Offering Indigenous Health Care & Wellness Screening Services “Rapid Checkups!”
Standard Clinic Donation for Full Wellness: Rapid Checkup!® Vitality Screening: $150.00 (By appointment only)
The Native American Indigenous Church “NAIC” proudly offers our Native Tribal Organization members a full spectrum of wellness screening assessments.
Obtain a wellness and health checkup within 30 to 45 minutes, and have your results sent instantly to your inbox. Find out your glucose, cholesterol, uric acid levels, pH balance, heart health (ECG), arterial health, liver and kidney function, and other parameters quickly.
Metabolic syndrome X today is epidemic. “Insulin resistance syndrome,” “American syndrome,” and “syndrome X” are synonyms for the term metabolic syndrome X. Diabetes means that your blood glucose (sugar) level is too high while your energy levels are low. Full-blown metabolic syndrome X also means you have high blood pressure, cholesterol, and abdominal obesity.
When you visit a doctor for a ‘checkup,’ it is foremost on his mind. The term “metabolic” refers to the biochemical processes involved in the body’s normal functioning. A syndrome is a set of medical signs and symptoms tested that are correlated with each other and often exist with a particular disease or disorder. Metabolic syndrome is the name for a group of risk factors that raise your risk for heart disease and other health problems, such as diabetes and stroke. Risk factors are traits, conditions, or lifestyle habits, like diet, that increase your chance of developing a disease. Our vital screening battery of tests measures those risk factors in less than 15 minutes and instantly sends the results to your inbox.
The risk for diabetes increases with age, making diabetes common in older adults. Most adults by age 60 are pre-diabetic, and over 25% are diabetic.
Point of Care“Rapid Checkups!” Wellness testing is well-established in the International Medical World. “P.O.C.T.” has become established worldwide[13] and finds vital roles in public health.[14] Many monographs in the Thai[15][16] and Indonesian[17] languages emphasize POCT as the expected standard of care in a disaster situation.
Potential operational benefits include more rapid decision-making and triage, reduced operating times, high dependency, postoperative care time, emergency room time, number of outpatient clinic visits, number of hospital beds required, ensuring optimal use of professional time and reduced antimicrobial medication.”
Please note N.A.I.C.: SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Ayurveda and Indigenous Traditional Medicine are not just ancient healing arts and sciences with deep roots in the past! Our practice is well established in these modern times. It is elegant, sophisticated, and evolving. One of the primary modern adaptations is current scientific analysis and wellness screening to support traditional native (aboriginal) medicine and healing practices.
Your Vitality Wellness Screening Assessments may include some or all of these tests.
Body Weight
Acid/ Akakaline Ball=ance: Bodily energy production depends upon stabilized ionic fluids with potassium, calcium, and magnesium salts from fresh fruits and vegetables. Find out if you’re eating enough!
Blood pressure (Sitting/Standing)
Pulse Rate (bpm)
SMART PULSE™: Rapid arterial health scan with nervous stress parameters
Vascular Perfusion (capillary refill)
Autonomic Nerve (ANS) Balance
Arterial Health Analysis
Nerve Stress Score (Balance)
ECG (Electrocardiogram) Heart Health
Red Ball Test
Uric Acid Males/Females
Blood Glucose
Uric Acid
Blood Hemoglobin
Urine Analysis (10 parameters for kidney health and body metabolism)
All reports performed are sent to your email for your private records and review. Further consultations and traditionally based wellness and healing protocols may be recommended or performed.
Additional Traditional Ayurveda Differential Assessments may be performed…
Constitution Chart Questionaire
Dosha Assessment by Direct Observation (Prakruti)
Nadi Vignyam (Ayurveda Pulse Analysis)
Ayurveda Tongue Analysis
Ayurveda Skin Test
SomaVeda® Ayurveda Triangle Assessment (Vikruti)
Ayurveda Elemental Assessment
Ayurveda Chakra Assessment
Ayurveda Sen, Prana Nadi Assessment
Ayurveda Marma (Thai Lom) Energy Line Assessment
What is Vitality?
Vitalology™ is the subject of study; a branch of knowledge, assessment, and practice of cultivating the state of being strong, active, and energetic by building vitality and health through specific wellness, lifestyle, nutrition, diet, energetics, and educational/informational programs. Vitalology™ is a wellness art and lifestyle for the 21st century.
Vitalology™ is the assessment and practice of cultivating the state of being strong, active, and energetic by building vitality and wellness through specific waters, lifestyle, nutrition, diet, energetics, sunlight, and educational/informational programs. Vitalology™ is a wellness art and lifestyle for the 21st century. It is not ‘medicine’ as defined as the diagnosis and treatment of a disease.
Our three vital nutrients are Sunlight, Oxygen, and Water. Food is the stored energy that makes life function and allows our bodies to work and think!
Any imbalance or deficiency of sunlight, air, water, and food will weaken the body and, in time, perish. The fundamental of our philosophy we call vitalology™.
Vitalists subscribe to the use of health-building foods, herbs, minerals, waters, flowers, seeds, barks, roots, and essential oils in their natural state, sunshine, fresh air, bathing, as well as exercise, meditation, sunbathing, prayer, dance, chirothesia, and other vitalistic arts.
All Services performed and consultations are private under NAIC Membership RPG exclusively. No services are offered to the public.
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