Doctor of Natural Medicine

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November 30th. 2009, Ajahn, Dr. Anthony James receives LifeTime Membership Recognition with the Union of Thai Traditional Medicine Society (U.T.T.S.). The “Ganesha” award was presented by Mr. Aram Amaradit
Practice Name
Basic Practice Description
Ajahn, Anthony James is Founder of the SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine and it’s physical school The Thai Yoga Center and the NAIC/ SMOCH/ AAPNA, Accredited school of natural and spiritually based healing arts and sciences. The Thai Yoga Center is a State of Florida DOE compliant degree granting institution. We are also FSBMT/ NCBTMB Category A Approved Providers for Massage Therapy Continuing Education. Ajahn, Dr. James is currently volunteering and offering his instructional time free of charge as a public service. Dr. James has donated over 400 full and or substantially reduced tuition scholarships to deserving students.
Practice Address
5401 Saving Grace Ln, Brooksville, FL