What is SomaVeda Thai Yoga Ayurveda Book now Available

What is SomaVeda Thai Yoga Ayurveda? : 49 Systems of Self Expression and Healing


New comprehensive textbook on the SomaVeda® Integrated Traditional Therapies® style/ system of indigenous, traditional medicine based on Ayurveda and Thai Yoga of Thailand!
Brooksville, FL, Release Date: 11/07/2016 –

What is SomaVeda Thai Yoga Ayurveda?

SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® is a system of religious therapeutics, wellness, health, healing, way of life and martial arts. It is based on the integration of indigenous, traditional therapeutic and spiritually based healing sciences and systems of both Eastern and Western origin.

The ancient and modern systems which form the basis of SomaVeda® are several different countries and cultures such as Thailand, India, China, Tibet, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan and the Americas. The most important category of contribution to SomaVeda® is that of The Indigenous Traditional Thai Medicine (Ayurveda of Thailand) and Indigenous Traditional Thai Yoga and Medical Massage from the Buddhai Sawan, Buntautuk, Wat Po, Anantasuk and Lek Chaiya Jap Sen traditional schools. In particular, the basis of primary techniques are Royal and Northern branches of Indigenous Traditional Thai Medicine (ITTM/ TTM).

The book provides clear and concise insight into What SomaVeda® style Indigenous Traditional Thai Medicine and Ayurveda is and the variety of possibilities of what it can be!

Readers will especially appreciate the detailed explanations for the principles, theories behind the practice. There is much confusion as to what exactly Indigenous Thai Yoga (sometimes referred to as Traditional Thai Massage) is. This book dispells the myths and inaccuracies. Once you read it you will see what Indigenous Thai Yoga & Ayurveda are a comprehensive holistic medical practice on par with any other traditional system of medicine such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and or Classical Ayurveda.

SomaVeda® style Indigenous Thai Yoga has become the nucleus of a new lifestyle and right livelihood for the thousands of US and Thai students, practitioners and teachers. Indigenous, Traditional Thai Massage (Indigenous Thai Yoga Therapy), also called “Ryksaa Thang Nuad Phaen Boran Thai” or the “ancient Chirothesia (Yoga Therapy) or hands-on healing” of Thailand, is born of a long tradition.

This unique system of indigenous, traditional, natural medicine and Yoga therapy finds it’s ancient roots first in the traditions of classical Ayurveda as far back as the 5th century BCE. Subsequently, the Vedic health and medical practices eventually became common practice in SE Asia. Burma (Myanmar) and Thailand were heavily influenced by succeeding generations of Buddhist influence, philosophy and practice. Some form of this traditional medicine has been taught and practiced in various locations for about 2500 years.

The founder and lead teacher of the SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Indigenous Thai Yoga Ayurveda system Dr. Anthony B. James, explains the incredible possibilities of what SomaVeda® is in his own words.

Two ways to get the book: Ayurveda of Thailand: Indigenous Traditional Thai Medicine and Yoga Therapy

Trade Paperback: Only $14.95: To review or order the paperback order on Amazon CLICK HERE!

Kindle Edition: Only $9.95: To review or order the Kindle version CLICK HERE!

The outstanding credits of Anthony B. James DNM(P), ND(T, MD(AM), DPHC(h.c.),OMD, PhD,RAAP, SMOKH include: Author, lecturer, Aachan and Master of Indigenous,Traditional Thai Medicine and Indigenous, Traditional Thai Massage, Traditional Naturopath, Medical Doctor(AM) specializing in Pastoral, Indigenous, Traditional, Natural, Native American and alternative medicine, Registered Ayurveda Clinician and Doctor of Philosophy in Indigenous Medicine.

Over 20,000 students have gone through his SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® educational programs since 1984. Honored by Royal Thai Government several times,TAT, Receiver of the Friend of Thailand award for Thai Medicine, Bangkok, Aachan and/or Master teacher and FIRST Westerner authorized to share Indigenous, Traditional Thai Medicine (Indigenous Thai Yoga Therapy & Thai Ayurveda) in the west.

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