History of Ayurveda and Thai Yoga

Jivaka- Shivago Statue at the Thai Yoga Center

History of Ayurveda and Thai Yoga

Origins of Indigenous Traditional Thai Medicine and Massage


Thai Yoga reduces psychological stress

By Anthony B. James D.N.M.(P), N.D. (T), M.D. (AM), D.P.H.C. (h.c.), Ph.D., D.O.M., R.A.A.P., S.M.O.K.H. Academic Dean SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine and Thai Yoga Center (S.C.N.M.).

Indigenous, Traditional Thai Massage (Indigenous Thai Yoga Therapy), also called “Ryksaa Thang Nuad Phaen Boran Thai” or the “ancient Chirothesia (synonymous with Yoga Therapy Thai style/ Thai Yoga Massage) or hands-on healing” of Thailand, is born of a long tradition.[2] This unique system of indigenous, traditional, natural medicine and Yoga therapy finds its ancient roots first in the traditions of classical Ayurveda as far back as the 5th century B.C.E. Subsequently; the Vedic health and medical practices eventually became comice in SE Asia. Burma (Myanmar) and Thailand were heavily influenced by succeeding generations of Buddhist influence, philosophy, training, and procedures. Some form of this traditional medicine has been taught and practiced in various locations for about 2500 years.

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