Ayurveda and Thai Yoga, Religious Therapeutics Theory and Practice

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Ayurveda and Thai Yoga Religious Therapeutics Theory and Practice









Ayurveda and Thai Yoga, Religious Therapeutics Theory and Practice

By Dr. Anthony B. James DNM(C), ND(T), MD(AM), DOM(C), DPHC(h.c.), PhD, M.Sc., RAAP, SMOKH

Ayurveda, Indigenous Traditional Thai Medicine and Yoga Therapy is strongly based on Classical Indian Ayurveda. The Indigenous medicine systems of India (Ayurveda, Yoga) have been practiced in one form or another in the land we call Thailand longer than the land has been called Thailand.

Ayurveda of Thailand and Thai Yoga originated in the pre-Thai dawn of the great Indian vassal kingdoms of the Khymer and Mon civilizations and in the Theraveda Buddhist medicine practices found within the orders of monks and nuns (the Sangha). The term “Ayurveda” combines the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge).

Ayurvedic medicine, originating in India, is one of the oldest systems of indigenous, traditional medicine in the world. Many Ayurvedic practices predate written records and were handed down by word of mouth. The ancient Thai people adopted these ancient traditions and over time adapted them to their way of life. Ayurveda of India, Khymer and Mon cultures became” Ayurveda of Thailand”!.

We now have practical means to be able to bring this medicine to our community. Life cycles out harmony with nature keep people from experiencing life in a full and productive way. These healing practices are seen as opportunities to learn a balanced way of living with nature. The nature that is outside of ourselves and the nature that is within. These remarkable teachings regarding restoration and maintenance of life have now been passed on to this generation. Thai Ayurveda/ ITTM/ Yoga Therapy incorporates elements of counseling,energy balancing, sacred nutrition and plant based diet, mindfulness, gentle rocking, deep stretching and rhythmic compression to create a singular healing experience. This work, as it brings fundamental elements and energy into harmony; creates wholeness of mind, body and spirit, in the client and the practitioner as well.

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  1. Ayurveda and Thai Yoga, Religious Therapeutics Theory and Practice (Paperback)
  2. Ayurveda and Thai Yoga, Religious Therapeutics Theory and Practice (Kindle ebook version)

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