NAIC NWS Tribal Health Clinical Assessment

New Thai Yoga Center Logo July 2023

Medical Clinical Intake and Biological Assessments

24-step Screening for Catastrophic Illness

Available by appointment at the Natural Wellness Solutions at The Thai Yoga Center

Dr. James, an Ordained Minister, board-certified, Licentiate Pastoral Physician, and N.A.I.C. Medicine Man, uses modern clinical biological assessments and tests to determine metabolic, organic, and endocrine imbalance as well as the entire repertoire of Asian/ Oriental Medical assessments from Native American, Ayurveda, and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Dr. J. Holds Doctoral Degrees In Medicine, Naturopathy, Traditional Oriental Medicine (Acupuncture), Ayurveda and Indigenous Traditional Medicine. He has a Master’s in Clinical Herbology and is a recognized “Ajahn” Professor of Thai Traditional Medicine with lifetime credentials from the U.T.T.S. and Royal Thai Ministry of Health. (Click here for a more detailed Biography.)

Our assessment strategy includes Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Health indexing. Includes physician evaluation using state-of-the-art laboratory technology/ instruments and analysis software.

Dr. J is ready for the clinic!

This medical Clinical physical examination includes the St. John P.O.S. Protocol.

  1. Blood Glucose
  2. Cholesterol
  3. Hemoglobin
  4. Saliva and Urine Ph
  5. Urine Analysis
  6. B.I.A. (Bio-Impedance Analysis)
  7. Physical Health History Questionaire.
  8. Pre-visit Laboratory Wellness report
  9. Phase Angle
  10. Metabolic “X” Syndrome Risk Factors (Weight/ Height/ Girth WHO and St. John P.O.S. Protocol)
  11. B.M.I. (Body Mass Index Analysis/B.I.A. (Bio-Impedance Analysis)
  12. Thyroid Function (Thermal Scan)
  13. Nervous System Status (E.D.S. and Palpation Reflex analysis)
  14. Tongue, Nail and Skin (Western Clinical/ Ayurveda/T.C.M.)
  15. Breast Health and Wellness Screening (Thermal Imaging/ FLIR Imaging)
  16. Blood Pressure/ Endocrine Function
  17. Trace Mineral Deficiency (Taste Test and E.D.S.)
  18. EKG/ ECG
  19. Quality of Life Inventory
  20. EAV/ EDS (Electro-Dermal Meridian Screening: Voll/ McWilliams)
  21. Traditional Ayurvedic Pulse Analysis
  22. Oxygen Uptake/ Vascular Perfusion Index
  23. Spirometer (Pulmonary function Index)
  24. Applied Kinesiology/ Muscle Testing as appropriate for specified issues.
  25. Direct Observation and Intake Intake Interview

A professional clinician and communicant will determine the actual list of applied examinations and lab tests at the time of service.

Cost: $200.00 for all listed tests. It may be discounted or free when combined with other services.

Native American Indigenous ChurchPriory of Saving Grace

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