hands,” but the slang form, “Thai Massage” is in use, and as long as this is so there will be some understandable confusion.

The type of traditional Thai Yoga therapy that most people will be exposed to is ráksãa thaang nûat (healing massage treatment). This is commonly known as the Nuat Thai or Nuad Boran styles of Thai Yoga therapy, spiritual massage, and healing work of Thailand.

The primary outcomes associated with the practice of Thai Yoga are called ProMiiWihan Sii ( Brahmavihara) or four divine, boundless sublime states of mind; Love, Compassion, Joy and Equanimity. As long as these four qualities are communicated, transmitted and exemplified during a session, it is considered to be successful. For this reason it is possible to have a Thai Yoga session with little or no actual touching!

In addition to the four divine states of mind we practice and perform Pujaa ritual healing process of prayer, affirmation and acknowledgement. We acknowledge the sacred space shared by client and Yogi, we honor and acknowledge the Bodhisattvas and progenitors of our way and teaching, and we “generate the Boddichitta,” the perfected mental processes of enlightened beings through Mantra recitation of OmNamoShivago, the Metta Sutra or anything else that invokes and invites the essence and energy of love and healing to move within ourselves and our client.

This prayerful and thoughtful meditation attunes powerful energies and petitions the sacred and symbolic metaphors of deities, ancient guides, and role models that provide the basis for all further communication and expression of Promiiwihan Sii.

The secondary outcomes are of lesser importance and may or may not share characteristics common to many forms of western massage such as effleurage (stroking and kneading the muscles), manipulation (manipulating or aligning osseous or skeletal parts) and pressure point or acupressure style technique (applying deep, consistent pressure to specific nerves, tendons, or ligaments and accupoints or Lom). In order to balance the functions of the four Dosha or body elements called thâat tháng sìi (Lom, Fai, Din, Naam), Thai Yoga incorporates elements of energetic and Prana assessment, mindfulness, gentle rocking, Asana positional release, deep stretching, focused breathing or Prana Yama, Chakra balancing, Prana Nadi or Sen line balancing and rhythmic compression to create a singular healing experience.

Native American Indigenous Church (NAIC),The SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine (SCNM) and the Thai Yoga Center are representative of and support authentic Traditional Thai Medicine (TTM), Thai culture and healing arts. Our member instructors are directly authorized teachers, representatives and traditional lineage holders in several different traditional secular and Buddhist schools:

Buddhai Sawan Institute Ayudthaya and Nongkam (famous for martial and healing arts for 900 years)
Phra Wat Chetuphon (Buddhist Temple, Wat Po Traditional Thai Medical School…One of the oldest schools of traditional arts),
Buntautuk Hilltribes Northern Provencial Hospital and Training Institute also known as “The Old Medicine Hospital of Shivago Komarpai.”
-ITM (International Thai Massage, Chiangmai)
Mama Lek Chaiya
-The Foundation for the Blind
-Buddhist Temple Wat Sawankholok, School for the Blind
Wiang Klaikangwon Industrial Community & Educational College program sponsored by HM. King Bhumibol, Anantasuk Thai Massage)

There are several other significant lineages, teachers and Grand Masters. Most important is the Buddhist medicine derived from the famous Saint Shivago (Jivaka). In the United States traditional lineage and teaching is primarily passed on via the educational programs of the Thai Yoga Center in Brooksville, FL. Additionally, we recognize all schools formally recognized by the Royal Thai Ministries of Health and of Education and The Union of Thai Traditional Medicine Society (UTTS) listed or not!

There are actually quite a few different traditional “schools” of Thai yoga Therapy. They range from the big university driven or supported programs of Bangkok, to the “family” style oral and traditional lineages of Thailand’s Northern Hill Tribe people such as Karen, Lisu, Lahu, Mien and Akha People. Their influence is a growing factor in the modern expression of Thai Massage, especially in the North.

Thai Yoga is a colloquial or geographically distinctive system. Modern Thai yoga Therapy is a synthesis of several different regional variations based on location, region and in some cases the specific influence of a charismatic teacher. Traditionally there was mention of the “Seven Schools”. Of course there was not in the past only seven schools! Considering this was the primary medicine of millions of people for over a thousand years it is logical to assume there were many different schools in operation at one time or another. For example, every temple teaching or practicing these healing arts could have been considered a school and there were hundreds if not thousands of these over the years.

The most famous traditional school in the north is The Buntautuk Northern Hill Tribe Medical Hospital or “The Old Medicine Hospital.” Under the auspices of Grand Master Aajan Sintorn Chaichagun (Transitioned November 2005) it has become a national and international phenomenon. Teaching various levels of programs to Thai and falang (foreigner) alike, Aajan Sintorn was also famous for his daily recitation of the Pali Om Namo Shivago prayer and invocation for blessing. Twice each day he would lead the entire community in this rhythmic and beautiful traditional mantra for healing. In the north they say, “you don’t know Thai Massage until you know this mantra!” Today the Wat Po Association of Traditional Doctors, member schools and Aachans or Master Instructors are bringing this work into the modern world. Famous schools and their head Masters such as Anantasuk Rongrian under both Phaa Kruu Anantasuk and Aachan Nantipa Anantasuk work with the King’s Rajaprajanugroh projects to completely document the traditional medicine and preserve its rich heritage.

Northern Thailand is closer to main land China so there is more Chinese and Laotion influenced massage techniques. For example, a well known teacher and practitioner in Chiangmai, Mama Lek Chaiya and her family teach what is called nûat jàp sên (nerve-touch massage), a Chinese-style massage technique that works with the body’s nerve meridians much like acupuncture. Some of the plucking techniques are reminiscent of Tuina and can be quite unpleasant. However, the ultimate aim of balancing the chi takes precedence over comfort!

It is important to remember that any and all applications of physical pressure are intended to convey ProMiiwihan Sii to balance and harmonize the thâat tháng sìi and Tri_dosha or Three Winds, Humors or energetically based body types. Thai yoga is a sophisticated system of exchanging love with pressure, just as a hug can convey care, consideration and love with physical pressure. It’s just that in Thai Yoga that loving embrace is conveyed with great detail and sophistication.

The practice of Thai Yoga is substantially based on principles of classical Ayurveda as described in the Caraka Samhita Sutra, Susrita Samhita Sutra, Gheranda Samhita, Atharvaveda, Pradipika, and Ramayana, without most of the overt references to Hindu deities. The philosophies and principles of these Ayurvedic texts have also been re-interpreted in Theraveda Buddhism. Two influential texts in the Theraveda system are the Buddha Dhama and the Vipassana Bhavanna. Ayurvedic practices emphasized in Thai yoga include Samkhya (Sanskrit= Satkhya), Creation Cosmology, Rajas, Satvas and Tamas, Dhatus, Doshas, Sen Lines (Prana Nadi), Lom (Wind Gates, Sanskrit= Marma), Pancha Karma, Asana, Prana Yama, and Mantra.

Traditional Thai Yoga IS Yoga and has within it’s practice all of the benefits of Yoga practice. To read an outstanding article on 18 amazing benifits of Yoga, According to Science by Author Jen Miller Click Here!

The four Thai Ayurvedic elements are: earth (din-solid parts of the body, including nerves, skeleton, muscles, blood vessels, tendons and ligaments); water (náam-blood and bodily secretions); fire (fai-digestion and metabolism); and air (lom-respiration, and circulation). Borrowing from India’s Ayurvedic tradition, some practitioners employ Pali-Sanskrit terms for the four bodily elements: pathavidhatu, apodhatu, tecodhatu and vayodhatu. The book “Lines, Wheels, Points and Specific Remedies” covers this theory in detail.

Thai Yoga Massage and or Traditional Thai massage are systems of yoga therapy and all aspects Somaveda® Style Thai Yoga follow Ayurvedic and yogic principles.

From the Ayudthaya period until early this century, the Thai government’s Department of Health included an official massage (Marma Cikitsa) division (phanâek mãw nûat). Under the influence of international medicine and modern hospital development, the responsibility for the national propagation/maintenance of temple based Thai Ayurveda was eventually transferred to Phra Wat Chetaphon (Wat Pho) in Bangkok, where it remains today. Traditional Yoga therapy has persisted in most of the provinces and there has recently been a resurgence of popularity throughout the country. The Wat Po system is divided into two completely separate and distinctive categories: the tourist massage pavilion and Tourist massage school, (Ronrian Sala Thaang Nuaat) and the School for traditional Medicine for training and certification of Maw Nuad (Massage Doctors). There are huge differences in the term and quality of training. For example, a tourist may receive an introductory massage certificate in as little as ten days, where the full program for Maw Nuad is twelve to fourteen semesters or four full years. In the United States we have many different levels of recognitions for Certified Thai Yoga/Massage Practitioners.

The Royal Thai Ministry of Health relies on the Union of Thai Traditional Medicine Society (UTTS) to formulate and maintain standards of practice and competency necessary for formal licensing of secular, non-religious professional Traditional Thai Medicine providers in the kingdom.

Within the traditional Thai medical context, a Thai Yoga massage therapist (mãw nûat, literally, ‘massage doctor’) usually applies Thai Yoga together with pharmacological (herbal) and/or psycho-spiritual treatments as prescribed for a specific problem or specific imbalance of the Dosha or winds and humors of the body, mind, and spirit. It is becoming quite popular for many Thais to also use traditional Thai Yoga as a tool for relaxation and disease prevention, rather than for a specific medical problem. However, once you leave the big city and move into the country you begin to see more reliance on the application as energy based medicine.   This includes the resurgence and growing popularity of the self treatment regimes and Yoga practices of “Reusi Dotan” or Reishi Yoga.

Traditional Thai yoga, Thai Yoga massage and or Thai massage is not the same as “Massage,” “Massage Therapy,” or “bodywork,” as commonly defined in so-called “Massage Laws.” The term “Thai Massage” is western slang, mostly promoted by tourists in Thailand. Although the use of the term is now common, it still is misunderstood and misused by the misinformed. It is easy to be confused when similar words are used, such as “Massage,” but legally there are distinctions and differences in definitions.

Please note: In common English when we use the word “massage” we do not mean it in the same context as the typical western usage. In the west “Massage” means something like a “rub down” for money and is primarily referring to systems derived from Swedish Massage and Massage Therapy. “Thai Yoga and or Thai Massage” (Phaen Boran Ráksãa Thaang Nûat) is completely unrelated!

Legally words can have different meanings than words used in common, non-legal language. For example, “Massage and Massage Therapy” definitions are based on the practice of “Swedish massage.” “Swedish Massage” is new (less than one hundred years) in European and American culture. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine “The term “massage therapy” encompasses many different techniques (see box for examples). In general, therapists press, rub, and otherwise manipulate the muscles and other soft tissues of the body. They most often use their hands and fingers, but may use their forearms, elbows, or feet”.

Compare this definition with the definition given for what is Thai Yoga at the beginning of this article “Thai Yoga is comprehensive, sophisticated healing arts derivative of Theraveda Buddhism, Buddhist medicine, Buddhist Psychology, Theraveda Vipassana Bhavana, Classical Indian and Tibetan Ayurveda and Yoga Vedanta. “

Thai yoga massage sounds similar to Western-style massage at first glance, but what is not mentioned in the proceeding definition is that Thai yoga massage is a spiritually based system of healing and movement education (Yoga). It is based entirely on principles of energy balancing (Sen, Tri-Dosha, Lom, Chakra etc.) and the actual touching, contact or soft tissue manipulation is incidental to, and not the central aim of the practice! I want to emphasize this statement again “It is possible to have a Thai Yoga session with little or no actual touching”. However, touching is good! This work brings fundamental elements and energy into harmony and creates wholeness of mind, body and spirit.

Thai yoga massage is a spiritually based Somatic technique and profession, a modality with standards established in the Buddhist holistic centers and temples thousands of years ago. It has an established code of ethics known as the Buddha Dharma, The Eight Fold Path, Ahimsa (non-violence) and the “Ten Rules of the Healer.” There is an established criterion for education and professional practice for services that were never intended to be “Massage” or “Massage therapy.”

Where Can I Learn Thai Yoga and Thai Massage?

1) NAIC/ SCNM: Thai Yoga Center provides a registry of approved schools, teachers and certified practitioners of Thai Yoga and Thai Massage. Thai Yoga and Thai Massage Directory

NAIC Members are legally entitled to practice Thai yoga, Thai Yoga Therapy , Thai Massage in all fifty states with NAIC Membership and Authorization without requiring any special licensing. Of course that means as long as what is practiced is not in violation of existing medical laws or that the practice is under the umbrella of an expressive private membership association or recognized church or ecclesiastical authority or organization. We are happy to answer any questions that you have pertaining to the legal practice of our energetic and spiritually based art of healing and transformation.

2) The Thai Yoga Center: In the US today the traditional lineages of Thai Yoga Therapy and Traditional Thai Massage are passed on via the in Brooksville, Florida through the Mastery and teaching of Aachan Anthony B. James ND, MDAM. Aachan James, after 30 plus years of extensive devotion, practice and research brings several different and complimentary traditional lineages to life.

To learn more about the SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine and Thai Yoga Center Click Here!

SomaVeda® Thai Yoga is the core modality of our four Certificate and five College Degree Programs. Other elements include but are not limited to Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Native American and Western Nature Cure or Traditional Naturopathy (Non-Drug, Non-Surgery, Non-Radiation or any dangerous, unsafe, invasive, non-natural therapy).

The SomaVeda® Thai Yoga based Associate of Sacred Arts: Major Natural Wellness(SCNM: A.S.A) degree program qualifies graduates to sit for the ANMCB (American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board) Traditional Naturopathic National Boards. A Traditional Naturopath is considered by many to be at the top of the holistic pyramid. We have established a program to educate conscience and spirit based natural and holistic health providers and ministers of all types and levels in the traditional, spiritual based healing methods of Thai Yoga.

If this all sounds interesting to you and you would like to experience SomaVeda@ Thai Yoga on a first hand basis, then consider taking one of our certification courses or joining one of our famous Thailand Externship Programs. We have been providing quality access to Thailand, Thai yoga massage and Thai Culture for over 30 years. Our programs feature extensive hands on massage training and internationally recognized certification as well as great exposure to the country and the people through our Eco-Tour, country survey style approach. Join us for the adventure of a lifetime!

For more information on educational materials by this author see the Yoga Therapy bookstore at BeardedMedia.Com. If you think your friends would benefit from this information please have them subscribe to our newsletter!

All Information is provided for educational purposes only and not intended to be used for any therapeutic purpose, neither is it intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. Please consult a health care professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions. No infection treatment products are sold from this website and every attempt is made to make statements which are unbiased and are solely in the best interest of the members, public and patient.While all attempts have been made to ensure the accuracy of this information. The author and ThaiYogaCenter.Com does not accept any responsibility for any errors or omissions.

The information provided in this article and or website has not been reviewed by the FDA. The FDA specifically considers anecdotal information and or research to be unreliable and or non valid. Additionally the information provided in this article is educational and to some degree anecdotal and in no context or meaning is it implied by the author or the website that it be intended as a substitute for competent medical advise. Patients suffering from a severe medical condition are advised to consult with their physician.

Copyright© 2017, Anthony B. James,  All rights reserved under International and Pan American copyright conventions. World rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Inquires should be addressed to: Anthony B. James, 5401 Saving Grace, Ln, Brooksville, FL 34602·

©2017 Anthony B. James, The Thai Yoga Center, Brooksville, FL.

Ayurveda of Thailand Wins 2017 eLit Award

Ayurveda of Thailand Wins 2017 eLit Award

News Update! July 2017:  Just awarded the 2017 Silver Medal Winner in the eLit Awards (independent publishing) digital publishing excellence in the “New Age/ Mind-Body-Spirit award category!


Ayurveda of Thailand Wins 2017 eLit Award

Ayurveda of Thailand: Indigenous Traditional Thai Medicine and Yoga Therapy


New comprehensive textbook on the Ayurveda and Thai Yoga of Thailand!
Brooksville, FL, Release Date: 09/05/2016 –

Ayurveda of Thailand wins eLit Silver Medal 2017










Ayurveda of Thailand: Indigenous Traditional Thai Medicine and Thai Yoga are part of what makes Thailand, Thailand. The Royal ( Court or “Southern” Style) is the most classical form.

The book provides clear and concise instructions and details for the practice in a clinical setting. Over 160 photo and graphic illustrations present each traditional application in a logical format.

Readers will especially appreciate the detailed and well researched history and medical anthropology of Thailand’s great contribution to the world heritage of indigenous, traditional medicine systems. Thai Yoga Therapy is on par with Traditional Chinese Medicine and others.

It has become the nucleus of a new lifestyle and right livelihood for the thousands of US and Thai students, practitioners and teachers. Indigenous, Traditional Thai Massage (Indigenous Thai Yoga Therapy), also called “Ryksaa Thang Nuad Phaen Boran Thai” or the “ancient Chirothesia (Yoga Therapy) or hands-on healing” of Thailand, is born of a long tradition.

This unique system of indigenous, traditional, natural medicine and Yoga therapy finds it’s ancient roots first in the traditions of classical Ayurveda as far back as the 5th century BCE. Subsequently, the Vedic health and medical practices eventually became common practice in SE Asia. Burma (Myanmar) and Thailand were heavily influenced by succeeding generations of Buddhist influence, philosophy and practice. Some form of this traditional medicine has been taught and practiced in various locations for about 2500 years.

Two ways to get the book: Ayurveda of Thailand: Indigenous Traditional Thai Medicine and Yoga Therapy

Trade Paperback: Only $19.95: To review or order the paperback order on Amazon CLICK HERE!

Kindle Edition: Only $9.95: To review or order the Kindle version CLICK HERE!

News Update! July 2017:  Just awarded the 2017 Silver Medal Winner in the eLit Awards (independent publishing) digital publishing excellence in the “New Age/ Mind-Body-Spirit award category!


The outstanding credits of Anthony B. James DNM(P), ND(T, MD(AM), DPHC(h.c.), OMD, PhD, RAAP, SMOKH include: Author, lecturer, Aachan and Master of Indigenous,Traditional Thai Medicine and Indigenous, Traditional Thai Massage, Traditional Naturopath, Medical Doctor(AM) specializing in Pastoral, Indigenous, Traditional, Natural, Native American and alternative medicine, Registered Ayurveda Clinician and Doctor of Philosophy in Indigenous Medicine.

Over 20,000 students have gone through his SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® educational programs since 1984. Honored by Royal Thai Government several times,TAT, Receiver of the Friend of Thailand award for Thai Medicine, Bangkok, Aachan and/or Master teacher and FIRST Westerner authorized to share Traditional Thai Medical Massage (Thai Yoga Therapy) in the west.

What is SomaVeda Thai Yoga Ayurveda Book now Available

What is SomaVeda Thai Yoga Ayurveda? : 49 Systems of Self Expression and Healing


New comprehensive textbook on the SomaVeda® Integrated Traditional Therapies® style/ system of indigenous, traditional medicine based on Ayurveda and Thai Yoga of Thailand!
Brooksville, FL, Release Date: 11/07/2016 –

What is SomaVeda Thai Yoga Ayurveda?

SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® is a system of religious therapeutics, wellness, health, healing, way of life and martial arts. It is based on the integration of indigenous, traditional therapeutic and spiritually based healing sciences and systems of both Eastern and Western origin.

The ancient and modern systems which form the basis of SomaVeda® are several different countries and cultures such as Thailand, India, China, Tibet, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan and the Americas. The most important category of contribution to SomaVeda® is that of The Indigenous Traditional Thai Medicine (Ayurveda of Thailand) and Indigenous Traditional Thai Yoga and Medical Massage from the Buddhai Sawan, Buntautuk, Wat Po, Anantasuk and Lek Chaiya Jap Sen traditional schools. In particular, the basis of primary techniques are Royal and Northern branches of Indigenous Traditional Thai Medicine (ITTM/ TTM).

The book provides clear and concise insight into What SomaVeda® style Indigenous Traditional Thai Medicine and Ayurveda is and the variety of possibilities of what it can be!

Readers will especially appreciate the detailed explanations for the principles, theories behind the practice. There is much confusion as to what exactly Indigenous Thai Yoga (sometimes referred to as Traditional Thai Massage) is. This book dispells the myths and inaccuracies. Once you read it you will see what Indigenous Thai Yoga & Ayurveda are a comprehensive holistic medical practice on par with any other traditional system of medicine such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and or Classical Ayurveda.

SomaVeda® style Indigenous Thai Yoga has become the nucleus of a new lifestyle and right livelihood for the thousands of US and Thai students, practitioners and teachers. Indigenous, Traditional Thai Massage (Indigenous Thai Yoga Therapy), also called “Ryksaa Thang Nuad Phaen Boran Thai” or the “ancient Chirothesia (Yoga Therapy) or hands-on healing” of Thailand, is born of a long tradition.

This unique system of indigenous, traditional, natural medicine and Yoga therapy finds it’s ancient roots first in the traditions of classical Ayurveda as far back as the 5th century BCE. Subsequently, the Vedic health and medical practices eventually became common practice in SE Asia. Burma (Myanmar) and Thailand were heavily influenced by succeeding generations of Buddhist influence, philosophy and practice. Some form of this traditional medicine has been taught and practiced in various locations for about 2500 years.

The founder and lead teacher of the SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Indigenous Thai Yoga Ayurveda system Dr. Anthony B. James, explains the incredible possibilities of what SomaVeda® is in his own words.

Two ways to get the book: Ayurveda of Thailand: Indigenous Traditional Thai Medicine and Yoga Therapy

Trade Paperback: Only $14.95: To review or order the paperback order on Amazon CLICK HERE!

Kindle Edition: Only $9.95: To review or order the Kindle version CLICK HERE!

The outstanding credits of Anthony B. James DNM(P), ND(T, MD(AM), DPHC(h.c.),OMD, PhD,RAAP, SMOKH include: Author, lecturer, Aachan and Master of Indigenous,Traditional Thai Medicine and Indigenous, Traditional Thai Massage, Traditional Naturopath, Medical Doctor(AM) specializing in Pastoral, Indigenous, Traditional, Natural, Native American and alternative medicine, Registered Ayurveda Clinician and Doctor of Philosophy in Indigenous Medicine.

Over 20,000 students have gone through his SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® educational programs since 1984. Honored by Royal Thai Government several times,TAT, Receiver of the Friend of Thailand award for Thai Medicine, Bangkok, Aachan and/or Master teacher and FIRST Westerner authorized to share Indigenous, Traditional Thai Medicine (Indigenous Thai Yoga Therapy & Thai Ayurveda) in the west.

Ayurveda of Thailand Book now Available

Ayurveda of Thailand: Indigenous Traditional Thai Medicine and Yoga Therapy


New comprehensive textbook on the Ayurveda and Thai Yoga of Thailand!
Brooksville, FL, Release Date: 09/05/2016 –

Ayurveda of Thailand

Ayurveda of Thailand: Indigenous Traditional Thai Medicine and Thai Yoga are part of what makes Thailand, Thailand. The Royal ( Court or “Southern” Style) is the most classical form.

The book provides clear and concise instructions and details for the practice in a clinical setting. Over 160 photo and graphic illustrations present each traditional application in a logical format.

Readers will especially appreciate the detailed and well researched history and medical anthropology of Thailand’s great contribution to the world heritage of indigenous, traditional medicine systems. Thai Yoga Therapy is on par with Traditional Chinese Medicine and others.

It has become the nucleus of a new lifestyle and right livelihood for the thousands of US and Thai students, practitioners and teachers. Indigenous, Traditional Thai Massage (Indigenous Thai Yoga Therapy), also called “Ryksaa Thang Nuad Phaen Boran Thai” or the “ancient Chirothesia (Yoga Therapy) or hands-on healing” of Thailand, is born of a long tradition.

This unique system of indigenous, traditional, natural medicine and Yoga therapy finds it’s ancient roots first in the traditions of classical Ayurveda as far back as the 5th century BCE. Subsequently, the Vedic health and medical practices eventually became common practice in SE Asia. Burma (Myanmar) and Thailand were heavily influenced by succeeding generations of Buddhist influence, philosophy and practice. Some form of this traditional medicine has been taught and practiced in various locations for about 2500 years.

Two ways to get the book: Ayurveda of Thailand: Indigenous Traditional Thai Medicine and Yoga Therapy

Trade Paperback: Only $19.95: To review or order the paperback order on Amazon CLICK HERE!

Kindle Edition: Only $9.95: To review or order the Kindle version CLICK HERE!


News Update! July 2017:  Just awarded the 2017 Silver Medal Winner in the eLit Awards (independent publishing) digital publishing excellence in the “New Age/ Mind-Body-Spirit award category!

eLit Silver Medal Award 2017








The outstanding credits of Anthony B. James DNM(P), ND(T, MD(AM), DPHC(h.c.),OMD, PhD,RAC,SMOKH include: Author, lecturer, Aachan and Master of Indigenous,Traditional Thai Medicine and Indigenous, Traditional Thai Massage, Traditional Naturopath, Medical Doctor(AM) specializing in Pastoral, Indigenous, Traditional, Natural, Native American and alternative medicine, Registered Ayurveda Clinician and Doctor of Philosophy in Indigenous Medicine.

Over 20,000 students have gone through his SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® educational programs since 1984. Honored by Royal Thai Government several times,TAT, Receiver of the Friend of Thailand award for Thai Medicine, Bangkok, Aachan and/or Master teacher and FIRST Westerner authorized to share Traditional Thai Medical Massage (Thai Yoga Therapy) in the west.

History of Ayurveda and Thai Yoga

Jivaka- Shivago Statue at the Thai Yoga Center

History of Ayurveda and Thai Yoga

Origins of Indigenous Traditional Thai Medicine and Massage


Thai Yoga reduces psychological stress

By Anthony B. James Prof. Anthony B. James MSc.(Clinical Herbology), DNM(C), Idaho Registered ND(T), Christian Science Practitioner, MD(AM), DOM(Acu), DPHC(h.c.), Ph.D. (IM), Ph.D. (Hospitaller Medicine h.c.), DMM, RAAP, UTTS, MSGR./CHEV., Ordained Native Monsignor, Native Bishop, Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church of the East in Brazil,
Dean, Professor, Director of Education and Traditional Medicine, Chairman: Native American Indigenous Church, INC (NAIC)

Indigenous, Traditional Thai Massage (Indigenous Thai Yoga Therapy), also called “Ryksaa Thang Nuad Phaen Boran Thai” or the “ancient Chirothesia (synonymous with Yoga Therapy Thai style/ Thai Yoga Massage) or hands-on healing” of Thailand, is born of a long tradition.[2] This unique system of Indigenous, traditional, natural medicine and Yoga therapy finds its ancient roots first in the traditions of classical Ayurveda as far back as the 5th century B.C.E. Subsequently; the Vedic health and medical practices eventually became comice in SE Asia. Burma (Myanmar) and Thailand were heavily influenced by succeeding generations of Buddhist influence, philosophy, training, and procedures. Some form of this traditional medicine has been taught and practiced in various locations for about 2500 years.

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Thai Yoga Eight Fold Path

Thai Yoga Eight Fold Path

Thai Yoga Eightfold Path

By Anthony B. James DNM(P), ND(T), MD(AM), DPHC(h.c.), DOM, RAC, SMOKH Academic Dean SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine and Thai Yoga Center (SCNM).

When we talk about SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® and SomaVeda® Thai yoga, we are also talking about it as being based on a code of ethical conduct. It’s not just a system or methodology of healing. It is the art of being. So, how do you practice the art of being? We say that there are basically eight things that you want to incorporate in your life in some way, shape or form in order to have a noble or ethical way of life as a healer. Our iteration/ formulation of the Thai Yoga Eight Fold Path is based on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra. The Yogic Eight Fold Path is literally called “Ashtanga” which means the “Eight Limbs”. We additionally incorporate understandings found in the Theraveda Buddhist Noble Eight Fold Path (ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo) adapted to our particular work and practice as healers, therapist and Doctors of indigenous traditional natural medicine.

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