SomaVeda® Page 2

SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Page Two

Some Principles of SomaVeda®

Only when we begin to see the energetic potential and physical manifestations of this potentiality as expressed are we “seeing” the natural person. There is no such thing as a body apart from the energy and vitality which animates and communicates through it. The Tibetans say our body is “a perfected manifestation” of our consciousness. Take a corpse, for example. No matter how intact or whole or complete, we find a corpse—resembling a live person in merest form only. The corpse bears a superficial resemblance, which diminishes immediately and continues to diminish until the corpse returns to the earth from which it was initially borrowed. We cannot isolate any of the various qualities and energies humans manifest apart from the physical body. We call these qualities “Life,” and traditional healing medicines have sought to define the nature of this Life force as various energies and qualities of spirit.

In creating this new and vital way of health, we will focus on the body as a dynamic vehicle with qualities of life and spirit that create a matrix of energy. This matrix of energy encourages matter to merge in a particular way. The result of this coalescing of matter will be the manifestation of a human being with various attributes evidencing that which makes it up.

    • 1. Shen: The spiritual essence of being. This is the fundamental or vital elixir that calls forth for the creation of life, ultimately manifesting as men and women—the soul.
    • 2. The Matrix Body: Existing as a pure energy field. A field with characteristics common to electromagnetic energy but of a suspected but yet-to-be-defined frequency. This Matrix Body is the energetic framework that our visible body emulates. I say to a degree because the matrix body, per se, is governed by properties of vibrations, and such has universal qualities exceeding the limitations of time and space as we commonly know it. Astrology, for example, attempts to reconcile the observance of these universal properties. The construction of this Matrix Body has been better understood and described in man’s history than in recent times. For example, in the ancient Indian Sanskrit language, the English word “Prayer” can be defined as many as 64 different ways. The vocabulary to even describe sublime principles is lacking in the West. Perhaps to paraphrase Lao Tsu, from the “Dao De Jing,” commonly called the “Tao,” “language cannot encompass all that there is.” However, we do have some information, and there have been left for our clues. With these “clues” and traditional teachings, we use our intuitions as the ancients did and our modern intelligence to re-invent and co-create the present understanding. We bring the “Science of Life” to the knowledge and awareness of mankind at a time when it is needed the most.

Chi or Prana are the qualities we most associate with the Matrix Body. The medium, qualities, and elements associated with the manifestation of Chi and Prana are the energetic anatomy and physiology of Meridian’s, Sen, Prana Nadi, Breath, Chakra, Acupoints, Channels, vessels, Five Elements, Yin/ Yang and all of the like.

    • 3. The M.E.I.S. Body: The Mental, Emotional, Instinctive, and Sexual Body. The M.E.I.S. body is created out of the interaction between the Matrix body, the Shen or spiritual essence, and the Tangible Physical Body (TPB) (the sum of our material parts) and the reality of the environment in which the triad comes into existence, what we know of as the personality and psychology of a person are generated here and reflected in the mirror of the Tangible Physical Body (TPB), also known as the Somatic Body. More than this, physical reality may also impart to or communicate through the M.E.I.S. body in various ways. The communication is eventually found reflected in each higher body in turn. We say that the Somatic body is the subconscious mind. It is where the personality and psychology of a person’s mind are. The Somatic body results from the process beginning with the Shen, Matrix, and M.E.I.S. bodies interacting with the closest stellar bodies we know of, such as the Sun, Moon, and Earth. On a relative vibrational frequency scale, the Somatic body is the lowest and slowest of all the various bodies. This idea also bears the concept of “We are Many.” The composite is the “Great” body or “Somata Magnifica.” We comprise many overlapping representations of energy, material, and frequency, composite for the form “I” or “Us.” This is appropriate from the beginning of the creation of man by God. “So God created man in His image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” Genesis 1:27 (K.J.V.). Our Great Body has been transforming higher vibrations of one order to lower and transmuting lower vibrations of one order to a higher.
      • “But we are citizens of Heaven; our outlook goes beyond this world to the hopeful expectation of the savior who will come from Heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ. He will re-make these wretched bodies of ours to resemble his own glorious body, by that power of his which makes him the master of everything that is. Philippians 3:21 (Phillips)

The TPB is the repository and storage bank for the M.E.I.S. body. It is also a material mirror or tangible image reflecting the M.E.I.S.’s organization. As such, we say the TPB is the subconscious mind. It is where the personality constructs and psychology reside.

The construction of the TPB is well understood and documented in the biological sciences and well known through the study of anatomy and physiology of Western medical science. However, no current A& P text describes the functions and components of the human body concerning its more esoteric, energetic aspects. These are the aspects and qualities that more or less relate to the M.E.I.S. body, the Matrix body, and the Shen, Astral, spirit, or essence being of a person. No clear descriptions of functions will be considered complete until these relationships are addressed individually and holistically. The need is to examine the role of each component, looking for additional clues as to their place and role in the ray of creation. Enneagram studies may provide a resource for understanding many of these processes and functions of the human organism.

SomaVeda® is a way of life originating from a great compassion for the suffering of human beings and a belief that through a greater understanding of ourselves, we might, in the end, be of some value. SomaVeda® is therapy in the broadest sense of the word and not meant to be taken strictly in the sense of rehabilitation. It borrows and integrates concepts and applications from the world’s excellent health and healing traditions, such as Indian Ayurveda, T.C.M., T.T.M., Native American Medicine, and Traditional Naturopathy (No drugs, No Surgery) and Historical Christian/ Monastic Medicine as found in Asia and the levant for over one thousand years. There is no restriction or limitation to the concept of recovering ground or function that has been lost. We explore breaking our existence’s everyday rules and boundaries through healing work. We come with a Christ-centered conscious perspective before the seemingly insurmountable walls of our paradigms regarding life, health, consciousness, energy, and capacity.

The reason why rehabilitation of disability, injury, or trauma is so complex is that we do not understand what our normal is. Our views of ourselves are fragmented at best. How can a science or art of health truly hope to re-establish harmony, balance, and function when these concepts are not understood correctly? Our Western secular science is only just now beginning to admit to the possibility that there might be other less tangible factors in a person’s physical health other than their specific pathologies! This has been understood, and there is evidence of this understanding since immemorial. The ideas and concepts of the “other than” purely material aspects of man’s existence in this material world have been elucidated and explained in the Bible for thousands of years. They are spelled out in Bible translations into every language in the world. It is only in the current age of scientific-minded man (scientism) that this understanding is not generally available.

The very idea of the energetic makeup of a person should not be an esoteric concept. Many different likely avenues can produce, transfer, and carry or transport the various forms of energy ascribed to the body. Or, as we look at the equation, the many simultaneous, overlapping, and integrated bodies. The ancient Vedic scriptures, for example, referred to “350,000” Prana Nadi four thousand years ago. In their traditional scriptures, the people of Thailand and surrounding areas relate how 72,000 lines of energy within the body, referred to as Sen, were distilled into a network of 10 primary lines. The Ancient Chinese culture produced documents and teachings with similar functions that were used for thousands of years. They developed 12 primary channels and two extraordinary vessels called Meridians. They also went further with theories incorporating Transverse Subcutaneous Muscle channels (Fascia?), muscle channels, and connecting vessels. All of these things attempt to reconcile direct observation of the “Non-physical” phenomenon of the body.

It matters not if these ideas of the construct of the “energetic” body are verifiable by scientific or engineered devices or research. These principles provide tangible and functional, clinically verifiable medical and wellness returns. We are ok if these concepts are metaphors for laws of nature we are all subject to!

In one sense, we have not seen the “forest for the trees” as Westerners. Western researchers have been trying for many years to locate some set of nerves or another mechanism relative to, or similar to, what is being described as Meridian’s, Nadi’s, Sen’s, etc. One such researcher was Dr. Robert O. Becker, MD. The former head of research for the Veterans Administration, U.S.A. He postulated and demonstrated the existence of what he called a D.C. Potential Field or Morphogenic Field, which would allow for the possibility of acupuncture as a useful concept, even from the point of view of Western science. He postulated this field operates as a control system through semi-conduction. A phenomenon only just now being researched and understood relative to its application to living organisms. Other researchers have brought the magnetic field theories to bear, demonstrating the body’s ability to produce electrical, magnetic fields internally and E.M.F. (Electro-Motive Force)…. even variations of fields of varying intensity and polarity relative to specific organs! Western science has quickly criticized traditional theories and methodologies based upon them. It has only been developing technologies and understandings in the last few years to substantiate what the traditional cultures claimed to know and experience several thousand years ago. These ancient cultures developed this understanding not using sophisticated technologies but their abilities of intuition and observation!

We, the Christian Christ-Centered SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® and SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy practitioners are in a unique position in that at present, probably for the first time in history, we have both. Access to Bible-based, traditional concepts, indigenous-based traditional concepts, understandings, and methodologies, and the modern, Western sciences understanding and view of things. We simultaneously live in the most precarious time relating to the variety and severity of health issues. The watchwords and concepts for SomaVeda® are respect for traditional concepts and lineage, complementation, integration, application, mastery, community, Puja/ Prayer, and compassion.

The complete SomaVeda® Program is a Doctor of Sacred Natural Medicine (D.S.N.M.) and or Doctor of Philosophy Ayurveda Medicine (Ph.D. Ayurveda) Diploma and or Traditional Naturopathy Diploma Program with an emphasis in Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy encompassing from 4549 clock hours of education, training, and certification. The SomaVeda® program is accredited and recognized by many national and international bodies and authorities. List of SomaVeda® Recognitions

In the SomaVeda® system, two types of educational paths are currently available. There are Five Unique SomaVeda® Certificate Programs and Three A.C.N.M. College Degree Paths. Click Here to see the List of Available SomaVeda® Programs!

SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® and SomaVeda®  are federally registered trademarks/servicemarks and proprietary intellectual property; all world rights are reserved.

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