Thai Traditional Massage Sen Lines

Thai Traditional Massage Sen Lines

Aachan, Prof. Dr. Anthony B. James

By Anthony B. James DNM(C), N.D. (T), M.D. (AM), DPHC(h.c.), DOM, RAAP, SMOKH Academic Dean SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine and Thai Yoga Center (SCNM). Buddhai Sawan Institute Gold Sash/ Ajahn.

What are Thai Traditional Massage Sen Lines?

Thai Traditional Medicine Sen Lines

Sen is the Thai word for the line. It is the same concept as Prana Nadi used in Yogic terminology, and the terms are interchangeable. The Sanskrit word Nadi means stream or movement. Sip Sen is considered an energetic pathway of the life-giving breath in the body. The oldest traditional yogic texts are reputed to refer to the existence of 350,000 lines. These lines form the Matrix, Energetic, or Prana Maya Kosha’s body.

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Fibromyalgia and Thai Yoga

Fibromyalgia and Thai Yoga

Aachan, Prof. Dr. Anthony B. James

By Anthony B. James DNM(P), ND(T), MD(AM), DPHC(h.c.), DOM, RAC, SMOKH Academic Dean SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine and Thai Yoga Center (SCNM).

I want to say that there is much evidence to demonstrate that Fibromyalgia and Thai Yoga are made for each other. This is in two different context which I will elaborate more in the body of this article. First, if there is such a thing and Second even if there is no such thing as “Fibromyalgia” then Thai Yoga (Thai Traditional Massage) may be a perfect solution to the aggregate of symptoms which this shot gun term refers to. Thai Traditional Massage (Thai Yoga) offers solutions that emphasize the whole person, not just their physical pain.

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Thai Yoga offers better pain relief for Osteoarthritis than OTC Remedies

Thai Yoga offers better pain relief for Osteoarthritis than OTC Remedies

Ajahn, Prof. Dr. Anthony B. James

Anthony B James DNM(C), ND(T), MD(AM), DOM(C), DPHC(h.c.), PhD, RAAP, SMOKH

Thai Yoga offers better pain relief and with less, little or no adverse side effects than Ibuprofen and other NSAID’s. Additionally, pain relief from a short series of individual treatments has been shown to last as long as 15 weeks!

Thai Massage pain solution for Osteoarthritus pain
SomaVeda® Thai Yoga provides solution for Osteoarthritis pain.

The most common pain remedies prescribed for OA (Osteoarthritis) such as Ibuprofen and other similar NSAID’s such as Advil, Motrin and the like, come with a hefty price tag in respect of unwanted effects and side effects. Generally prescribed for relief of pain, swelling and inflammation.

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