SomaVeda® Wellness Health Forum: Food Over Medicine™ Practitioner Certificate Course
“let’s have a conversation that could save your life… and some other lives too!”
This is your opportunity to begin or enhance your career in the nutrition or health fields. The curriculum for the course is based on the Wellness Health Forum wellness centers, disease treatment, and prevention guidelines. The course emphasis will give you the knowledge you need to help others. Completing it will also increase your credibility, which will help you to reach more people.
WHF: Food Over Medicine training course is offered through five 2–hour PowerPoint presentations initially created by Dr. Pam Popper, delivered with lectures and discussions by Ajahn Dr. Anthony B. James. During this, you will learn: the optimal diet for humans and the science to support it; the relationship between diet and disease and how diet can be used as an intervention tool; how to instruct patients/clients in managing their healthcare – it includes tips on how to interview and interact with/manage doctors; how to assess healthcare options; and how to coach people through making these decisions; how to read, understand, and interpret research studies so that you can continue to learn on your own.
The WHF: FOM training is a vital part of Sacred Nutrition: Eating: Food and nutrition issues, the good, bad, and the ugly. SomaVeda® Sacred Nutrition Counselor certification curriculum, part of the 164Hr. SomaVeda® Thai Yoga, Ayurveda Practitioner Certification Retreat program.
Dr. Anthony B. James is a WHF Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor
We will discuss integrating this nutritional information into the SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapeutic Day™ Protocol or as a SomaVeda® NHS: NDCC™ (Native American Healthcare Specialist: Certified Native Diabetes Care Counselor™ ) counseling with Indigenous and Native American Communities either on or off the reservation!