Buddhai Sawan Sangha Brooksville, Florida USA

Buddhai Sawan Sanga Brooksville FLBuddhai Sawan Logo

Buddhai Sawan USA Logo

Learn and practice the traditional South East Asian fighting and self-perfection arts of Thailand, Burma, Philippines, and Indonesia with Master Teacher Ajahn Dr. Anthony B. James.

Buddhai Sawan Sangha Krabi Krabong

CLICK HERE to see Ajahn, Dr. Anthony B. James Martial Arts Biography

CLICK HERE to see GM Phaa Kru Samaii Mesamarn information

All skill levels are welcome!

Arts in rotation schedule:

Buddhai Sawan (Phuuthaisawan) Krabi Krabong- Thai Sword Fighting (GM Phaa Kru Samaii Mesamarn Style)

  • The Buddhai Sawan “Tiger” Style!
  • Ranking for sash!
  • Wai Khru/ Ram Muay
  • All nine weapon systems: Sword, Stick, Knife, Spear, Shield, and more!
  • Buddhai Sawan Muay Chaiya/ Muay Boran: Muay Boran for Self-Defense Applications.
  • Buddhai Sawan Krabi Krabong Contact sparring

Pekiti Tersia Kali: Inosanto, GM Tuhon Leo T. Gaje, Serrada, Greg Alland Style

  • Single Stick
  • Double Stick
  • Six Fighting Range application
  • Knife/ Close Quarter
  • Swords
  • Long Range staff and Spear.

SomaVeda® Thai Reishi Yoga

Progressive American Karate/ Combat Jiu-Jitsu (Japanese- Korean Style/ Seishin Kai-Dashik Kim Style)

School Textbook: “Krabi Krabong, The Tiger Sword of Thailand


Classes are held in the beautiful N.A.I.C. Tribal Organization Sanctuary. Our beautiful, diverse, well-equipped studio has indoor and outdoor training and practice areas.


Currently, we are offering scheduled practice on most Saturdays unless there is a competing course. The schedule is posted and updated on the

Brooksville Krabi Krabong Kali Meetup Group

Please join there and follow the instructions to register and access the training.

We will consider adding a weekday evening training if there is sufficient interest. Be sure to speak out if a weekday or evening training interests you!

For additional information, call or email.




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